How To Not Be Socially Awkward: Is It Possible?
Many people feel anxious when faced with social situations, leading to stumbling over words, feeling flushed, or avoiding interactions altogether. Typically, those of us with social anxiety may be aware that our anxieties are irrational, but can't seem to shake the overhanging feelings and thoughts.
An individual may not realize the major impact that social anxiety may be having on the different areas of their life, as it can manifest itself in some sneaky and unexpected ways. Social anxiety is a legitimate ailment-change word to condition leading one to experience irrational anxiety and fear stemming irrationally from worries of being judged by others as inadequate.
What is social anxiety?
Someone who experiences this kind of anxiety may manifest symptoms like excessive sweating, trembling, muscle twitches, and a racing heart, among other signs of physiological arousal. It isn't unusual for individuals with unaddressed social anxiety to have few or no social or romantic relationships.
The anxiety associated with this affliction can significantly interfere with one's daily routine, performance at work or school, and other major areas of life. It often originates in childhood, with anxious children exhibiting behaviors like excessive clinging to caregivers or tantrums when in new and unfamiliar surroundings.
The effects of social anxiety
Overwhelming fears of being the center of attention, accidentally offending someone, being embarrassed, or subject to judgment are common with this condition. Such intense fears can make a living comfortably more difficult.
If you have social anxiety, you may have trouble advancing in your career because of an inability to speak publicly. You may shy away from that steady relationship you secretly long for because of a fear of dating, or you may avoid going to a new restaurant because you may not want to eat in public.
People with social anxiety may also feel depressed or have low self-esteem. They may even experience strongly negative or suicidal thoughts that can do major harm if left untreated.
Getting mental health treatment to be less socially awkward and uncomfortable
When addressing social anxiety, professionals have successfully used cognitive behavioral therapy to give an individual back their sense of confidence and control. This kind of therapy acts to permanently change neural pathways through directed attention and exercise, effectively introducing healthy behaviors or thoughts in place of maladaptive ones.
For many, especially those with social anxiety, taking the first step in seeking care can be a limiting factor. It can be hard to recognize or admit that you have a problem in the first place, and even if you do, care may be cost-prohibitive or cause further anxiety due to the new and unfamiliar situation.
People with social anxiety may benefit from a combination of therapy and medications. Meeting with a professional can help you to identify some of your maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. A therapist may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy or psychiatric evaluation to determine medication options. If you meet with a psychiatrist, they may suggest antidepressants called SSRIs. You may recognize some of the more common SSRIs: Prozac, Paxil, or Zoloft. SNRIs are also antidepressants; you may recognize the names of Cymbalta or Effexor.
Many treatments can help with social anxiety disorder or even social awkwardness. If you're at the point where you are avoiding social contact or social situations because of overwhelming fears and your normal function is inhibited, it may be time to get help.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for better mental health
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a combination of traditional talk therapy and behavioral therapy. A CBT therapist will help you to identify negative thoughts and increase awareness regarding how that negative thinking is impacting your emotions and behaviors in social situations. Your social anxiety may have patterns of negative thinking and beliefs that are difficult to pinpoint without this outside help.
Together, you and your therapist will examine anxiety-producing situations to identify environmental factors, people, or stressors that prompt self-doubt and fear. When you begin to understand the emotions and beliefs that are connected to your social awkwardness, you can better identify and challenge your own negative thoughts through self-talk. This emotional assessment and learned skills allow you to better respond to triggering social situations outside of the therapy room.
CBT may or may not involve the use of a journal or behavioral chart. The benefit of keeping a journal is to record situations that come up in the real world that have influenced you to respond avoidantly or fearfully. Writing in your journal can help you exercise the use of positive self-talk and help you further create connections between emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in between therapy sessions.
You and your therapist may focus on building confidence and self-esteem that you can use in the real world. In traditional talk therapy, you may discuss the past with your therapist to identify any origins of negative thoughts that may be present. Role-playing between therapist and client can help identify and address situational fears surrounding social situations. You and your therapist can role-play introductions and navigating social situations with strangers. Social anxiety, much like traditional anxiety, can respond well to regular exercise, sufficient sleep, or even limiting alcohol and caffeine.
Benefits of online therapy for mental health
Sometimes, it can be difficult to fit in-person therapy into your schedule. Online therapy, such as that provided by BetterHelp, can be much more convenient. As long as you have an internet connection and an electronic device such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can connect with a therapist at any time of day.
Online therapy for managing social anxiety and social awkwardness
Online therapy has been proven effective for working on many issues, including social anxiety. When you can relax in your own home, it may be much easier to work through the reasons for your social anxiety and develop skills for dealing with it.
Read more below for answers to questions commonly asked about being socially awkward.
What makes a person socially awkward?
Several things can make a person socially awkward, but one of the most common may be social anxiety disorder. However, social awkwardness is not a mental health concern in itself, and it may not necessarily be a bad thing. While it can be distressing to fumble over words or have difficulty initiating or maintaining small talk, awkwardness can indicate one may find it easier to delve into deeper conversations and have a more unique perspective. It may also be helpful to remember that most people experience socially awkward situations, and that social skills can be learned through practice. While feeling awkward in social settings can manifest in different ways, many tips can help a person navigate social situations with more ease. However, someone who regularly experiences an intense fear of being judged or negatively perceived may have an anxiety condition, such as social anxiety disorder.
