Will I Fall In Love Again After A Bad Heartbreak? How Can I Move On?

Medically reviewed by Karen Foster, LPC and Corey Pitts, MA, LCMHC, LCAS, CCS
Updated March 19th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Breaking up with someone you have strong feelings for can be difficult. It may leave you feeling hurt, lonely, and unsure of how to move on. It can be normal to have a hard time addressing lingering feelings or wonder about the next steps in life. You may experience grief after a relationship ends, potentially moving through the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It can be helpful to avoid jumping into a new relationship and utilize your support system during this time. You might also limit reminders of the relationship, set boundaries with your ex, and practice self-care. If you feel like you’d benefit from additional support, consider working with a therapist through an online therapy platform.

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Processing grief after a breakup

Grief can be a normal response to a major loss in your life, and that includes the loss of a relationship. There are generally five stages of grief. Knowing what to expect in each one can help you work through them in a healthy way.

The stages of grief may occur for some people, while others may go back and forth between stages until they feel they have recovered from the loss and can move on with their lives. The stages of grief are typically laid out as follows:


This is usually a period where you may feel in shock or as though the situation isn’t real. You may tell yourself or others that you’ll get back together or didn’t actually break up with your partner. You may be confused about the situation or simply avoid discussing it.


It's often normal to feel upset after the end of a relationship. During this time, many people feel angry—with themselves, their ex, or others who they believe may have been responsible for the split. While anger can be a normal emotion, it can also be harmful if it isn’t expressed in a healthy way.


Often, especially if a relationship lasts for a long time, one partner will attempt to make a deal with their ex. For example, they may say, "If you give me another chance, I will do whatever I need to in order to make things work." This partner might offer gifts or behavioral changes to try to win their ex back. 


Sadness, fatigue, loneliness, and similar feelings associated with depression often arise when one is grieving. You might have trouble getting out of bed at times, or you could start to withdraw from your friends and family. While you may not experience a full depressive disorder, this can be a difficult stage to get through. 


Eventually, you may realize that the relationship is over, and you and your partner are unlikely to get back together. You may start to accept that you and your ex are different people with different goals or that your communication styles conflicted too much. Acceptance doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve moved on, but it often means that you understand that the relationship is over and have made peace with that fact.

How to move forward after a heartbreak in a relationship

After a breakup, you may feel guilty or question how things could have been different. It can be normal to have trouble processing your emotions regarding the end of a relationship. During this time, it can help you tend to your own needs, limit interaction with your ex, and do other things that will make the process of moving on easier. You might keep the following tips in mind as you navigate life after a breakup. 


Avoid jumping into another relationship after a heartbreak

Looking for a new relationship before you have recovered from your breakup can make it hard for you to form a solid connection, and it may negatively impact your mental health. It can be best to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your relationship before you try dating or finding love again. Much of the time, we may feel stuck and ask ourselves, "Will I ever find love again? Or can I love again?" However, it’s generally best to focus on yourself at this point.

If you start a new relationship before you are over a breakup, you may carry your unresolved emotions with you, which can keep you from being as connected as possible with your new partner. You may also miss out on some benefits of getting to know yourself more now that you are no longer in a relationship. You might explore your interests, do things you may not have had time for before, and have fun with single life. These things can help you process your emotions from the breakup and grow. Once you’ve done that, you can be ready to fall in love again.

Utilize your support system for your healing

After a breakup, you might feel like withdrawing from others. While personal time to process your thoughts can be okay, avoiding people entirely can have adverse effects. You may not want to socialize with large circles of people, but spending time with friends or family who are close to you can reduce your feelings of loneliness. This can also help you see how rewarding your post-breakup life can be.  

Limit reminders of the relationship to avoid uncomfortable emotions

While you may not need to get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex, putting away things that can lead to uncomfortable emotions can help you heal. If you don’t feel ready to get rid of items like photos or gifts, you can put them in a place that is out of sight until you feel like you’ve moved on. If you have a specific song saved or have a way to see messages from your ex on your phone, these are things that you may want to remove. You might also want to temporarily unfollow your ex on social media so that you can move on easily when you aren’t reminded of them frequently.  

Set boundaries from your past relationship

As tempting as it may be, contacting your ex, at least during the initial stage of your breakup, can make it harder to move on. Consider setting boundaries as far as how often you see one another, how you’ll act when you do see each other, and what kind of communication is appropriate, if any.

If you have children with your ex, some interaction will likely be necessary. However, try to keep it minimal and avoid expanding your boundaries. This may feel especially challenging if you have unresolved feelings, but it can help you take the steps toward getting over the breakup. 

Practice self-care

After a breakup, giving yourself the attention and support you need can help you move on. Getting plenty of rest and eating a balanced diet can provide you with energy and improve your mental health. 

Consider exercising regularly as well. Physical activity typically releases endorphins that can boost your mood. Self-care can include journaling, meditating, creating a morning or night routine, and doing other activities that nurture your body and mind. 

Talk with a therapist: Building trust and finding hope for the future

Get the professional support you deserve
No matter where you are emotionally after a breakup, there can be times when you need to talk to someone who is objective and can help you move forward in life and find love again. There may be several options for therapy. You can seek the services of a local therapist whom you’ll visit in person or participate in therapy remotely through an online therapy platform.

Effectiveness of online therapy

Research shows that online therapy can help individuals manage common emotions that often arise because of a breakup. For example, in one study, researchers found that online cognitive behavioral therapy could reduce feelings of loneliness in participants. The study also noted that there were usually improvements in overall quality of life and in symptoms of social anxiety. 

If you’re working through a breakup, online therapy can help you process your emotions and navigate your newly single life. For about $65-$100 per session, with online therapy, you can work with a therapist remotely through video calls, voice calls, or in-app messaging. Online therapy is often an affordable option as well. 
"Simon is very supportive, good listener and he knows when to ask appropriate questions! Me and my partner always had equally similar timings when we are having sessions, he gives space for both of us then he /we talk about how he or what he heard from us how can we move forward! He is a great therapist; he is well experienced and has knowledge about couple therapy and also general psychology as I am seeing him time to time alone without my partner. Thank you, Simon, I highly recommend him."
— BetterHelp member’s review of their therapist


A bad breakup can be a challenging experience that may leave you wondering whether you’ll find love again. With the right support, you can address emotions that have arisen as a result of being hurt or feeling alone. A mental health professional can help you on your way to improving your emotional well-being and living a full, happy life. In addition to reaching out to a therapist in person or online, you might also practice self-care, lean on your support system, and avoid entering into a new relationship during this time. It can be beneficial to set boundaries with your ex and limit reminders of the relationship as you heal.
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