No One Loves Me: How To Stop Feeling Unloved
Do you ever have the thought, “No one loves me?” Many people feel this way at one point or another in life, especially during difficult times. While you may face challenges making friends or finding romantic love, that doesn’t mean that no one loves you. Navigating a lack of love can be difficult, but several different resources exist to help you work through these feelings.
In this article, you’ll learn how to accept the past, nourish your relationships with your friends and family members, and create a happier, healthier life by improving your self-worth. This may enable you to stop feeling as if no one loves you.
Reasons for feeling “no one loves me”
Everyone can feel lonely, down, or unloved every now and again. If you feel unloved and lonely, know that you are not alone. The many loneliness quotes are an indication that many are experiencing the same situation or emotion. If you feel like no one cares about you or do not believe that anyone will ever love you, your emotions could come from several different sources. Most likely, these negative thoughts are not based on reality and can be explained by one or more of the following factors.
Low self-esteem
Many people who think “no one loves me” tend to be unhappy in life in general. They may not have many friends or may feel like their family isn’t there for them. Perhaps they have yet to find individuals who accept them as they are. They may be stuck in the past and constantly wondering why a happy life feels impossible and why everyone else seems to be happy but them.
Learning to accept yourself
In many cases, if you believe you are unloved or unloveable, you may have self-esteem issues keeping you from knowing how to accept yourself and your past. Low self-esteem issues are very common. In fact, almost everyone has had a bout with low self-esteem, especially in the teenage or young adult period of our lives. Here are some of the signs of low self-esteem you might be experiencing:
Feelings of defeat and worthlessness
Chronic fatigue or physical feelings of illness including headaches, insomnia, or hypersomnia
Withdrawing from others or isolating yourself
Feeling negative about yourself
Overly sensitive to any kind of criticism
Experiencing severe shame if you fail
Second-guessing everything you do
Feeling unsure about your decisions
Low self-esteem can have a major impact on your quality of life, happiness, and success. If you believe that you are not worthy of love or happiness, you may not look for it and are likely to give up before you ever find it. It’s difficult to be happy if you believe that you do not deserve it. Additionally, it’s important to love yourself before looking for someone else to love you and fill a void. To do this, you might consider practicing self-care, which can consist of a number of activities, such as journaling, meditating, and using positive affirmations.
Fear of rejection
Many people who think “no one loves me” and who wonder "Will anyone ever love me?" are afraid of the possible lives they could be leading. Mostly, they’re afraid of rejection, especially by a person they admire and/or desire. They may even feel fear or rejection among their friends and family.
Difficulty with learning from rejection
Most people have been rejected once or twice in their lives, and they can accept it and move on with no problem. In fact, rejection can be just one way to learn. However, those with low self-esteem do not see rejection that way. They may see it as being a failure and take it to mean that they cannot do anything right. Since they do not know how to process the rejection, they fixate on it, letting it consume them.
However, sometimes rejection is unwarranted anyway. Who is to say that the person who rejected you is right? In many cases, that person was just having a bad day. People can be wrong when they reject another person. Everyone has their own opinion, and if you ask several people about the same thing, you will likely get three different opinions. Ultimately, rejection is part of life, and it can hurt. However, it doesn’t mean that someone’s opinion of you is the truth.
Moving forward
It’s important to accept that and be able to move on from rejection in your past. Then, you can focus your energy on making friends and renewing relationships with past friends and family.
When people are at a point in their lives where they think “No one loves me,” it could be a case of depression. Depression is a common mental health disorder that is very treatable, but you have to realize that you have it before you can get help. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), almost 15 million people experience depression.
Some of the causes and risk factors include:
A chemical imbalance in the brain
Family with mental illness
Previous mental illness
Medical conditions like heart disease or cancer
Brain trauma or injury
Feeling tired, lonely, or sad all the time is not normal
However, it can be difficult to realize that you have depression because you are so used to feeling sad and tired that you believe it is normal. You may even think everyone feels this way, so you do not seek help. Maybe you believe that it will just go away on its own if you ignore it. Many people, even family or friends, may think that it is “all in your head” and that you should just “get over it.” None of these things are true. Not everyone feels sad all the time, it won’t always go away on its own, and it is not something that you can or need to “just get over.” To be in a relationship with someone who has depression could be sometimes challenging. However, there are several tips for dating someone with depression to maintain a healthy relationship.
