How To Be Less Clingy: Overcome Clinginess
When you look only to others, and not within, to meet your emotional needs, you may find that you’ve given away your sense of control over your life. Perhaps you often feel like others hold the key to your safety, satisfaction, or overall happiness.
You may feel that you’ve become clingy or dependent, experiencing panic or upset when you’re away from the person you rely on. Or you might feel sad or conflicted because another person's mood, thoughts, or behavior affects you more than you’d like. Whatever the case, situations like this may make it challenging to consider your feelings independent of theirs.
If you often feel like others determine whether you feel content, happy, or safe, know that you don’t have to continue living this way. It can be challenging, but prioritizing your opinion of yourself (rather than others’ opinion of you) can bring you one step closer to feeling in control and independent.
Finding greater contentment within yourself can be one way to learn how to stop being needy. This approach may help you feel less dependent on others for your happiness. You may feel less at the whim of others and find your relationships improve because of it.
Remember that you know yourself best
No one else knows you the way you know yourself. Relying on someone else to fulfill your needs often leads to feelings of discontentment or disappointment. It could also put undue strain on your relationship with that person.
If you feel that perhaps you don't know yourself as well as you should, there are some things you can do to improve this situation. Getting to know yourself may require time alone with your thoughts and feelings. For some people, a counselor can also guide them to discover and recognize who they are and treat themselves with compassion and understanding. Often, this can lead them to the next step of learning what truly makes them feel fulfilled and safe in the long run.
If you feel like you don’t know who you are, it’s not a reason to panic. Who we are can change constantly, whether or not we are aware of it. A therapist might be able to help you explore the reasons you feel this way and provide tools to help you get better connected with yourself.
Realize that happiness comes from within
You can claim your fulfillment and sense of peace for yourself, no matter how others treat you. This doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else can’t be a source of your happiness. Knowing that your sense of worth and purpose comes from within can give you the power to feel whole, even when something or someone else isn’t perfect. Your significant other, friends, and family can potentially enrich your life more when you become more self-reliant and independent.
Self-care: Better you, better relationships
Sometimes, this concept is referred to as self-care. When you take the time to learn how to be good to yourself, you can practice self-care effectively. Self-care may also teach you how you want to be treated by others and improve your relationships.
Take chances
If you feel or have been told you’re “clingy,” it can often feel scary to take risks, big or small. You may feel unsure if they will be difficult or harmful or if the person you love and look toward will disapprove. You may find yourself sticking to a routine out of fear or uncertainty about your ability to cope with new experiences.
As a child, maybe you often hung onto your parent or were hesitant about new spaces or people. As an adult, you may still feel that impulse to run to the person who has been a comfort to you in the past. To change this behavioral pattern, consider this suggestion: When you find yourself needing or wanting comfort or reassurance from someone else, think of what you can do to provide it for yourself. Perhaps you can fulfill your own needs and desires.
Empowering self-reliance
Relying on yourself by taking action to meet your needs can be uncomfortable if you aren't used to it or don’t like doing things alone. By encouraging yourself to explore and test your limits in safe circumstances, you may find that you can take responsibility for yourself. That sense of responsibility may return control to you and bring great emotional rewards. You might soon find yourself feeling stronger and more capable in other areas of your life as well.
Examine past relationships
It’s common to develop unhealthy interpersonal relationship patterns based on past relationships. Think back on those significant connections in your life and their positive and negative impact. Perhaps someone said you aren’t good enough or encouraged you to put their needs above yours. Or maybe you’re used to people telling you what to do.
It can be helpful to examine your past’s effects on your present. Your understanding of who you are and the choices you’ve made can serve to make you feel more in control.
Learn how to enjoy time alone without clinginess
Learning how to enjoy your own company can be a lovely thing. If this makes you uncomfortable, consider that you don’t have to go out in public immediately to spend time with yourself. For example, you can read, journal, cook, or exercise at home. Alternatively, you might consider making a date with yourself to go to a movie, read in a park, go hiking, have a shopping trip, or do something else you enjoy. The more you tune into yourself, the more comfortable you may feel in your own company. The idea here is that you’ll earn your approval instead of someone else’s. This newfound comfort will help you enjoy time alone without feeling dependent on others for happiness.
Speak up
Consider that you don't have to be the one who goes along with every plan. Voicing your opinion should not upset your friends, family, or partner. If it does, mutual respect may be a deeper issue to discuss with them. It may feel like going along with other people’s opinions makes you likable, but contributing your thoughts and interests is often beneficial. Supportive friends, family, and partners can enjoy who you are and welcome your voice.
Speaking up can also look like suggesting an activity or plan with someone instead of waiting for the other person to make a suggestion.
Affirm yourself to combat clinginess
You possess strengths, good qualities, and abilities. You don't have to wait for another person to tell you that. Instead, you can remind yourself of this regularly.
