Welcome To Happiness: How To Feel Happier, According To Experts

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated February 12th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

True, lasting happiness can seem elusive to many, and "happiness" as a state of being is often debatable or can hold different meanings to different people. However, for many people, happiness means achieving success, increasing moments of joy, and feeling content with life. To welcome yourself to a state of happiness, it may be worth investigating what happiness means to you.

Want to discover what happiness means to you?

What is happiness?

Happiness can have different meanings for different individuals. However, according to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word happiness dates from the 15th century and refers to three aspects of human experience:

  • Good fortune, prosperity
  • A state of well-being and contentment; joy
  • A pleasurable or satisfying experience

In psychological terms, happiness refers to the emotion of joy, and studies show that it is a temporary emotion, not a state of being. 

A study suggests that happiness is not a state that finds you. It can be a quality or emotion you cultivate through your mindset and experiences. Many individuals forge ahead each day through the ups and downs of life, sometimes looking for momentary gratification that brings relief from stressors. Emotions like fear, boredom, sadness, and stress can often occur but also oppose happiness. It can be challenging to increase the moments of joy in your day if you're experiencing many unwanted emotions or experiences.

Before you discover how to increase the moments of happiness you experience, it may be helpful to define happiness for yourself. You might discover that cultivating happiness doesn't necessarily require productivity, success, or money. You may also realize that all emotions have a message or reason for occurring. 

Happiness research and scholarly opinions

Researchers and scholars interchange "happiness " with "subjective well-being." Below are a few studies on happiness. 

Two components of happiness

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside, happiness has two components. This positive psychology researcher explains in a presentation:

"First, (happiness) involves an experience of positive emotions, such as joy, contentment, affection, and love. Happier people have more positive emotions and less frequent negative emotions. But that's not enough. You can imagine experiencing positive emotions yet not be a happy person. This consideration brings us to the second component, which is having a sense of satisfaction with your life, being content with how you are progressing towards your life goals." 

However, reaching your goals is not a shield against life's potential challenges, according to Lyubomirsky. For example, she relates her experience when her kids were babies: "I felt high in the satisfaction component [of my life], and all my goals were satisfied, but I was experiencing many negative emotions too. So, it's like you're not truly happy (when you reach your goals)."

She notes that the cultural differences in what makes people happy are also interesting. In a detailed study, Lyubomirsky compared what Russians think happiness is to Americans' idea of happiness. She found that Americans see happiness and its attainment in more concrete terms, which include family, money, success, having fun, or attainable items. 

The Russian cohort, however, had a much more spiritual slant to the happiness issue, and they listed spiritual salvation, a world of peace, and a world of beauty. They also used a Russian word that roughly means " mutual understanding among people" to define a sense of happiness further.


The way you see the world determines your happiness

Another American happiness researcher, author, and positive psychology advocate, Shawn Achor, defines happiness as "the joy we feel striving for our potential."

In an interview with Forbes Magazine, he explained how his interest in the subject of human happiness and how to cultivate it came about. He studied happiness first in a divinity school and later through the study of psychology. 

In his words: "I became fascinated by Christian and Buddhist ethics; Specifically, [it was] how the way you view the world changes your actions in it… Before someone changes their happiness, health, or success, they first construct a picture of the world. I argue that your mental reality predicts your ability to create positive change." He states that research shows that where you put your attention becomes your reality. 

According to Achor, optimism and hope precede happiness. You may be able to train your mind to include facts to focus your thoughts on happiness. For example, you might hear the quote that a "pessimist sees a glass as half empty, whereas an optimist sees it as half full." Achor feels that this quote doesn't explain the whole picture. 

He states, "You could include the pitcher of water standing next to the glass. It doesn't matter if the glass is empty if, in reality, you could fill it." He also elaborates on why it is essential to cultivate a better mindset for a better life experience. He states, "Based on this research, the best way to change your reality is to realize that there are multiple realities from which you could choose. I could focus on the one failure before me or spend my brain's resources processing the two new doors of opportunity. One reality leads to paralysis, the other to positive change."

Critics of Achor's thinking may wonder how this applies to challenging situations out of one's control. Achor concedes that happiness is easy during positive moments but may be more challenging during negative ones. His remedy for this negative-focus habit is to "cancel the noise of your life." He defines life's "noise" as any external or internal information distracting you from making positive changes. 

For example, you might lean toward pessimism if you commonly receive an overload of negative news, including what can be found on social media, blogs, newspapers, or TV. A remedy might be not engaging with social media for a few days or limiting your exposure to distressing news while staying informed. Positive news outlets and resources may be more beneficial. 

In personal experiences that may be out of your control, Achor recommends rewiring your brain and changing your mindset. According to Achor, no matter what your environment or upbringing, making conscious positive changes to your mindset and habits may be a positive change. 

He cites research that conclusively shows how making minute changes in your habits each day can enormously affect your resilience and inner fortitude. He says, "Even two minutes of a positive habit, such as writing a positive email to someone in your social support group or meditating, can rewire your brain and change your baseline. Your brain will eventually return you to your baseline after a victory or trauma unless you choose to be more than your genes."

If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.

Achor says that happiness is not the belief that everything is fine but that positive change is possible. Minor mental victories may grow to become a "cascade of success based on positive changes." Achor points out that, according to research, you will have 23% more mental energy while in a stressful situation if your mindset is positive. You may also have 31% higher productivity, be 40% more likely to get a promotion, and, in the long run, experience improved longevity. He states, "The greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy is a positive and engaged brain."

Finding happiness with counseling 

At times, happiness or success may seem as unattainable as a luxury condo on the moon when disaster or misfortune strikes. Feeling happy each day can be challenging in these circumstances. In addition, many people live with mental illnesses that cause long-term sadness or emotional difficulty, including depressive disorders or anxiety. Cultivating a positive mindset can take time, effort, and support. One way to receive support is through therapy, and many clients enjoy the convenience and cost-effectiveness of online therapy. 

Working with a licensed therapist online through a platform like BetterHelp may allow you a chance to work through your version of happiness and find ways to maintain it in the long term. Online therapy is often more convenient than in-person options and can make it easier to connect with your therapist, whether it be through a video call, voice message, or live chat session. 

If you're living with persistent feelings of sadness and confusion or want to bring more light into your life, online therapy could benefit you. A recent review of 17 studies found that online therapy may be more effective than in-person therapy for treating symptoms of depression. Taking charge of your life through changes like these may help you achieve lasting and fulfilling happiness. 

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
Want to discover what happiness means to you?


Happiness is often cultivated through separate moments of joy. Finding what happiness means to you and incorporating it into your life can be tricky. However, with the help of a mental health professional, you may begin making changes. Consider reaching out to a therapist to learn more about happiness, mental health, and lifestyle changes to get started.
Find your happiness with professional support
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