Symptoms of depression
A person who lives with depression may have a great deal of trouble coming to terms with the fact they may be depressed, but it is essential to accept the possibility and seek out a diagnosis from a mental health professional. Depression is a real illness, and, in many cases, it is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that contribute to your emotions and feelings. Some of the symptoms of depression include:
Chronic fatigue
Weight gain or loss
Eating more or less than usual
Lack of interest in favorite activities
Feelings of worthlessness or failure
Anxiety, restlessness, agitation
Inability to make decisions
Trouble concentrating
Isolating yourself from others
Memory loss
Feeling guilty for things that are not your fault
Overthinking past mistakes
Slowed thinking or talking
Chronic feelings of sadness or lack of hope
Crying for no obvious reason
Thoughts of self-harm
Usually, therapy, medication, or a combination of the two are common treatment options for depression. A team of medical professionals can come up with an effective plan of treatment for you.
Social anxiety disorder
There are other reasons you may feel that nobody will ever love you. It could be that you are unable to have a relationship because you have a social disorder such as social anxiety disorder that keeps you from being able to have lasting relationships. Are you constantly worried that others are judging you or talking about you? You may have a social anxiety disorder. Here are some of the other signs:
Avoiding others
Believing that nobody likes you
Extreme shyness or fear of talking to others
Constantly worrying about how others feel about you
Shaking, sweating, blushing, nausea
Refusing to be the center of attention
Avoiding social situations like parties or get-togethers
Analyzing your performance after a social situation
Expecting the worst to happen in a social situation
Understanding what you can vs can't control
People with anxiety may have trouble knowing how to accept things that are out of their control. Yet it’s vital to learn to accept that what has passed is in the past. Focusing on the present can be difficult but learning to accept that is all we can control is essential to combating anxiety.
Possible causes of social anxiety disorder
There are many causes of social anxiety disorder. It could be that you were brought up in an unstable home where you were neglected or abused, or maybe you were bullied in school. It could also be inherited from your parents, although having a parent with a disorder doesn’t necessarily mean you will have it, too. Whatever the reason, it is important to get help because it is a treatable mental health condition.
If you or a loved one is experiencing abuse, contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Support is available 24/7.
If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
If you find yourself thinking that no one loves you, this may lead you to behave in certain ways that lead to more loneliness. You might isolate yourself more than you realize, which may lead others to think you’re not interested in getting to know them. This is a phenomenon called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
By recognizing your patterns, you may find that you can incorporate new behaviors that lead to more fulfilling relationships. It may help to speak with a counselor about how to navigate this process.
Letting go and accepting your faults
Feeling like no one will ever love you could be an indication that you haven’t let something from the past go. The past is in the past, and it’s important to learn how to accept that. Sometimes, it is just that those you want to love you are unable to show love the way you need them to, like losing them in life and asking yourself while grieving "Will I ever find love again?"
Lost love may not be your fault
If you are interested in someone who is not interested in you, you may need to let go of that person because they are just not interested. It may not be you at all. Let go of those who do not want to be around you because it is not worth chasing people to try to make them like you or love you. You cannot make someone have feelings for you that they do not have. Learning to move on from the past and accept it can be powerful for your personal growth.
A therapist can help you resolve feelings of “no one loves me”
Beyond this, many people who struggle with self-love fail to accept their faults, as they may see this as an admission of some kind of wrongdoing or blame for their situation. However, you must accept all of yourself in order to attain self-love. Nobody is perfect, and you shouldn’t expect that from yourself or anyone else. Working with a therapist may help you cope with and overcome situations from your past that you’re having trouble moving on from.
Online therapy may help if you’re feeling lonely, rejected, or abandoned
Whether you have depression, low self-esteem, social anxiety disorder, or simply feel rejected or abandoned because like nobody loves you, it is important for you to reach out for support. Accepting that you need help can be a positive step in the right direction. "Will I ever find love again? Why do I feel like no one loves me?" If you feel like no one loves you, you may not have anyone to confide in. However, you can connect with a licensed therapist through BetterHelp, an online counseling platform. With online therapy, you can often get connected with someone more quickly, allowing you to get care sooner. No appointment is needed, and you can do it from the comfort of your home.