It could be helpful to recognize the things you genuinely like about yourself, no matter how simple, and take time to appreciate them. You may have a talent or skill you want to focus more on. In practicing this type of affirmation regularly, you may start to feel less reliant on others’ assessment of your worth. As a result, other people’s opinions may negatively affect your emotions less and less.
It can feel tricky when it comes to developing a true sense of self. For example, social media can make it challenging to do things just because you like them instead of doing what will earn approval from others. However, by being more and more yourself, you may attract people you genuinely relate to because they connect to the real you.
Help with learning how to be less “clingy”
If you feel your reliance on someone else is new, finding out what caused this change may be helpful. It could be that you have been in a relationship with someone who has affected your behavior, or you could have been through something else that has made it more comfortable to take your cues from others.
You may have a tough time coming to terms with what has happened and making your way back to your independent self. However, long-term or even lifetime overreliance on others is possible to overcome. A professional therapist can assist you in this journey to your independent self. They can help you discover the strong person you are and enable you to move more quickly towards that goal.
Suppose you’ve been told you’re too clingy or feel like you’ve become overly reliant on another person. In that case, discussing this situation with a stranger may be difficult, especially in a clinical environment like a therapist’s office. You may be embarrassed or ashamed of these feelings. Online therapy can make talking about your emotions and personal life easier because you’ll be in the comfort of your home. Online therapy is an easy-to-use option that’s available when you need it. You won’t have to wait months for your local therapist’s office to take new patients.
Online therapy: Real user experiences
Online therapy is also an effective tool. Research has shown that online therapy is just as helpful for users as in-person therapy. In one study, online therapy led to significant symptom reduction in clients with anxiety and depression, as well as improved quality of life. Participants also rated the intervention more cost-effective.
What is a clingy person?
A clingy person is someone who constantly seeks attention and emotional support, often to the point where it can become overwhelming for others. This behavior might include excessive contact, always wanting to stay close, and needing reassurance frequently. In a romantic relationship, a person may seem overly dependent, which may at times interfere with the other person's need for more personal space.
What are clingy relationships?
When the adjective “clingy” describes relationships, it often involves one or both partners needing constant contact and reassurance. They often represent a form of emotional dependency where the sense of individuality may be compromised. In healthy relationships, there is usually a healthy balance between the needs of individual partners and the relationship.
Does clingy mean love?
When it comes to both women and men, the word clingy doesn’t necessarily equate to love. While it may involve a strong desire for emotional closeness, it is generally considered to be an imbalanced way of seeking attention and could potentially cost the health of the relationship.
Does clingy mean touchy?
Being clingy does not have the same meaning as being touchy. The word “touchy” typically refers to someone who is sensitive or takes offense easily or someone who physically touches people around them often. Clingy refers to a need for constant attention and emotional assurance. Those who are considered clingy may have an anxious attachment style stemming from deep-seated patterns of behavior learned early in life. A person whose attachment system was affected by early life experiences may have difficulty trusting a loved one. They may also struggle with self-esteem issues and fostering a healthy sense of self-worth independent of a relationship.
Is being clingy toxic?
Being clingy can become toxic if it leads to a lack of individual freedom or overwhelms the other person with constant demands for attention and emotional support. It may appear as a soft dependence at first but can escalate to more demanding and possessive behavior if left unchecked.
Is being clingy a red flag?
Clinginess can be considered a red flag if it leads to controlling behavior, stifles individual growth, or imposes an emotional cost on the partner. Other examples of red flags may include a person who doesn't like to hear that you may need more personal space or becomes jealous when you spend time with friends. These behaviors may represent deeper issues that need to be addressed.
How does someone act clingy?
Examples of someone acting clingy could include a partner who is constantly texting, always wanting to be close, or needing frequent reassuring words. Another common example is the dynamic between a clingy child and their parents.
Is a clingy person good?
Controlling and clingy behaviors may seem similar, but they are different. For example, a controlling person may display obsessive behavior by stalking the activity on your phone. Controlling behavior is more about power and dictating what another person can or cannot do while being clingy generally revolves around a need for constant emotional support. A clingy partner may be described as emotionally dependent on partners to fulfill their personal needs. While it may seem that a constant need for attention and connection may be controlling, controlling behavior tends to be more about power. For example, one sign of controlling behavior may be isolating you from your friends or getting angry when you do. If you are dealing with controlling behavior, it's beneficial to set boundaries and ensure that he respects your limits.
Is he controlling or clingy?
Controlling and clingy behaviors may seem similar, but they are different. Controlling behavior is more about power and dictating what another person can or cannot do while being clingy generally revolves around a need for constant emotional support.
Am I clingy or needy?
If you find yourself constantly seeking attention and contact, you might be clingy. However, being needy often encompasses a broader range of behaviors and isn’t limited to emotional dependency; it may include financial or practical dependence as well.
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