Understanding Pessimism: Can A Pessimistic Outlook Be Helpful?

Medically reviewed by Paige Henry, LMSW, J.D. and Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated February 27th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Pessimism, often regarded as the opposite of optimism, is a mindset and worldview that involves a negative outlook on life. For some, this mindset may be used as a coping mechanism when challenging circumstances arise. For others, it may be a form of cynicism or nihilism. To understand whether pessimism is helpful, it may be beneficial to look at its principles compared to other schools of thought. 

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What is pessimism? 

Pessimism, as defined by the American Psychological Association (APA), is an attitude or expectation that situations will go wrong and that your wishes or aims will not be fulfilled. In contrast, optimism is characterized by hopefulness and an expectation that positive occurrences are likely. While some people land somewhere between these general outlooks on life, others perceive life through a purely optimistic or pessimistic lens.

If you often choose a pessimistic outlook, you may have been judged by your more optimistic peers or had difficult experiences that have caused you to lose hope. It could seem like the safest option for protecting yourself from further harm. If the negative outcome you expect happens, you may avoid disappointment by not being surprised or taken aback by the outcome. In addition, if the outcome is positive, you may be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed. 

Positive psychology embraces optimism as an ideal personality trait and suggests that pessimism is negative. However, there may be some situations in which pessimism is useful. Looking at pessimism through a positive lens could seem contradictory, but there are a few perspectives to consider, and the reality may not be black and white. 

Pessimism quotes

Several quotes on pessimism may describe this outlook, with some favoring this mindset and others finding it unhelpful. Below are a few of these quotes: 

  • "A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself and hates them for it." – George Bernard Shaw 
  • "I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will." – Antonio Gramsci 
  • "Keep a light, hopeful heart. But expect the worst." – Joyce Carol Oates 
  • "If you think this Universe is bad, you should see some of the others." –Philip K. Dick 
  • "The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much; if he is an optimist after it, he knows too little." –Mark Twain 
  • "What a pessimist you are!" exclaimed Candide. "That is because I know what life is," said Mark. –An excerpt from Volatire's Candide 
  • "When things are at their blackest, I say to myself, 'Cheer up; things could be worse.' And sure enough, they get worse." – Robert Lynn Asprin 
  • "I like pessimists. They're always the ones who bring life jackets for the boat." – Lisa Kleypas 
  • "Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me, but deep down, I know that's not true. Some smaller countries are neutral." – Robert Orben 
  • "There are moments when everything goes well; Don't be frightened, it won't last." – Jules Renard 
  • "Sometimes a pessimist is only an optimist with extra information." – Idries Shah 

When contemplating these quotes, you may see a few positive sides to pessimism. Criss Jami offers another perspective: "Seeing the glass as half empty is more positive than seeing it as half full. Through such a lens, the only choice is to pour more. That is righteous pessimism."

Pessimism can prompt some people to prepare for problems in practical ways. However, others may experience pessimism because of anxiety or rumination on negative thoughts. Pessimism can also impact reality, as many scholars believe thoughts dictate reality. A balanced worldview may allow individuals to recognize negative possibilities while having the hope and optimism to change them. 

What is pessimism?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary offers a specific definition of pessimism, calling it "an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome." Pessimism is an attitude that informs your worldview. It is a tendency and not a constant state. For that reason, someone may be a pessimist but still have moments of hope and joy.  

Pessimism vs. optimism

Pessimism and optimism are often mentioned congruently. They are opposites but can have some similarities. When you consider pessimism vs. optimism, looking at the similarities and differences from a neutral perspective may be helpful. 

Below are a few similarities between optimism and pessimism: 

  • Both terms refer to attitudes and worldviews
  • They are both relative terms, which can be seen on the same continuum
  • Both sides of the spectrum have healthy and unhealthy degrees
  • Both are choices 
  • Both involve thought patterns that can include cognitive distortions

The differences between optimism and pessimism include the following: 

  • Optimism dwells on the positive, while pessimism focuses on the negative
  • Optimism inspires action, and pessimism prompts cautious planning

What is meant by “pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will“ for pessimists

Antonio Gramsci encouraged pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will. His concept involved a combination of optimism and pessimism in his worldview. 

To practice a pessimistic intellect and optimistic will, a person may think of a situation logically by considering what could go wrong and how they might problem-solve. It is a form of situational awareness that allows a person to plan how to cope. After planning and considering the facts, you can call on optimism to move forward confidently and with hope. 

Someone who chooses a purely optimistic outlook may believe that to get a positive outcome, the only step required is to believe in it. In some cases, this mindset may be correct. However, disappointment can occur if steps are not taken to achieve one's goals due to an idealistic outlook. In these cases, pessimism and realism might be used first. By combining an optimistic emotional state with pessimistic planning, you may experience the advantages of both.

Types of pessimism

Psychologists and others have identified several distinct types of pessimism. These different ways of seeing pessimism may impact how you think of yourself, others, and the world around you.