The effectiveness of online therapy
Online therapy can be a viable option for those struggling with a variety of mental health concerns. One study assessed the efficacy of an online group psychotherapy program on the mental health of people with varying attachment styles. Researchers found that participants experienced an increase in their self-esteem and a reduction in the severity of their psychiatric symptoms. Those experiencing anxiety and avoidance in their relationships also saw improvements.
Believing that no one will ever love you can leave you feeling hopeless. There are many different reasons someone might feel this way, all of which are valid. Although these disheartening feelings are normally not based in reality, that doesn’t make them any easier to cope with. An online therapist can help you address challenges related to shame, depression, or low self-esteem so that you can begin to move forward.
This process may begin to make you feel loved and help you form healthy relationships that nurture your self-esteem. If you don’t feel comfortable with traditional in-person therapy at this time, you might consider online therapy. With BetterHelp, you can typically be matched with a therapist within 48 hours. Take the first step toward feeling truly loved and reach out to BetterHelp today.What should I do if I feel sad and heartbroken that no one loves me?
Everyone in the world feels lonely or unloved occasionally, so if you feel like no one loves you, it can help you to know that you’re not alone. It can also help to remember that just because it might feel like no one loves you doesn’t mean that is the truth. If you feel like no one cares about you or if you don’t believe that anyone ever will, it may be beneficial to understand where those feelings are coming from. Talking to a therapist can help you see that those negative thoughts may not be reality and help you learn how you can start feeling more love in your life.
How do you cope with the fact that nobody likes you?
If you feel like no one likes you, it can be important to have some self-compassion. It may help to remind yourself that you’re not the only person who feels this way. Sometimes, your interpretation of how others feel about you may have something to do with how you feel about yourself. Reach out to old friends and family members if you need to feel loved. While it can feel like no one likes you, this may not be the truth. Thinking about the people in your life and honestly assessing their feelings toward you can help you realize that there are people who care about you. Or, it can help you identify things about yourself that you may need to work on, such as self-compassion and mindfulness, which can promote a more honest and healthy relationship with yourself. Alternatively, you may want to consider talking to a mental health professional if you sense that a lack of meaningful friendships or real love is affecting your well-being. Working with a therapist can help you learn about the parts of yourself that you might want to examine, and learn helpful strategies to build or connect with your community.
Why do I think I am unwanted and nobody loves me?
People who believe that they are unwanted and no one loves them may have low self-esteem, and imagine that their personality or other aspect of themselves is unappealing to others. Low self-esteem can have a significant impact on your life. If you believe you’re not worthy of love, then you might not be open to receiving it when it comes along. Often, low self-esteem stems from challenges with accepting ourselves, our past experiences, and mental health concerns, such as anxiety or depression. For example, experiencing bullying or trauma as children can significantly affect one's self-worth as an adult. This may happen because kids tend to internalize messages heard from adults and others, which can impact their whole lives if these messages are not countered. Another factor impacting one's perception of being unloved or unlovable is holding onto past hurts as indicators of what will happen in your entire life.
Fear of rejection
Another reason people may think no one can love them may be a fear of putting themselves out there to meet people, possibly because they have a fear of rejection. Most people have been rejected and can move on without a problem, but people with low self-esteem may see rejection as a failure or a sign that they can’t do anything right. They may not know how to deal with rejection, which can cause it to consume them.
Effects of depression
Some people who think that no one loves them may be experiencing depression. Depression is a common mental health disorder, and it is treatable, but many people who have symptoms of this mental health condition may think they will go away on their own. If you find yourself losing interest in your favorite activities, feeling worthless, having trouble concentrating, isolating yourself from others, or overthinking past mistakes, you may be experiencing depression. Talking to a mental health professional can help you get to the root of why you’re feeling like no one can love you so you can start healing.
What is it when you feel no love?
Feeling no love can be a few different things. If someone doesn’t develop romantic attachments to others, they may be considered aromantic. Those who are aromantic often have close relationships with many friends, family, and life partners.
People who cannot feel a connection of any kind to anyone may be experiencing a mental health condition, like depersonalization-derealization disorder.
Why am I still single?
The truth is that it is unlikely there is one identifiable reason that you have not yet found love. It may be due to a combination of many factors, including being hurt in past relationships, being afraid of intimacy, or having low self-esteem. You may be too busy in other areas of your life, like your career or education, to focus on dating, or maybe you just haven’t found the right person yet.
