How To Be A Good Parent
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Being a parent can come with a number of challenges and ensuring that you are doing the best job possible is often stressful. While many people strive to be “good parents,” there may not be a single way to define what makes a parent good or bad. However, certain parenting styles can be more effective than others, especially those that focus on positive communication, clear guidance, and a sense of respect. A licensed therapist can help you hone your parenting skills with in-person or online sessions.
The four parenting styles
Your parenting style can be defined by how you behave toward and around your child, as well as the developmental environment you create. While the approach you use may not fall into a particular category, psychological researchers believe there are generally four primary parenting styles: authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritative. Each of these styles tends to be associated with its own set of behaviors. In addition, each style can have varying potential effects on well-being and child development.
Authoritarian parents are often strict, set unreasonable expectations, and establish restrictive rules with harsh consequences. These parents may not be patient or empathetic with their children, and most communication tends to be one-way.
The children of authoritarian parents may appear well-behaved, but later in life, they may display higher levels of aggression, social ineptitude, and an inability to make their own decisions. Left unaddressed, these challenges can contribute to anger management issues, poor self-esteem, and a rebellious attitude toward authority figures.
The permissive parenting style can be characterized by a lack of structure and a relationship that displays the traits of a friendship, rather than those of a traditional parent-child relationship. Permissive parents may fail to create or enforce rules, hold low expectations for a child’s behavior, and overindulge their desires.
As a result, children of permissive parents may have low levels of persistence and dedication, potentially making it difficult for them to achieve in the face of adversity. In some cases, they may also be more prone to sources of instant gratification, such as substance use. Children of permissive parents may struggle with life management and emotional stability, which could cause problems in their personal and professional lives as adults.
Sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, an uninvolved parent often fails to supervise their children or meet even their most basic needs. These parents typically won’t show their children love and affection, refuse to communicate with them, and do little to encourage their passions or interests.
Children with uninvolved parents may have trouble controlling their emotions and coping with certain challenges, including those that relate to school and work. They may also have difficulty maintaining social relationships as they age, which could affect everything from their romantic partnerships to their relationships with their own children.
Research suggests that the authoritative parenting style may result in the most favorable development outcomes, meaning it could be considered by some to be the “best” approach to parenting. Authoritative parents often establish reasonable rules and enforce consequences while remaining nurturing and supportive. They usually encourage their children's passions and listen to their opinions, having discussions when they believe their child is misguided.
Children of authoritative parents may have a stronger ability to control their emotions while also maintaining a sense of responsibility for their actions. In addition, they can grow up to be confident and have a high level of academic and career achievement.
Of the four styles identified, authoritative parenting may be the most beneficial to emulate to ensure the most favorable outcomes for your children. If you are looking to be a more effective parent, you may consider looking into ways to match this style and introducing elements of authoritative parenting into your household.
How to be a good parent in 3 methods
Again, what one defines as a “good” or “better” parent may vary. With research suggesting that authoritative parents may raise children with better developmental outcomes, understanding this style and utilizing authoritative techniques may be beneficial. To start, it may be helpful to look at the boundaries you establish for your children's behavior and how you react when your children cross those boundaries.
Establish rules and consequences for your child
Authoritative parents may set clear boundaries and rules, so their children understand what is expected of them. To ensure the rules you create are understood and easy to follow, it may be beneficial to explain the reasoning behind them. For example, if you want your child to check in with you when they go out, you may want to explain that it helps you feel more stable when you know they are safe rather than framing it as though you are trying to control their actions.
Have a respectful discussion with your child concerning the rules you wish to establish and listen to their input. If they feel like a part of the process, they may be more likely to adhere to the boundaries you set.
If your children break these rules, it can be equally important to enforce appropriate consequences. Authoritative parents don’t typically use physical punishment or verbal abuse* to enforce consequences. Instead, they may remove certain privileges for set periods of time. For example, you may “ground” your child so they cannot go out with friends for a week.
These types of punishments may underscore the importance of rules without harming the child physically or emotionally. In addition, reasonable consequences can preserve the parent-child relationship and set your child up to have a sense of self-control and responsibility as an adult.
Maintain open communication to your children
Another hallmark of the authoritative parenting style may be open communication, which typically involves dialoguing with your children about various important subjects. By having positive and informative discussions with your kids, you may help them build up strong conversational skills while also encouraging them to discuss their thoughts and feelings. You can also encourage them to be curious by asking questions and exploring the world around them. While you may not have all the answers, you can still help your children find solutions and develop their investigative abilities.
This can be a significantly different and far more beneficial situation than one sees with other parenting types. Authoritarian parents, for example, usually prefer one-way communication, where they may tell their children what they expect of them. Uninvolved parents, on the other hand, may ignore their children entirely, while permissive parents may listen to demands but only provide positive feedback or avoid conversations of any substance.
How you maintain open communication may vary depending on the age of your children. If you have younger kids or children who otherwise have a simple understanding of language, getting them to understand you may be difficult. However, it can be important to remain patient and show that you are focused on the conversation, as this can help young kids learn what it means to respectfully listen to others. If your children are older, you’ll generally want to avoid talking down to them or making it seem like you are criticizing them without purpose. If an older child believes you are being disrespectful, it may damage your connection and make communication more difficult in the future.
