How Remote Memory Affects Cognition

Medically reviewed by Julie Dodson, MA, LCSW and Arianna Williams, LPC, CCTP
Updated October 29th, 2024 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Memory isn't a single aspect; it's a branching tree of terms, concepts, and facets. One aspect of memory is “remote memory,” and it has a significant impact on our lives.

Having trouble with your memory?

What is remote memory?

Remote memory is a memory from the past that could have occurred years or even decades ago. These memories are almost like chapters in your autobiography, giving you details about events that happened to you involving certain people or circumstances.

Remote memory and long-term memory

This isn't to be confused with long-term memory. Some people may believe their long-term memory works well, but they have a hard time remembering where they left their car keys. A short-term memory can be up to months old, while a remote memory takes a long time for it to become remote.

Impact of remote memories on cognition

Memories allow an individual to recall past events, enabling us to understand and act in the present and plan for the future. 

What is long-term memory?

 Many people want to improve their long-term memory. Whether it be to remember something for a test or to learn new skills, a good long-term memory goes a long way. 

Different regions in the brain can store long-term memories

Long-term memory is hypothetical in the end. There is no spot in the brain reserved for just long-term memories, but instead, there are different regions in the brain that can store long-term memories.  Long-term memory is what we refer to when we remember an event, and it involves different operations, such as encoding, storage, and retrieval. Our long-term memory gives us information on the world and everything we need to know. If we are faced with a challenge, a relevant long-term memory will pop up and help us if it exists.

Long-term memory types

There are primarily two types of long-term memory: explicit memory and implicit memory.

Explicit memories, also known as declarative memory, are memories that are in our conscious mind. Meanwhile, implicit or nondeclarative memories are unconscious memories. Our unconscious memories are seen as hidden memories and motivations that drive us to act the way we do. 

An explicit memory will be made up of semantic memories. These are memories of knowledge and facts. Whenever you try to tell someone a cool fact, that is a semantic memory. Then, there is an episodic memory. These are anecdotal memories of your own personal experiences.

As for implicit memories, there are quite a few types.  One of the most well-known and well-studied is procedural memory. This is when an action is required, and you have a memory of it that helps you perform the action. It's quite unconscious. When we drive a car, call someone, or do other actions or skills that have been ingrained in our minds, we are performing procedural memory.

How long can a long-term memory last?

People have debated how long someone's memories can last. A long-term memory may fade with time, but it can also be stored for the rest of our lives. Many of us likely know an older person who can vividly recall their childhood. On the other hand, there are people who cannot remember their past. It may depend on one's mental health. A long-term memory may disappear if there is no need for it, or it may be repressed due to trauma.

How many memories can one store?

No one knows just how many long-term memories we can store. Some think we can store as much information as possible, and there seems to be no end to how much can be remembered. However, there is still a great deal that we don't know about the brain.

How long does it take to retrieve a memory?

It takes about 150-200 milliseconds to retrieve a long-term memory. This is .2 seconds; much faster than most computers!

How does the brain encode information?

Encoding is when your brain converts information into a long-term memory, transforming it into something your brain can consume. Some people may have a hard time encoding memories, but if you struggle with this there is hope.  There are different techniques that can help you encode better.

Schemas, which are structures in the brain that resemble a network, are what help you store long-term information. They help you organize certain tasks and concepts in a way that's easy to follow and retrieve.

Assimilation involves us learning a new task or experience, and then connecting that experience with something we've learned in the past. It's another way we learn. For example, someone may have a hard time understanding or retaining information relating to economics. However, if they can relate economics to something that they care about and see how it impacts that thing, it can help them learn and retain those economic concepts.

 But what happens when our schemas do not fit with something new we have learned? Our brain can take those schemas and alter them until they fit. Alternatively, the brain may use accommodation, which is when new schemas are created to compensate.

Retrieving information

Retrieval is when you recall and use your long-term memory. Sometimes, retrieval is created through cues. This is when you find a stimulus that makes you remember the information. For example, you may recall a childhood memory with your dog because you see a dog that someone is walking.


What psychology says about recalling memories

There are some psychologists specializing in cognition who believe that if you can't remember something, it's not a problem in your brain, or because you don't have the long-term memory, but because you don't have the right stimulus in order to recall it. Sometimes, the right stimulus can help us recall old memories, even if we forgot that memory existed. 

Then there is recognition memory. This is when you realize that you have seen something in the past. Often, it's a better way to recall a memory. Recall memories involve you having to create the information you have remembered, but recognition involves a sight. For example, seeing someone riding a horse may draw up a memory of another time you saw someone riding a horse.

Also, what we recall has many influences. While recall involves an event you’ve experienced, it can also be restructured. Your memory can be altered, or biased, by a few factors, including:

  • Attitude. You may recall an event in a light that is favorable towards you, even if the event involves you being at some fault.

  • Beliefs. What you believe may influence how you recall the memory.

  • Experience. You may judge a memory in a different light based on your current experiences. You may be more critical of yourself, for example.

It's quite interesting to see just how many memories you recall that are changed from what they originally were. In the end, there's no way to travel back in time and make sure the memories you have are correct. You have only yourself or the people around you to recall it, and other people may have their own versions of the memory. Which is right? Which is wrong? It's hard to say.

How to encode and remember something better

 Elaborative rehearsal is a strategy you can use to encode your memory better. You may look at an idea and think of something related. This links the old information with the new information. You may need to think of different ideas that are related or look at some examples. There are many different ways you can go about this. 

Ways to recall something with ease

If you want to transfer something to your long-term memory, you can connect and associate something to the object. You may remember an acronym for what you're trying to learn, or you may associate the memory with someone you love, or you may smell the same candle or designated scent each time you wish to encode or remember something. There are many creative ways you can learn how to encode a memory.

Also, you can organize memories and put them into different categories to make them easier to retrieve. Think of your brain as a filing cabinet or a computer where everything is neatly organized, helping you to recall something with ease.

You can learn how to improve retention through multiple sessions of study. This is why cramming is discouraged. You learn a lot through pacing yourself rather than trying to remember something in one long burst. Remember that the next time you want to procrastinate and try to rely on one day of study.

Finally, you can recall something better if you correlate it with a personal memory. Your childhood memories are recalled because something happened there, be it an emotion or an event.

Having trouble with your memory?

Seek help for long-term and remote memory

If you are having trouble with your long-term or remote memories, it may be worthwhile to see a therapist. A therapist can help you review your memories and see how you can improve your encoding and recall. They can also help you recall certain memories of your childhood. If you want to know more, find a counselor today. They can help you learn techniques to improve your memory.

Online therapy can improve memory and overall cognitive function

Overall, online therapy has been found to be just as effective as in-person therapy. In relation to memory in particular, one study explored the effectiveness of internet-based cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) in helping those with memory issues related to traumatic brain injuries. The study found that this online therapy is just as effective as in-person CRT for memory improvement and functioning in those with traumatic brain injuries, and in fact that participants had greater improvements in memory and overall cognitive functioning when online CRT was combined with in-person CRT, as opposed to using either of these methods on their own.

BetterHelp has some other perks, too. Session can be conducted anytime, anyplace – you’ll just need an internet connection to get started. Also, sessions can be held via phone call, video chat, instant messaging/texting, or live voice recordings sent back and forth – whatever works best for you! 

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Memory is a complex topic that can have a significant impact on our lives. If you’re struggling with your memory, there are a variety of techniques and treatments that may improve your recall. Cognitive rehabilitation therapy is one treatment method that has been proven effective in improving memory, and it is available online.

Improve your memory with professional support
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