Philosophical pessimism

Pessimism as a philosophical concept has a slightly different meaning than in pop culture.? To some philosophers, pessimism is a doctrine meaning, "The world we live in is the worst of all possible worlds." In this mindset, the world is at its worst, leading to "evil" or "corruption." Another philosophical use is the belief that all the happiness and positivity in the world do not make up for the evil and pain in the world.

Defensive pessimism

Defensive pessimism is a way of coping with anxiety and other uncomfortable mood states. In this mindset, instead of hoping for the best, you may assume the worst will happen. You may think through several scary or unhealthy scenarios because it helps you lower your expectations. Because you see little chance of complete success, you may not work toward your goals. 

This strategy has been used by students preparing for exams and performers preparing to hit the stage. If you've ever heard the common theatre phrase, "Break a leg? " you may have witnessed the use of defensive pessimism.

Comparative pessimism

Several studies have focused on comparative optimism, the belief that positive occurrences are more likely for you than others or that negative events are more likely to happen to other people besides yourself. It is an illusion that makes you perceive yourself as smarter, more attractive, or "better" than others. 

In the same vein, comparative pessimism is unrealistic pessimism. You may think you are inferior to others and that situations can be worse for you in the future than for your peers. This mindset could lower your self-esteem and cause depression. It may also make you believe there is no hope, even when you see others succeeding with no more advantages than you have. 

How is optimism helpful and unhelpful for pessimists?

A person's positive or negative expectations for the future can play a significant role in coping with life's challenges and disappointments. Studies have shown a significant positive relationship between optimism and resilience against stressful situations. Concomitantly, optimism can indirectly but positively affect your mental health and general well-being. People who expect the positive in their future tend to choose a healthier lifestyle. They also may cognitively practice intellectual flexibility to negative outcomes and problem-solving. 

While an optimistic outlook is perceived by many as the best way to handle every difficult problem or situation, pessimism may also have benefits. In addition, there can be drawbacks to optimism, too. Although thoughts can impact reality, thoughts without action may not go as far as those followed by change. Consider what would happen if you and someone believed you would win a race. Both of you thought equally positively about it, yet only one of you can win.

How is pessimism beneficial? 

In some situations, pessimism may have benefits that optimism doesn't, such as the following: 

  • A Longer Lifespan: In one study, older people who were more pessimistic were likelier to be alive ten years after the study than optimistic people.
  • Productivity: Pessimism may open your mind to situations that could be improved on, pushing you to get more tasks done. 
  • Avoidance of the Ego: Extreme optimism may lead to over-confidence, which can cause egotistical behaviors. Pessimism may avoid this consequence. 
  • Improved Relationships: Understanding that a relationship may fail could motivate you to be more proactive in solving problems and settling disagreements.

How to develop healthy pessimism

Below are a few tips for developing healthy forms of pessimism: 

  • Think specifically about what could go wrong concerning the facts, not the perceptions of the situation 
  • Prepare for how you would react in certain possible conflicts
  • Consider what is negative about a situation and what could turn it positive 
  • Consider minor and significant challenges 

How could being a pessimist be unhealthy?

Pessimism can be unhealthy in significant amounts or when it causes you to become anxious, sad, or unmotivated. Excessive pessimism may cause paranoia and fear, restricting your ability to move forward. 

You may also pass on these fears to others, causing their mood to shift. While some people fall between the extremes of pure optimism and pure pessimism, it can be difficult to be around someone who is consistently negative. 

Persistent pessimism can also impact your mental and physical health. It may increase your risk factors for developing stress, depression, and anxiety. Studies have shown that extremely pessimistic and depressive personality traits are associated with an increased risk for mortality.

Caring for mental health concerns can be daunting without support

Developing your character with a therapist

Neither pessimism or optimism guarantees success or failure, happiness or despair. What matters is how you respond to your thought patterns. If you find that your negative thoughts or outlook on life are consistently getting in the way of your ability to enjoy life, consider speaking with a therapist or healthcare provider. While it can be natural and sometimes healthy to have a pessimistic view of certain situations in life, persistent negative thoughts could be a sign of a mental health condition. 

If you have a busy schedule or financial limitations, you can also try therapy through an online platform like BetterHelp. Online therapy allows clients to meet with a therapist via phone, video, or chat. In addition, you can ask your therapist questions throughout the day using an out-of-session messaging feature. Your therapist can respond when available. This feature may be useful for receiving advice when unsure if you're experiencing a cognitive distortion. 

Studies have proven that internet-based treatment can aid those struggling with depression and pessimism. For example, 466 participants joined a study in the interest of becoming happier using online positive psychology interventions (OPPIs). The participants randomly assigned to online optimism-building interventions reported engaging more in activities that brought them happiness and experienced less dysfunctional pessimism in their daily lives. 


Both pessimism and optimism can benefit one's mental and physical health. If you want to learn more about these life views, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist for support. You don't have to have a mental illness to go to therapy, and many therapists are trained in philosophical mindsets and how they impact the brain.
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