Work Relationships: How Workplace Relationships Impact Mental Health
Your working community can shape many aspects of daily life, changing the workplace atmosphere and your individual experience. You may also foster friendships that go beyond workplace relationships, impacting your personal life. Below, explores the impact of workplace relationships on mental health, job satisfaction, and the work environment. In addition, find out how to foster workplace relationships with employers and other employees.
Employee relationships and the digital age
Working from home is common in the 2020s, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies arrange weekly video calls and conferences for employees to share progress, make strategic work plans, and connect. With the global scale of many companies, hybrid or in-person working individuals may also meet people over the internet through their roles.
Why work relationships between team members are important
Good working relationships can make day-to-day interactions more enjoyable and create a better workplace atmosphere for you to spend time. These small interactions and relationships can make a big difference, especially for individuals who spend a lot of time at work. According to researchers, taking a moment away from work to chat with a colleague or relax with a microbreak can enhance vigor and lower fatigue, boosting overall mental health.
Collaboration between team members
When relationships are formed in the workplace, they also have positive implications for productivity, collaboration, and teamwork. A study on board games indicates that friends communicate more effectively while playing the game since they have shared knowledge. They can clearly and concisely deliver messages to each other, which translates to the work environment. Additionally, non-verbal communication skills between colleagues can be helpful in meetings, important decisions, and especially negotiations.
Work environment morale
Several factors can contribute to the work environment, such as leadership style, work-life balance, level of diversity and inclusion, and overall culture. These areas can all impact work relationships and performance. For example, organizations can support an inclusive community by celebrating diversity, encouraging active listening, and recognizing achievements. Studies show that people are most empathetic to those they spend a lot of physical time with. For this reason, friends in the workplace may be more likely to offer each other genuine support and feedback.
Job satisfaction and work productivity
Relationships can make life more enriching and fulfilling, whether being on a friend's team during a basketball game, walking through the park with a family member, or cooking dinner with your partner. Relationships at work can enrich your life in the same way. Employees are more satisfied with their jobs if they have positive working relationships. When people are satisfied with their job, they are more likely to make meaningful contributions and work productively.
How to foster positive workplace relationships
Fostering workplace relationships can help employees build an effective working community and culture. In one study, students who reported negative workplace relationships (despite having positive connections) had worse mental health outcomes than those who only reported positive working relationships. Positive workplace relationships not only impact life at work but may also prevent people from experiencing mental health issues. Below, explore ways to foster positive workplace relationships.
Foster communication in your work environment
Communication can play a key role in the work environment. When people work together effectively, employee relationships are enhanced. In addition, employee relationships help people work together effectively, proving a mutual relationship between the two. Good communication at work increases employee morale, satisfaction, and effectiveness of work interventions. Therefore, communication enhances both workplace productivity and workplace relationships.
To foster workplace communication, both organizations and employees can practice the following:
- Actively listening to and considering fellow team members' and coworkers’ ideas and input
- Encouraging open and honest feedback to establish trust and transparency
- Setting clear expectations, such as deadlines, so that everyone is on the same page
- Arranging one-on-one meetings to check in with each other
- Recognizing achievements and uplifting each other when possible
Communication for stress relief and work relationships
Conflicts, disagreements, and drastic changes in the workplace can occur for many reasons, such as a change in management, high-pressure projects, or severe natural disasters that impact work. The stress and uncertainty caused by work challenges can strain work relationships. However, during challenging times, workplace communication may reduce psychological distress.
Build an inclusive culture
Building an inclusive culture can help employees know they are seen and valued at work. When people experience a sense of belonging, they may be more likely to develop positive working relationships, benefiting the entire organization. Below are ways both organizations and employees can build an inclusive environment:
- Organize team-building activities outside of the workplace for team members to bond
- Respect boundaries and recognize that people may need personal space on given days
- Resolve conflicts promptly and encourage open, honest communication
- Give everybody a voice and a platform to share their ideas and values
Being a dependable employee for workplace relationships
Being a dependable employee may reduce workplace tensions and conflict. Turning in your work on time, being receptive to feedback, arriving to work on time, and working hard to turn in high-quality work are all ways of being a valuable team member. If fellow management or employees don’t have to worry about your work, there may be more time to focus on your relationships.
Inclusivity and romantic relationships
An inclusive work environment can be conducive to positive interactions. While specific individuals may form close or even romantic relationships, team-building events can be open to all. Being open to getting to know everyone, regardless of differences, may encourage an inclusive work environment.
In workplace romance, both parties are often required to sign love contracts. These contracts may acknowledge that the relationship is voluntary and consensual. These individuals may be asked to refrain from giving or receiving special treatment. The workplace can benefit from being inclusive and ensuring equal opportunity for all.
