What Mindfulness Techniques Help With Depression Symptoms?
The symptoms of depression can feel overwhelming. Individuals experiencing depression may perceive that there is no relief for their physical and mental health symptoms, and they may experience difficulty doing their regular daily tasks. If you’re experiencing symptoms of depression, know that you’re not alone and there are effective treatments available. There are many evidence-based methods rooted in mindfulness and relaxation techniques that may help to reduce your symptoms and provide a higher quality of life.
Below, we’ll discuss what depression is, the connection between depression and mindfulness, and the range of related and scientifically supported techniques available that may help you manage the intensity of your symptoms.
What is depression?
Depression is a mental health disorder that can cause a range of symptoms that may vary from one person to another.
The symptoms of depression can include:
- Persistent feelings of sadness. Sadness tends to be a feeling that everyone experiences, but the sadness found in depression can be more intense and persist past the point and duration of typical sadness.
- Loss of pleasure or interest in daily activities or excursions.Depression can lead to a loss of motivation to participate in or attend activities that previously provided joy.
- Appetite and weight changes. People with depression may find themselves with fluctuations in appetite that may or may not have been previously present.
- Changes in sleeping patterns or energy levels. People experiencing depression may find themselves needing more or less sleep, and they may experience fluctuating energy levels.
- Cognitive changes. Depression can lead to cognitive changes, such as difficulty focusing on or remembering things.
- Feelings of worthlessness, guilt or despair. Depression is linked to sadness, but it can also cause intense feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and despair. These feelings may come and go or may be persistent in their expression.
Is there a treatment for this mood disorder?
There are treatments for depression despite being a serious mood disorder. Medication and therapy are effective in reducing the symptoms. Some therapists recommend mindfulness to manage stress and reduce depression.
What is mindfulness?
The word mindfulness is often used to describe a state in which an individual is aware of what is going on internally and externally rather than skipping ahead to the future or lingering on the past.
How mindfulness and depression intersect
Researchers have found that mindfulness and depression may intersect primarily where rumination and worry are concerned.
Depression can be marked by significant periods of worry and rumination. Mindfulness may directly and indirectly address these symptoms and offer feelings of peace or relief, which may improve the quality of life in people who are experiencing depression.
Supportive strategies to help alleviate symptoms of depression
Below are some specific types of mindfulness and relaxation strategies you might consider using to manage symptoms of depression.
Yoga has seen a surge in popularity in the past several decades. You may find that your local community has a yoga studio, community center classes, or 1:1 instruction opportunities. In the absence of a physical class, however, there are numerous teachers online who aim to bring safe yoga classes into homes around the world. This makes yoga one of the more attainable forms of support for many.
Scientific studies have indicated efficacy in using yoga as a supportive strategy for symptoms of depression, focusing heavily on implications shown in the duration of use across test groups.
Generally, duration ranges from 15 minutes to over two hours of a daily yoga practice in most studies, which can provide a measurable difference in depression scores.
Meditation is generally considered to be a multifaceted practice that has been linked to improvements in depression symptoms. Meditation can be done in a number of ways.Some meditation practices were developed as part of certain spiritual traditions. Others have been developed to assist in checking in with yourself and soothing physical symptoms of depression and anxiety. In either case, the practice of stillness has been shown to be helpful in managing the symptoms of depression in some people.
At its core, meditation is thought to have been designed to help people learn how to quiet their thoughts and focus or relax. Meditation has been defined by many as the process of “clearing one’s mind,” or cutting through all of the thoughts, impressions, and ideas that one may experience on a daily basis—some of which may be rooted in low self-esteem, inaccurate perceptions, or unhealthy processes.
Meditating can be as simple as someone sitting on a cushion on the floor, with eyes closed and face serene. While this is one way to meditate, meditation does not require any special circumstances, tools, or locations. It also doesn’t require the person being in a place of stillness at the time that meditation starts. For example, meditating can be done while someone is sitting in the grass, going on a walk, or lying in bed.