Get professional support on how to be a good parent
In many cases, talking to a therapist about the challenges you are facing as a parent can be helpful. A therapist may help you identify the source of specific struggles, find ways to be a more authoritative parent, or assist you with challenges outside of parenthood. For some individuals, the struggles they are experiencing as a parent may be related to something besides their immediate situation, such as childhood events, stress at work, or interpersonal conflicts.
Benefits of online therapy for parents’ mental health
Many parents struggle to find the time to research therapists in their area or commute to in-person sessions. In addition, some individuals may be living with conditions that affect their mobility or prevent them from leaving their homes. In these situations, or for those who prefer a more convenient approach to mental health support, it may be beneficial to try online therapy through platforms like BetterHelp.
Effectiveness of online therapy in parenting
In general, online therapy tends to be just as effective as in-person therapy. One 2023 study that investigated the efficacy of an online parenting intervention found that it could produce positive outcomes for children, caretakers, and families.
What is proper parenting?
There is no such thing as “proper parenting,” and parenting styles vary. That said, it’s important that parents attend to their children’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional needs. If parents don’t care for their children in these regards, it can be an indicator of abuse or neglect.
What makes you a good parent to children?
First off, taking care of a child’s basic needs for food, shelter, clothing, hygiene, love, social connections, and education is a core element of being a good parent. A good parent is also emotionally attuned to their child, sets reasonable boundaries, and fosters their child’s independence as the child grows older.
A wide range of behaviors are also involved in being a good parent to a child from a young age. These can include things like limiting screen time, making sure to set rules for cell phones, facilitating healthy relationships with other children, being involved with the child’s education, fostering family time, instilling good behavior, helping a child gain more confidence, and being a united front with the child’s other parent when possible. Practicing such behaviors can point your child in the right direction.
How to enjoy being a parent of a child?
Parenting can be one of the most rewarding and one of the most challenging things that people do in their lives. If you feel overwhelmed by the challenges of being a parent, you can turn to other parents or a family therapist for practical or emotional support. Some parents find that an online community for parents is helpful. Various human services agencies also have parent support groups. You can make practical changes in your routine, such as instituting household rules to make your home run more smoothly. Find enjoyable things to do with your children, and if you have more than one child, find ways to have occasional one-on-one time. If you like cooking, walking in nature, or listening to music, see if you can involve your child in these activities. You don’t need to spend a long period of time with each child. In the end, quality time spent with your children is more important than the quantity of time, and your kids will be more likely to remember these important moments. And when all else fails, if you feel overwhelmed or angry in the moment, take a time out for deep breaths and come back to your child once you have calmed down.
How does parenting affect mental health?
Parenting can have various effects on mental health. It can feel overwhelming and stressful, taxing mental health, and it can also be rewarding and nourishing.
When you have your own child, it can bring up memories of your own parents, whether they be good or bad. Bad memories of parents and caregivers can bring up mental health issues. And as your kids grow, you can be reminded of your own experiences from your own childhood at various ages. In some cases, memories based on your child's age can trigger a trauma response. If you are struggling with mental health as a parent, it’s important to reach out to a therapist for support. This will benefit both you and your child's life.
How good parenting should be?
In psychology, there is the idea of the “good enough mother,” coined by Donald Winnicott, which can be extrapolated to being a “good enough parent.” It involves being sensitive to the needs of your infant and younger children and giving your child more independence and self reliance as they grow, knowing you can’t create a perfect environment for them. While it’s important to be the best parent you can be, it’s also important to avoid having unrealistic expectations of doing everything perfectly. And remember, that if you do something that you regret, such as shouting at your child, it is important to come back and do repair work with them. This can teach kids how to acknowledge and address conflict and hurt feelings in relationships.
How can I be a good parent to my baby?
If you are a new parent, you may be wondering how to best care for your baby. You can be a good parent to your baby by learning about the types of care that babies need and by being attuned to your baby’s temperament and needs. Responding to your baby’s needs for warmth, food, being held, and eye contact is the most important thing in the first weeks and months. Talking to your baby and smiling at your baby is also important for social, emotional, and cognitive development. And although it can be challenging, don’t forget to take care of your own needs too. If you care for your own well being, you will be a better parent for your baby.
How do I know if I'm a good parent?
There is no objective way to determine if you are a good parent. However, there are things that most good parents do. These include being emotionally responsive and being supportive of your child while still setting boundaries and instilling a sense of responsibility in your child.
What is the best parenting style?
Many experts believe that the best parenting style is authoritative parenting, in which the parent is loving and emotionally attuned to the child but yet still sets clear expectations and makes setting boundaries a priority. This parenting style can benefit children's lives by helping them feel emotionally secure on the basis of a good relationship with their parent(s) while being able to self-regulate and take responsibility for their actions.
What makes a good parent?
Good parenting varies from person to person, but the following are some hallmarks of a great parent: making sure they spend quality time with their child, putting some (but not all) of their own interests aside for the benefit of their child, seeking trusted parenting advice as necessary, being a good role model and good person, understanding children's development, practicing active listening with your child, teaching social skills, supporting their friendships with other kids, and fostering a loving relationship. Doing these things can help your child grow into a healthy young adult with secure attachments.
What are the 7 rules for parents of teens?
A teen’s needs are different from those of a young child. Time Magazine lays out seven rules for parents of teens:
- What you do matters.
- You can’t be too loving.
- Stay involved.
- Adapt your parenting.
- Set limits.
- Foster independence.
- Explain your decisions.
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