Relationship Health: Maintaining A Loving Romantic Relationship
Whether you're embarking on a new romance or seeking to strengthen the bonds of an existing partnership, maintaining loving romantic connections can be both rewarding and challenging for those who choose to engage in them. Every relationship is unique, but there are some key factors that can help most romantic partners stay connected and grow together. Below, we’ll explore common obstacles people face with their partners and then provide strategies to overcome them that may help keep your connection strong.
Common relationship obstacles
Challenges in relationships can be complex and influenced by many factors, including how long the couple has been together, their ages and backgrounds, societal conditions, the attachment styles they developed in childhood, past relationship experiences, and more.
- Communication issues
- Trust issues
- Misaligned expectations
- Lack of intimacy
- Financial stress
- Jealousy/insecurity
- Unresolved conflict
- Family and societal stress
- Misaligned goals/values
- Infidelity
- Health issues
- Feeling unappreciated
While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for these challenges, there are certain general tips for the maintenance of a strong relationship that may help couples avoid or manage them as they arise. We’ll examine some of these next.
Nurturing and maintaining a loving romantic relationship
Our relationships with others can impact many aspects of our well-being, including mental and physical health. For instance, a high-conflict connection that causes frequent stress could lead to both short- and longer-term health problems and general distress, while a supportive connection could help a person heal, grow, and achieve their goals. That’s why taking steps to maintain a healthy partnership can be so important.
Tips to strengthen romantic relationships
The following tips can help you build or keep a strong bond with your partner if you’re interested in pursuing or strengthening a romantic relationship.
Practice effective communication
How you communicate can significantly impact your relationship quality and, by extension, your overall well-being. Problems with communicating can vary widely, from misunderstanding to hostility to stonewalling, so developing honest, open communication isn't always easy. If both you and your partner have difficulty communicating, you might try the following:
- Identify your feelings. Before addressing an issue, you might consider going for a quick walk or taking a few moments to do deep breathing exercises. This can give you time to understand what you're feeling on a deeper level so you can then communicate your emotions calmly and clearly.
- Pick the right time. Try to pick a time to talk when you can be alone with your partner and when neither of you must return to your daily responsibilities immediately after. For example, if the topic is upsetting or complex, meeting for lunch in the middle of the workday to discuss it may not be ideal.
- Use "I" statements. If you begin the conversation with verbiage that conveys blame, it might make your partner feel defensive or shut down the conversation altogether. Using “I” statements can help avoid this problem—for example, instead of "You always ignore me," you could start with "I feel ignored when…."
- Practice active listening. This means paying attention to your partner's words and nonverbal cues rather than focusing solely on what you’ll say next. You might also repeat what they've said to let them know you hear them. For example: "If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying..." or "I think you're telling me [X]; am I right?" Give them time to finish speaking before you respond, maintain eye contact, and let them know that you're listening and want to understand.
- Apologize and forgive. When relevant, apologizing and forgiving can be powerful parts of communication. Whether you owe an apology or your partner offers one, acknowledging that responsibility often promotes greater trust and security in the relationship.
Build a sense of intimacy
Emotional intimacy can help you build connections based on commitment, confidence, and trust. Intimacy involves showing your true self to someone and bonding on a deeper level. Some tips for establishing a stronger sense of emotional intimacy with your partner can include:
Allow yourself to be vulnerable
Being vulnerable can be intimidating, but it’s usually a core part of intimacy. If you’re nervous, you might start with small things like telling about what your day was like, planning a romantic date night, or discussing something they might not know about your past. Once you show your partner that you're willing to open up about those things, it may make it easier for them to reciprocate so you can keep your relationship strong.
Change up your routine
Sometimes, busy daily routines can dampen intimacy and decrease the relationship’s exciting quality it may have had earlier on. When you take time out to engage with each other in (perhaps spontaneous) activities that cultivate joy, it can help make the relationship fresh again and open the doors to new forms of emotional and/or physical intimacy.
Let them know you don't take them for granted
Busy daily routines can also cause a person to take their partner for granted, leaving them feeling unappreciated and diminishing intimacy in the relationship. To avoid this effect, saying sincere compliments and affirmations of appreciation can have a big impact. You might also focus on showing love to your partner in the way they appreciate it most to convey that you care about making them feel good.
