Monday Motivation: Start The Week Off Right
For many, the first day back to work or school can be the most difficult day of the week. After a day or two off, the idea of returning to the obligations and requirements of a job or education can cause you to feel unmotivated, frustrated, and even depressed.
However, research suggests that controlling your expectations may help turn the Monday Blues around, and some simple strategies may help.
With the proper guidelines and motivation, you can start the week with an expectation of positivity and excitement. This mindset can be combined with words of affirmation or words of encouragement to create a mentally healthy outlook on the days ahead.
Read on to learn more about these strategies to help you start your week off right.
The benefits of daily motivation
If you do not have sufficient motivation to enjoy your daily activities, they can seem like tiring chores. However, internal motivation can prompt action and encourage people to exceed their self-expectations. Motivation also tends to increase enjoyment. Tasks performed while you’re inspired can turn from being boring or stressful to fun and exciting, thus giving you the opportunity to have new experiences and inspiration for ideas.
While many people experience difficulty feeling motivated to get back to work or school after a break, not having an internal drive to achieve daily tasks can be a sign of a mental health concern. Lacking inspiration and motivation can sometimes be a symptom of some mental health conditions. For example, people experiencing depression may feel unmotivated to do anything. If you are experiencing a lack of motivation due to an underlying mental health condition, there are effective treatment options available, including online therapy, which allows you to connect with a therapist even when you don’t feel motivated to leave home.
Regardless of the cause of your lack of motivation, you may benefit from some of the motivation strategies outlined below.
Find inspiration from Monday motivation quotes
A short phrase or quotation can sometimes have a significant impact on your motivation. You can take note of motivational quotes from your friends and family or from those you might find on your social media feed. Monday motivation quotes may be intended for that particular day of the week, but they can sometimes also be equally applicable to any other day.
When you choose a quote of the day, you may find that motivation comes to you more easily. You can use your motivational quote of the day with friends, at home, and in your workplace. To make it more convenient, you might make a poster or screensaver from it, and you can even program it to appear on your phone’s calendar each Monday. You can also write it on a sticky note and put it at the top of your computer screen.
Popular motivational quotes to kickstart your week
- "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
- "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible!” ~ Audrey Hepburn
- "Believe you can, and you're halfway there." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
- "Do or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda
- "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." ~ Maya Angelou
- "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." ~ Albert Einstein
- “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” ~ George Addair
- "What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality." ~ Plutarch
- "If you can dream it, you can do it." ~ Walt Disney
- "It always seems impossible until it's done." ~ Nelson Mandela
- "I am not a product of my circumstances; I am a product of my decisions." ~ Stephen Covey
Post your favorite motivation Monday meme
A Monday motivation meme can brighten your day as well as someone else's. When you see a Monday motivation meme on your favorite social media site, consider posting it for your friends to see. You can even get them engaged with it by prefacing it with a personal comment or question. Offering motivational memes can serve several purposes.
- It can serve as a simple way to think more positively.
- It can brighten your day and someone else's too.
- It allows you to express your feelings.
- It can give your motivation a social boost from those who like or comment on the meme.
Post Monday motivation images
One way to increase your drive to take care of everything you need to do on Monday may be to post photos or other Monday motivation images. You can post them on your social media, use them as screensavers on your computer desktop, or even get a hard copy and hang in your office.
Here are some tips for selecting motivational images:
- Search for attractive drawings, animations, or photos.
- Look for bright and cheerful colors.
- Choose images that include an inspirational quote or a funny message.
Make Monday motivation funny
When you add a touch of humor to your Monday motivations, you may find that you can start the week off with more energy and joy. If you are having a difficult time getting out of bed in the morning, hilarious memes, images, and quotes may break through your lack of motivation quickly. Here are some general tips for turning Monday into a funnier day:
- Find a joke you enjoy about motivation and tell it to your friends or coworkers.
- Learn a motivational quote with a humorous twist and surprise others with it.
- Send a hilarious motivation GIF when you text your friends and loved ones.
Motivate yourself on Saturday and Sunday, too
One of the keys to starting the week off right may lie in the way you use your weekend. Below are some strategies for maximizing your weekends so that Mondays don’t seem so burdensome.
Saturday motivation
If Saturday is your first full day off for the weekend, you may have conflicting feelings about it. While relaxation is important for both physical and mental health, Saturday might be the only day when you can do household chores or errands. Different goals may come to mind, but you can decide which ones are a top priority.