Does anyone secretly love me?
It may be difficult to tell if someone secretly loves you. After all, they are trying to keep it a secret. But if someone has feelings for you, there may be some things to look out for that can give it away. Someone who is secretly in love with you might go out of their way to make sure you’re okay or text you frequently just to check-in. They may come to you for advice or support or take extra steps to spend time with you.
The role of body language
Pay attention to body language. Someone interested in you might try to get physically closer or touch you in some way, like bumping into you accidentally or putting their hand on your arm when talking to you. Making eye contact and then quickly looking away can be another hint.
Why do I care for everyone but no one cares for me?
If you feel like no one cares for you, you’re not alone. According to the Surgeon General, the United States is experiencing a loneliness epidemic.
Something that can help you if you think that no one cares for you may be spending time to examine whether or not that is true. Think about your close relationships and the people who have been there for you in the past. If you feel your relationships have grown distant and lost touch, think about the possible causes. Are there other factors that may keep a close friend from being there for you like they once were?
Sometimes, we may feel alone when we’re having a difficult time in general. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or if you’re going through a period of stress, you may have a more negative outlook, which can make you feel lonely. If you’re struggling, reach out to a mental health professional to get the support you need to figure out what is causing you to feel that way. If you are losing hope and need someone to talk to someone right away, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988.
How do I make people like me?
One way you can get people to like you is to like yourself. If you’re not comfortable with your real self but aren’t sure what that is, spend some time getting acquainted with yourself.
To do this, practice self-care by prioritizing sleep and rest when you need it, exercise, and a healthy diet. Identify your strengths and learn how to be comfortable in your own company. Be compassionate with yourself, and seek help if you need it. If you’re having a hard time finding things to like about yourself, talking to a therapist can help you learn more about your strengths and develop relevant strategies to establish new relationships and make more friends.
How do you stop feeling unloved and uncared for?
Often, it can be easy to think that other humans don’t care about you if you feel bad about yourself. One helpful way to stop feeling like people don’t care about you is to take some time to think about the people in your life and remind yourself of the people who do care about you. If you have had relationships with people in the past but have since grown apart, think about what factors may be keeping them from being in touch. Have they stopped caring, or have they moved away, started a new job, or had a baby? Known as rumination, dwelling on negative thoughts can be likened to a living hell. Self-compassion may help you wake from identifying with thoughts and feelings that don't serve you. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or if you’re going through a rough time, connect with a mental health professional to get the support you need.
How do you accept being unlovable?
If you feel unlovable, it may be due to low self-esteem. When you feel bad about yourself, you may withdraw from friends and family or fall into unhealthy habits, such as dwelling on negative thoughts and emotions. When you keep yourself away from the people who love you, feeling unloved can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. All human beings have periods of loneliness, but that is not the same as being unlovable.
Feeling unlovable is not something you have to accept. If you feel this way, reach out to a mental health professional to figure out where these feelings are coming from and what you can do to work through them, make new friends, and establish meaningful relationships.
More questions about the feeling “no one loves me”:
How do you love yourself when you feel unloved, unwanted, or rejected?
Practicing self-compassion is one way to counter unkind and overly critical thoughts and feelings, allowing you to develop a healthier relationship with yourself. Another approach is radical acceptance, which may include radical self-acceptance, which can help with regulating emotions associated with feeling unloved or rejected.
Why do I feel unloved and abandoned even when people love me?
One significant factor impacting one's perception of being unloved as an adult is associated with adverse early life experiences. Having an insecure attachment style, which is also linked with a challenging upbringing, may manifest as a fear of abandonment and difficulty trusting others. While relatively common, an insecure attachment style can affect the quality of one's relationships.
How not to feel lonely and heartbroken when single?
Many relationships don't have a so-called happy ending, which can lead to frustration, hurt, and loneliness while a person adjusts to being single. In addition, societal pressures and idealized notions of romance can often make it challenging to accept being single as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Some beneficial ways to foster growth while single are to prioritize self-care, adopt a new hobby or interest, and spend time with trusted friends or family members. If you are finding it difficult to navigate emotions on your own or simply want a safe, nonjudgmental space to talk, consider therapy.
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