Online therapy for work relations and job satisfaction
You may consider online therapy if you’re looking for other ways to enhance workplace relationships and job satisfaction. An online therapist can help clients identify and work through work-related stressors and improve communication skills, work-life balance, and other aspects of one’s work life. You can also attend sessions from the comfort of your office or home, making it a convenient option. With extra support options like journaling prompts, worksheets, and online group therapy, platforms like BetterHelp are often a comprehensive way to receive support, and you don’t have to have a mental health condition to sign up.
For years, in-person therapy has been used to enhance health and well-being both at home and at work. Today, online therapy has proven equally effective. Research shows that for workers, online psychotherapy reduces the risk of burnout. Online therapy can also be used to treat various mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, this option can be a valuable resource to enhance mental health, job satisfaction, and work relationships.
Communication also plays a role in building this culture. Fostering open, honest communication between team members can help employees experience a sense of belonging at work. Online workers dialing in from home or the lead employee at an international conference may also benefit from these changes. If you want to enhance your mental health, job satisfaction, and working relationships, consider contacting a career counselor online or in your area.
What are the four types of work relationships?
The four types of relationships that exist within a business include manager/direct report relationships, peer/colleague relationships, mentor/mentee relationships, and professional acquaintances. People may also form relationships with coworkers or supervisors that fall into other categories, such as romantic or platonic connections.
Do relationships at work last?
Work friendships and connections can last, though unique challenges may arise in these types of relationships due to responsibilities, professional dynamics, or scheduling. Many relationships with coworkers are experienced primarily during one’s shift, and moving a connection outside of work can have unique consequences, depending on the connection you have at work. For example, a supervisor who dates someone they are responsible for at work might be creating an unfair dynamic, and without signing a contract, claims about their behavior can cause termination to occur for either one or both of the individuals in the relationship. Whether a working relationship succeeds may depend on the dynamics, ethics, and ability of the two people to communicate and maintain respect.
How do you know if a coworker is your friend?
A coworker might be your friend if you have many positive conversations with each other, protect each other at work, and make plans outside of work to hang out. If you’re worried your connection with this person will fail to reach the “friendship” category, make a point to ask them outside of your shift if they want to be friends. They might respond with, “We already are!”
How do you classify work relationships?
Work relationships are often classified based on your level of professionalism and formality with someone. For example, employees treat their managers respectfully and avoid overly personal conversations that could cross boundaries. Managers may do the same, offering a formal approach to management that involves respectful but professional speech to those they manage.
Coworkers may have less formal relationships with each other, primarily if they work on the same level in the company. Friendships can form at all levels of the company. However, some companies have strict policies on the types of relationships coworkers can have with each other and management to maintain professionalism and the brand reputation.
What are examples of good working relationships?
People with good working relationships practice active listening, direct communication, and professionalism. In addition, these individuals may value teamwork and make efforts to include others in projects and ensure everyone is heard. Positive management can look like listening to the input of employees and taking steps to create a positive work environment where employees are respected and given chances to take breaks and show their personalities. Showing appreciation can also be a positive skill for work environments.
What is an inappropriate work relationship?
An inappropriate work relationship may have the following aspects:
- A secret relationship between an employee and a manager
- Disrespect, aggression, and passive-aggression
- A lack of direct communication
- Frequent public displays of affection (PDA) in front of customers, clients, or other workers
- Favoritism
- Power imbalances
- Breaches of classified information or other policies
- Hostility toward a certain person or team
- Cliques
- Bullying toward other employees
- Hiring someone for a promotion due to a friendship or romantic relationship
What are the four attributes of an effective working relationship?
Below are four aspects to look for in an effective working relationship:
- Active listening and direct, respectful communication
- Mutual respect
- Empathy
- Professionalism
What is considered toxic workplace behavior?
Toxic workplace behavior can look like inappropriate relationships, favoritism, bullying, and not following workplace policies. In addition, breaching boundaries frequently can be unhealthy for a workplace environment. Management can also be unhealthy, treating employees without respect or pushing them too hard, leading to burnout and stress at work.
What does a toxic employee look like?
Toxic work environments may cause employees to be burned out, stressed, and resentful. Employees may come to work late, avoid doing a good job, or argue with management. There may also be a lack of trust between employees and employers. Cliques may also form, where certain employees gang up against others, causing a shift in teamwork dynamics. When a workplace is toxic, retention rates may also be higher.
How do you say you have a good working relationship?
You may know you have a good working relationship if you feel happy at work with your teammates and management and can express yourself openly and get your professional needs met. A good working relationship may also involve mutual respect and empathy between employees.
How do you know if your boss is unhappy with you?
Your boss might be unhappy with your performance if they frequently give you negative notes on your performance, schedule you for fewer shifts, reprimand you, or ask you to make many changes in your work. If you’re worried about your relationship with your boss, consider scheduling a meeting to discuss performance. In this meeting, ask them how you can improve your performance and establish a professional and respectful relationship with management. If you’ve made mistakes, apologize sincerely and show a desire to make changes.
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