Spend quality time together to focus on maintaining a loving romantic relationship
Studies suggest that couples who prioritize spending time together report feeling happier in their relationships. Whether you choose to go mountain climbing, schedule weekly date nights, or stay in for an evening on the couch, spending time together with your partner can show them you care about them, deepen intimacy, and increase overall relationship satisfaction in a fulfilling and fun way.
Support each other’s mental health in meaningful ways
Being there for your partner through good times and bad is usually critical to maintaining a healthy relationship. You might encourage their goals and dreams and offer support when they face challenges. This could also look like approaching challenges as a team through collaboration on problem-solving and decision-making. Regardless of the forms it may take, showing your partner that you’re there for them and want them to be happy can go a long way.
Seeking therapy for stronger relationships
In some cases, following general tips for healthy romantic relationships may not be enough to repair a connection that’s been damaged or to help partners who are facing more serious or complex challenges. In cases like these, it can be helpful to seek the support of a trained couples counselor. They can help partners uncover any underlying issues with their connection and address them in a healthy, productive way. A counselor can also teach coping methods and communication skills that can help support healthy long-term relationships.
Online therapy to help couples strengthen their relationship
Despite its potential benefits, some couples may experience barriers that keep them from seeking help through therapy. For some, busy schedules can make it difficult to plan appointments for a time that works. For others, discomfort around discussing sensitive subject matter in a therapist's office can be a deterrent, as can the cost of in-person sessions.
Benefits of online mental health services
The rise in online therapy has given people an alternative that effectively addresses many of those obstacles. Through a platform like BetterHelp for individuals or ReGain for couples, you can get matched with a licensed therapist with whom you can meet via phone, video call, and/or in-app messaging from home at a time that works for your schedule. Online therapy is often more affordable than traditional therapy without insurance, and a growing body of research suggests that it may be just as effective for helping couples address relationship issues as in-person therapy.
How do you maintain a relationship with a loved one?
For a lasting romantic relationship, communicate openly and honestly, spend quality time with them, and demonstrate your affection and appreciation. But be sure to maintain your own life outside of the relationship, by doing activities you enjoy and spending time with friends.
What makes a good romantic relationship?
A good romantic relationship usually involves shared values, communication, shared activities, and romantic and/or sexual attraction.
Why is romance important in a relationship?
Not everyone needs romance in their relationship, but for many, romance is an important element of their relationship. It helps to make time spent together exciting, it keeps the spark alive, and it can make each partner feel special.
How to be in a romantic relationship?
There are a few things that are important while being in a romantic relationship. They include expressing affection, communicating honestly, and prioritizing time together. It should not just be one partner doing all the work or putting pressure on the other, but instead it should be mutual for a healthy relationship dynamic.
How to maintain a long-lasting relationship?
A long-lasting relationship depends on both partners, and there are a few elements that can promote long-lasting, healthy relationships. These include willingness to engage emotionally, physical attraction, honest and direct communication, and kindness and expressions of affection so that each partner can feel safe and feel loved.
How can I make my relationship more loving?
You can make your relationship more loving by expressing positive feelings and desires and by showing affection. You and your romantic partner can also learn about your love languages so that you can understand the ways in which each of you like to give and receive love.
What is an example of a romantic relationship?
An example of a romantic relationship might be two people who date regularly and are physically and emotionally intimate. They enjoy time together and are affectionate, and they might consider an exclusive and committed relationship, perhaps even moving in together.
What is the definition of a romantic relationship?
A romantic relationship is a mutual relationship that is based on physical and emotional attraction and affection.
How do you stay in love in a relationship?
Love changes over the course of a relationship from initial infatuation and attraction to a deeper kind of love. You can stay in love with your partner by showing appreciation for them, and also be sure to express affection. Take a break from other obligations to spend committed time with your partner. Sometimes love can be reignited with a surprise for your partner, such as flowers or a weekend away. Or you can try out new activities or a new restaurant with them.
How do I take care of my relationship?
Happy couples do a number of things to take care of their relationship. They communicate openly and practice active listening to show respect and make the other person feel valued. They make sure to spend time together, even when life gets busy. They are patient and when they have disagreements, they try to compromise and find common ground. These attributes of a happy couple can make for a largely peaceful coexistence and can benefit the relationship during tough times over the course of life.
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