Meditation can be done with a guide, such as using an app on your phone to be led through meditative exercises, or it can be done alone. The main focus of meditation for many is to intentionally check in with themselves and take note of what they are thinking and feeling, actively practicing letting those thoughts and feelings go in order to allow their mind to fully relax.
Grounding (also called “earthing”) is another type of mindfulness practice that has gained traction in recent years. Grounding is the term generally used to describe the practice of physically meeting the earth.
This can be practiced by taking a barefoot walk along the beach or on the grass. Grounding has been scientifically suggested to elevate a depressed mood in many people, increasing general feelings of happiness and well-being.
Mindful walking
Part of mindful living, for many, is engaging in mindfulness exercises in daily life. They don’t necessarily have to be long or elaborate techniques to make a difference in your mental health.
One of the most common mindfulness exercises for many is mindful walking. Doing this while experiencing symptoms of depression can be challenging because it can be physically difficult to get out of bed or outdoors. However, once you’re moving, you may experience some form of relief or lessened severity of your depressive symptoms.
To begin walking mindfully, you may choose to take a walk wherever you are— whether you’re in a busy urban area or in a rural setting. These are just two places (among many) where you can practice this mindfulness exercise.
As you walk, you might consider observing your surroundings. If you find yourself overwhelmed or experiencing symptoms of depression, you might try to simplify your focus, bringing your attention to putting one foot in front of the other. It may also help to simply observe thoughts without judgment as they arise.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to improve mental health
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a type of therapy that combines cognitive therapy, meditation, and non-judgmental thinking into a single, digestible therapeutic format.
In cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), people generally learn to reframe their negative thoughts into productive ones. MBCT takes this concept from CBT, integrates the concept of mindfulness, and focuses on removing judgment from the patient about their daily lived experiences.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy may be helpful to those who experience repetitive negative thought patterns as a manifestation of their depressive symptoms.
Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an effective treatment for this mood disorder
Internet-based CBT has been a topic of discussion for several years across special interest and research communities. A recent literature review has shown that ICBT can be effective for those experiencing depression, as well as possible comorbidities of depression. Authors of the review cited other positive benefits, such as the potential for affordability and less of a cost burden on the healthcare system.
When a person is experiencing depression, the thought of leaving home (or the bed) can seem overwhelming. Additionally, those living with depression may concurrently experience a range of physical and mental health symptoms that can make travel over any distance difficult, such as gastrointestinal discomfort and feelings of nervousness. While this can limit the benefit sought from in-person therapeutic environments, online therapy can bridge this gap and offer support to individuals from the comfort of their own homes.
Breathwork is sometimes a component of meditation and yoga but can stand alone as a mindfulness practice.
Breathwork can look different for everyone. For some, breath work may mean utilizing specific pranayama practices, such as alternate nostril breathing. For others, breath work may involve paying close attention to the breath, remaining mindful, and slowing down to bring awareness to the body and calm feelings of anxiety.
Can breathwork techniques help with depression?
Breath work has been scientifically linked to improvements in mental and physical health in some and has been described as a beneficial practice for depression-related symptoms. Breath work can also be used in clinical settings and may be utilized by professionals as part of a holistic intervention strategy.
Therapists who utilize this type of therapy generally recognize the value of mindfulness and its role in improving depression symptoms and may combine standard cognitive therapy techniques with mindfulness techniques. With BetterHelp, you can be matched with a therapist who understands the role of mindfulness in treating depression. Take the first step and reach out to BetterHelp today.
What are 5 mindfulness exercises?
Here are five mindfulness exercises that may help alleviate depression symptoms:
Yoga. Whether you go to a yoga studio, find a community yoga class, or try your hand at an app or online video, doing 15 minutes to two hours of yoga daily can help improve depression symptoms and reduce stress.
Meditation. There are many types of meditation, but most focus on learning how to relax or quiet one’s thoughts. Research shows that meditation can improve depression symptoms.
Grounding. Grounding or earthing is a technique used to describe the practice of physically getting in touch with the earth. Doing something as simple as taking a barefoot walk on the grass or along the beach may help elevate your mood.