To make the most of your Saturday, you might start the day—or the night before—with goal setting. You can decide what you are going to do with the time you have off and get started right away. Just as motivation often leads to action, action can also increase motivation. If you get all your chores done first, you have the rest of your day to relax, explore nature, or do whatever brings you joy.
Sunday motivation
For many people, Sunday is a day for religious or community activities. Suppose you get up early and attend church services or engage in community activities. If so, you may need more motivation than you need during the rest of the week, including on Monday. This is because your financial survival likely does not depend on whether you show up or not, so it all comes down to how these other activities fit into your own set of priorities.
No matter how you spend your day, you may find it helpful to take some time for reflection. You can think about what you want out of your Sunday and each day for the following week. Then, you might let all that pass from your consciousness and take some time to simply enjoy the day in comfort. You might try listening to music you enjoy, spending time relaxing with friends or family, taking a walk in the park, or doing anything that brings you joy.
Finally, to reduce stress on Monday morning, you might take a little time to prepare for the next day. This may include deciding what you’re going to have for breakfast and lunch on Monday. You can also prepare your work clothes and have everything ready so that you can prepare for work without feeling rushed.
Monday motivation for working out
Stimulating your mind by exercising can be an effective way to jumpstart your week. If you tend to exercise in the morning, getting a workout in before work on Monday morning may help you build momentum. If you start your day with exercise, you may feel more motivated as you start to work, knowing that you’ve already accomplished something.
Alternatively, if you prefer to exercise in the evening, a Monday evening workout can also help you start the week off right. It may help you feel a sense of momentum as you go into Tuesday.
As you think about exercise, you might consider consulting with a trainer, coach, or workout partner to plan a specific workout routine to make sure you are on the right track. It may help to play some upbeat music on your phone to pump your adrenaline as you run or work out. It can be hard to see your workout to the end, so you might promise yourself a treat of some sort when you finish.
Consulting a counselor about boosting motivational activities
One of the biggest challenges you may face is perceiving that you have no one to talk to about your current challenges with motivation. Online motivational counseling is available.
Studies have shown that online counseling can be a powerful tool for people experiencing a lack of motivation that may be related to mental health challenges. In a study published in Internet Interventions—a peer-reviewed scientific journal—researchers examined the effects of an online motivational intervention, as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Researchers found that online interventions led to positive changes, with participants reporting greater motivation post-treatment. CBT typically aims to help individuals understand and replace intrusive thoughts that may lead to unwanted behaviors and feelings, such as a lack of drive. These findings are in line with an already significant number of studies that point to online therapy as a valuable method of providing mental health care for a wide range of concerns.
With online therapy, you can connect with a licensed therapist through live chat, phone, or videoconferencing—or a combination of these modalities. Also, with BetterHelp, you have the opportunity to reach out to your licensed therapist outside of sessions via in-app messaging. If you have a concern to discuss, need to ask a question, or simply want to talk, you can send a message, and they’ll respond as soon as they are able. This feature may be helpful for times during the week when you might feel unmotivated and want to connect with your therapist.
It may also help to speak with a licensed counselor. With BetterHelp, you can be matched with a therapist who has experience helping people who are experiencing challenges related to motivation. You can connect with your therapist online, which may be helpful if you’re encountering low levels of motivation and don’t really want to go to a therapist’s office. Take the first step toward starting the week off right and reach out to BetterHelp today.
What does starting your week off right mean?
The phrase “starting your week off right” often refers to beginning your week (typically starting on Monday) in a positive and healthy manner. This can take a variety of forms depending on the way you define a good start to a week. For example, starting the week off right could mean planning out what you intend to accomplish during the next seven days. This may involve establishing ways to keep your work and home life balanced in order to avoid potential consequences like burnout. You may also want to start the week right by setting an intention or specific mindset. This could be done in a variety of ways, including through the use of journaling, meditation, or positive affirmations.
How do you start the day off right?
There are many ways a person could start their day off right, including:
- Exercise: One good way to start your day could be to engage in some form of physical activity or exercise. Exercise can provide multiple benefits, such as improving brain health, reducing disease risk, and strengthening bones and muscles.
- Meditation: Another potentially helpful addition to your morning ritual could be meditation. Meditation can help individuals to achieve a sense of calm that may reduce stress, enhance mood, and promote an overall healthier sense of well-being.