Social anxiety affects about 7% of Americans, causing symptoms like excessive sweating, racing heart rate, trembling, trouble making eye contact, and muscle twitches. People who feel intense anxiety may have a difficult time performing in social settings like work or school and attending social events, and they may shy away from relationships with other people due to poor social skills or feeling socially awkward and less attuned to social norms. All of these factors may make someone perceive themselves as socially awkward.
How do I stop being awkward in a conversation?
If you feel awkward during conversations, you can try a few things to get through it. First, you may try to find humor in situations. For example, you may attempt to lighten the mood by telling a joke. If you’re trying to keep the conversation flowing to avoid an awkward silence, try asking a question or changing the topic. Another way to feel more comfortable in conversations is to work with a therapist to learn more about social anxiety and how to overcome awkwardness.
The following tips may help boost your confidence and help you prepare for social gatherings:
- Practice conversation and communication skills with someone you trust and feel comfortable with, such as a friend or mental health professional. You may also take a class that teaches social skills. Communication skills may involve learning new social skills, such as sensing an appropriate time to interject or avoid interrupting someone in conversation, aiming to read body language, such as facial expressions, and tolerating pauses in conversation. These skills may be helpful in various settings.
- Aim to be intentional with your body language, such as maintaining eye contact, keeping a relaxed posture, and speaking in a friendly, calm tone.
- Observe other people in conversation and try to guess what their body language is indicating.
- Consider practicing mindfulness to become more aware of the present moment. Mindfulness may allow you to stay present and pay more attention to your environment, enabling you to become more attuned to social norms.
- Practice self-compassion and aim to recognize that a perceived mistake does not mean failure as an individual.
- Ask open-ended questions and aim to listen closely to the answers.
- Consider joining a group of people with whom you share a common interest, such as a book club or photography group. The interest you share with others may lead to conversations that are focused on a topic or matter you care about.
- Consider joining a support group.
How do I stop social awkwardness and anxiety?
Managing social awkwardness on your own may be challenging, but working with a therapist can help. A therapist can help you identify negative thoughts and increase awareness of how those thoughts affect your everyday life and behavior, including in social situations.
If your symptoms are severe or if you feel that you need more help, talk to your doctor or a psychiatrist about medication. Some antidepressants can be used to treat symptoms of social anxiety.
Can you grow out of social awkwardness?
In some cases, yes. While people diagnosed with social anxiety may need to work with a therapist to overcome their discomfort and awkwardness, not everyone who is socially awkward has social anxiety disorder. Some people may be more self-conscious or need more personal space when they are young, which may lead to them feeling awkward in some situations. These people may become more confident as they age and attain more life experiences, making them feel more comfortable around others.
Why am I feeling social awkwardness when I talk?
Some people may be awkward when they talk because they have social anxiety, while others may be dealing with low self-esteem or self-consciousness. If you’re unsure why you have awkward moments in conversations, talking to a therapist can help you determine what is behind your awkwardness and learn how to cope.
Why do I lack social skills?
Having social anxiety disorder can seem like you lack social skills because the physical and mental systems can get the best of you. With effective treatment, you may find that you have a good foundation of social skills to draw from; for example, you might be quite capable of reading other people’s body language or picking up on social cues. A lack of social skills can result from things other than social anxiety, too. You might lack social skills in your social life if you had limited exposure to your peers or negative interactions when you were a child, such as experiences of being bullied or excluded.
Why am I so awkward around everyone?
If you are awkward around people frequently, you may be experiencing signs of social anxiety disorder, low self-esteem, or self-consciousness. Common signs of social anxiety disorder include:
- An intense fear of being scrutinized or judged by others that persists in various situations, including work, school, meeting new people, dating, having a personal interview, and daily activities. For example, a person with social anxiety disorder may fear saying the wrong thing and being disliked or considered unintelligent.
- Experiencing physical symptoms, such as sweating, a rapid heartbeat, and blushing.
- Feeling self-conscious and anticipating others will judge them negatively for doing things like eating in public.
- Avoiding places and people out of fear of being judged, watched, or scrutinized.
- Speaking in a soft voice.
- Finding it challenging to maintain eye contact.
Why is small talk so awkward?
Small talk is awkward because it often occurs among people who don’t know each other well. Some socially awkward people may worry that they will run out of things to say, while others may feel more comfortable in conversations once they know someone’s likes and dislikes.
How do I get rid of awkward silence and awkward body language?
If you’re faced with an awkward silence in a conversation or other social situation, you can try a few things to keep the conversation going. For example, you can crack a joke to try to lighten the mood, ask appropriate questions to keep the conversation going, or change the subject altogether.
Why am I so socially awkward and uncomfortable?
If you feel uncomfortable or socially awkward, there may be many reasons behind it. Some of them include social anxiety disorder, low self-esteem, self-consciousness, or a lack of appropriate social interactions as a child. Talking to a therapist can help you work through these things, improve your social skills, and overcome social awkwardness.
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