Mindful walking. Integrating mindfulness into your daily life can be an effective way to manage depression symptoms. Mindful walking meditation is a common mindfulness exercise. Getting up and moving when you’re experiencing symptoms of depression can be challenging if you’re having a hard time getting out of bed, but once you’re up and moving outdoors, you may experience some relief. What makes mindful walking different from just taking a walk is how you take in to your surroundings. Focus on what is around you, allow yourself to think without judgment, and concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.
Breathwork. You can use breathwork as a part of yoga or meditation, but it can also be used on its own. A systematic review found that breathwork is linked to improvements in physical and mental health and can be beneficial in improving depression symptoms and calming the nervous system. Breathwork can look different for everyone. There are a variety of breathing techniques you can try, including box breathing and pursed lip breathing.
According to clinical trials, the most effective treatment plan for depression usually includes talk therapy (such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or interpersonal therapy) and antidepressant medications. However, mindfulness can also have significant positive effects and is often recommended in combination with therapy and medication. Other things that may help you overcome depression include strong social support from friends and family members, and dietary supplements.
For more severe depression, which may cause suicidal thoughts or high-risk behavior, it’s a good idea to seek immediate in-person support. For severe treatment-resistant cases, your primary care doctor may recommend brain stimulation therapies (like electroconvulsive therapy or transcranial magnetic stimulation), which are conducted by and watched closely by a medical practitioner.
What are the 4 quick mindfulness techniques?
Four simple mindfulness exercises you can do quickly are deep breathing exercises, grounding exercises, guided meditation, and practicing gratitude by writing down three or four things you’re grateful for.
Mindfulness is often recommended alongside standard psychological treatments, such as talk therapy and/or prescribed medication (like taking antidepressants). It can also be used in combination with other coping strategies (like using a mood diary), lifestyle changes, and actively engaging in social activities to manage mental illness symptoms.
How can I practice mindfulness daily to improve my mental health?
You can do just about any mindfulness exercise every day, but here are three easy practices to try.
Simple meditation. A quick and easy meditation exercise is to sit cross-legged on the floor or upright in a chair and then focus on one aspect of your breathing. After your concentration is narrowed, expand it a little by becoming aware of the sounds around you and the sensations you’re feeling. If your mind starts to wander, go back to focusing on your breathing. Take as much time as you need.
Open awareness. Open awareness helps you stay in the present. You can choose any moment or task to practice open awareness, like cooking, gardening, or even taking a walk. When you’re engaged in the activity, focus on the emotional and physical sensations you’re feeling. Breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. Continue on with your task, slowly and deliberately. If your mind wanders, refocus your attention on the task at hand.
Body awareness. Another way you can practice mindfulness every day is through body awareness. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and focus on the subtle things you are feeling, starting with your head and slowly working part by part down to your toes. Notice the sights, sounds, tastes, touches, and smells, and allow your emotions to pass without judgment. If you feel any urges or cravings, acknowledge them and allow them to pass.
Studies find that mindfulness can reduce symptoms of some health conditions, alleviate low mood, and reverse negative patterns in thoughts and behavior.
Some symptoms of depressive disorders—such as premenstrual dysphoric disorder and persistent depressive disorder (formerly called dysthymia)—can also be signs of another disorder. If you’re feeling depressed, consider going to your doctor’s office for a physical exam or lab tests to rule out conditions like hypothyroidism (in some cases, hypothyroidism may present with other signs, like unexplained weight gain, increased appetite, cold intolerance, or an enlarged thyroid).
What are the 3 R's of mindfulness?
There are five R’s of mindfulness: recognize, relax, review, respond, and return. Recognize your thoughts and internal dialogue and pay attention to your mental state. Relax; find ways to slow down, like connecting with your breath to help relax your body and mind. To review, ask yourself, what can I change or not change? What can I control? Do I have a choice? Respond by letting go of fear and worry about the past or the future, and return by checking in with yourself and bringing it back to the present moment to boost mental fitness with curiosity and openness.