- Getting Proper Nutrition: Eating a healthy and well-balanced breakfast may be an effective way to start off your day right. By getting proper nutrition, you may help boost your body’s immune response, lower your risk of heart disease and other conditions, and improve your energy levels throughout the day.
How do you start Monday properly?
Starting a Monday (or the beginning of the week) properly may look differently depending on what activities a person chooses to engage in and what their specific goals are. In many cases, individuals will create their own morning routines according to their definition of a “proper” start. For example, some may find the best way to start a Monday off properly by waking up early, eating a healthy breakfast, and engaging in some form of physical activity, while others may start Monday mornings off by drinking a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper before work. Deviating from these routines may cause a person to feel anxious, so it may be important to ensure one has enough time to complete their regular rituals.
Why is it important to start your day right?
Starting your day off right could be important for a number of reasons. For some, a good start can help them set their intentions for the remainder of the day or week. For others, starting your day off right may help a person maintain momentum, get through their routine, and work with efficiency in order to stay motivated until their tasks are completed. Overall, the reasons and ways that you may start your day off right can vary based on your individual goals and preferences. For example, a “morning person” may want to start their day off right by getting up well before they work in order to enjoy the sunrise, while a “night owl” may want to stay in bed longer in order to get as much sleep as possible.
How do you like to start your week?
One potentially beneficial way to start your week could be to create a task list containing what you hope to complete over the next seven days. This “to-do list” may relate to chores you want to do around the house, projects you want to move forward with at work, personal improvement goals, or tasks you want to complete for loved ones.
Another good way to start off your week could be to go out and spend time in nature. According to UC Davis Health, getting out into nature can have multiple benefits, including increasing our ability to think and reason, improving physical wellness, and boosting our mental health. While it can be difficult to find time to get outside early in the week, these nature-based benefits may be achieved during any free time a person has (whether that be after work or on the weekend.)
How do you end your week right?
Ending your week right may look different in some people's lives than others. For some individuals, the end of the week is a period of recreation that may involve going out to eat, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in a hobby. For others, the end of the week may be used as a time to plan the week ahead, possibly by making to-do lists, completing meal prep, or gathering the materials one will need to complete projects. How you choose to end the week will likely vary depending on how you choose to spend your time, what activities you find beneficial, and what routines you typically follow.
Why should you start your week on Sunday?
There may be a few potential benefits to starting your week on a Sunday as opposed to the more traditional starting day, Monday. If your work week starts on Monday, beginning your week on Sunday could give you extra planning time without the pressure of job-related tasks. This preparation could take multiple forms, including creating a schedule, meal-prepping, or setting a goal you wish to complete before the week is over. You may also need some time to mentally prepare yourself for work, which could feel overwhelming if you start your week on Monday. By choosing to mentally begin your week on Sunday, you could lower your stress levels and set yourself up for success.
Should I start my week on Sunday or Monday?
Which day starts off your week will depend on personal preference and what types of tasks you need to complete. For example, some may choose to start their week on Monday in order to line up the beginning of their week with their work schedule. Others may choose Sunday as the start of their week, as this could give them a head start on planning. Sometimes, the week may not start on a Sunday or Monday but another day of the week. This often applies to those who engage in shift work, who may have their “weekend” fall outside of the traditional days of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Is it true that Sunday is the first day of the week?
Whether or not Sunday is the first day of the week will depend on a variety of factors, including personal preference, calendar type, and whether you practice a specific religion. In Christianity and Judaism, Sunday is typically considered the beginning of the week. In addition, the commonly used Gregorian Calendar is based on the Hebrew Calendar, where Sunday is again often deemed the beginning of the week. However, you may decide which day begins your week for other reasons, like what aligns with your work or weekend schedule.
How do I start my week on Sunday?
There are a variety of ways you can start your week on a Sunday, including:
Make a Weekend Plan: One productive way to start your week is by planning what you want to do the following weekend. This could act as a reward for getting through your tasks and help keep you motivated through any negative emotions you may experience over the next few days.
Run Errands: While it can be difficult to get errands done during the work week, you may have some free time on Sunday to get some errands done. This may mean going to the store for groceries in the early afternoon, taking your laundry to the cleaners, or performing any car maintenance that you may have been putting off.
Get to Sleep Early: Getting a proper night's rest can help to put you in a good mood for Monday, so it may be helpful to get to bed early for the start of your week. While this may cut into your recreation time on Sunday night, getting enough sleep is essential for your physical health and mental well-being.
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