How do you do mindfulness for beginners?
Mindfulness can be quite simple, even for beginners. Try a simple breathing exercise, like box breathing. Start by exhaling slowly to release all the air from your lungs, then take a deep breath through your nose, counting to four. Hold your breath for four counts, then exhale for four counts. This mindfulness exercise requires no equipment, and you can do it anywhere, making it great for beginners.
More mindfulness techniques, like a body scan, can benefit beginners. Start by paying attention to sensations on your body, like how your clothes feel against your skin, if your feet are cold, or if you’re feeling any pain or tension. Then, work from your head down or your toes up, paying attention to any feelings in every part of your body.
Talk therapy, medications, and other treatments are typically recommended as first-line treatments for depression. But, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, mindfulness can also be helpful for depression (affects are often noticed after the first few weeks of consistent practice). Dietary changes (such as limiting processed foods), reduced alcohol consumption, daily physical activity, engaging in social activities, and developing a healthy sleep routine can help too.
What are the 9 attitudes of mindfulness acceptance?
The nine attitudes of mindfulness were created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who developed mindfulness-based stress reduction from his behavior research. They are:
Non-judgment, or being able to understand things without assigning labels as “good” or “bad” and having self compassion.
Patience, with oneself and in understanding that things happen in their own time.
Beginner’s mind, or seeing things around you as if you are experiencing them for the first time.
Trust, knowing that the body will continue to support itself and continue to function.
Non-striving, or not seeking something specific from your medication practice.
Acceptance, or actively recognizing things as they are, not as we wish they were.
Letting go, or the understanding that all things will end and letting things be.
Gratitude, or appreciating even the simple things in the moment.
Generosity, or giving to other people for the joy it brings.
Research suggests these nine mindful attitudes can improve the quality of life of young adults and older adults alike.
What is 50/50 mindfulness technique?
The 50/50 mindfulness technique relates to communication. It is a technique when you divide your awareness so 50 percent is internal and 50 percent is external. This technique can help you pay more attention to your conversation rather than just waiting for your turn to talk.
What are the mindful movements?
Mindful movement as a way of practicing mindfulness exercises can mean focusing on what you’re sensing and feeling to be more in tune with your body and the world around you. It can also help people reframe negative thinking or unhelpful thoughts.
Some examples include mindful stretching, mindful walking, gentle physical activity, breathing exercises, body scans, and yoga poses. Mindfulness practices can be incorporated into many parts of daily life, with studies supporting that guided mindfulness can improve mood and reduce minor symptoms of major depression.
What is the core of mindfulness?
There are many tenets of mindfulness meditation practice, but it can be said that they can be described as attention and acceptance. Mindfulness helps you focus your attention on the senses and what is around you without making any judgments.
What are the two pillars of mindfulness?
While there are no clearly identified two pillars of mindfulness meditations, you might say the pillars of mindfulness are attention and acceptance, as so much of mindfulness is about clearing your mind to focus on your senses and the world around you and accepting things as they are and allowing them to pass without judgment.
Mindfulness may be a helpful complement to psychological therapy for a wide range of mental disorders, including persistent depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, substance use disorder (formerly called substance abuse), and other disorders.
What coping techniques help with depression?
Several techniques can help a person cope with the symptoms of depression. Some helpful techniques are yoga, meditation, exercise, and hobbies. Getting a support system, enjoying a daily dose of sunlight, and practicing gratitude are also important. However, if symptoms are still getting worse despite your self-help techniques, seek help from a mental health professional.
In addition to developing coping skills and getting professional help, many with moderate to severe depression benefit from prescription medications (including antidepressants and other medications).
Some people advocate for the use of vitamins or supplements, like St. John’s wort, to relieve depression symptoms. However, it can interact with many medications, including antidepressants and birth control, and it is not FDA-approved.
What is the best therapy approach to lessen symptoms of depression?
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or CBT is a type of psychotherapy commonly used to help people diagnosed with clinical depression. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of CBT as an effective approach to reducing the symptoms of major depressive disorder.
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