Understanding The Role Of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) For Neuroticism

Medically reviewed by Andrea Brant, LMHC and Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated February 19th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Neuroticism is a personality trait characterized by high levels of anxiety, worry, fear, and sadness. Those who display neurotic characteristics may be more likely to become stuck in repetitive patterns that are difficult to recognize and address individually. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be an effective treatment for individuals who display neurotic tendencies and may need professional assistance in developing coping strategies and new perspectives.  

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With the guidance of a licensed therapist, individuals can learn coping skills that allow them to manage these states more effectively and develop methods for breaking free from rumination and repetitive negative beliefs. CBT is a flexible approach that encourages individuals to become mindful of their thoughts and emotions to identify problematic thought patterns that may lead to negative behaviors. This form of therapy helps individuals examine the underlying causes of neuroticism objectively while learning to apply more adaptive thought processes.

What is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

CBT is an evidence-based psychological treatment that aims to help individuals be more mindful of unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns. Practitioners can tailor CBT  to address a variety of mental health concerns, including depression, personality disorders, and also high levels of neuroticism. 

CBT to modify cognitive distortions and improve mental health

One of the core components of CBT is the identification and modification of cognitive distortions, which are ways of thinking that may be irrational or distorted in some way. Through CBT, therapists may help clients recognize these patterns and teach them to think more realistically about themselves and their life experiences. This process may help individuals respond more resiliently to challenging circumstances without becoming overwhelmed or overly anxious, which is typical for those who experience high levels of neuroticism. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) includes various techniques to manage emotions

Therapists may also teach clients coping strategies in CBT, which include various techniques for managing difficult emotions or stressful situations. The goal is for individuals to learn how to regulate their emotions and responses to better cope with stressors and react with more mindfulness.  

CBT for neuroticism

Neuroticism is a personality characteristic associated with an increased vulnerability to stress and other negative emotional patterns. This increased tendency to experience distressful states of mind may lead individuals to be more prone to developing mental health disorders such as anxiety disorders and depression. While there may be individual differences between the levels of neuroticism people experience, CBT offers an approach customizable to each person’s unique situation.

CBT may help those who display neurotic personality traits to be more mindful of their behavior patterns while developing coping skills that help them break out of negative states of mind.

Additionally, CBT can educate individuals about the adverse health effects of constant stress and negative rumination while demonstrating the value of channeling this energy into more positive thinking patterns.

What techniques are used in CBT for neuroticism?

CBT techniques for regulating neuroticism may include focusing on what can be controlled, how to calm down using breathing exercises, or addressing the role of co-occurring disorders such as anxiety or depression. Some of the most common neurotic traits include:

  • Persistent worry and anxiety
  • Negative self-talk
  • Low self-esteem
  • Impulsivity
  • Fearfulness and avoidance behavior
  • Perfectionism 
  • Irritability 
  • Rumination  
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Overgeneralization

CBT for neuroticism techniques

Some main techniques used in CBT treatment plans include cognitive restructuring, mindfulness development, and exposure therapy.

Cognitive restructuring

Cognitive restructuring in cognitive therapy involves identifying and challenging cognitive distortions that contribute to a tendency toward neuroticism. By examining their self-defeating thoughts and negative emotions, individuals can discover the underlying assumptions behind them and replace them with healthier ones. This process may enable individuals to better handle stress, boost their self-esteem, and make more rational, mindful decisions in their daily lives. 


Through cognitive restructuring, therapists may help individuals develop new emotional strategies for coping with anxiety and stressful situations. Outcomes include changing patterns of avoidance or procrastination into proactive problem-solving techniques or learning to replace negative self-talk with more positivity and self-acceptance.

Mindfulness development

Mindfulness skills development may assist individuals in recognizing emotional instability and changing unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior. Mindfulness skills development is a helpful component of CBT for neuroticism because it may allow individuals to become aware of their thoughts and feelings in a nonjudgmental way. Doing so enables them to better manage their neurotic tendencies by learning to regulate their emotions, identify causes for their negative reactions, and practice new coping strategies. 

Mindful awareness may also provide insight into why people act the way they do, allowing them to adjust their behavior accordingly. Furthermore, engaging in mindful activities such as meditation and yoga has been linked to increased self-compassion and self-awareness, which can help essential components when coping with neurotic tendencies.

In one study, researchers looked at the ability of mindfulness-based CBT to help address the negative symptoms associated with high levels of neuroticism. In their study, they discovered that this form of therapy could significantly reduce negative neurotic symptoms and that mindfulness strategies reduced rumination while improving self-compassion. 

Exposure therapy 

People with highly neurotic personalities tend to display a negative affect and have more difficulty coping with stressful situations than most. When exposed to stressful situations or emotions, these people tend to become overwhelmed or stuck in a negative state of mind while experiencing difficulty breaking free from this state. 

Through exposure therapy in CBT, people with high neuroticism may learn to better handle stress and break free from negative emotional states. This therapy works by gradually exposing the patient to a feared situation or emotion and helping them become comfortable with it. 

Exposure therapy works by gradually improving the ability of the nervous system to respond more healthily to stressors. Through gradual exposure and lifestyle adjustments such as diet and exercise, individuals may improve their body’s ability to adapt to stress and handle challenging situations and emotions with more clarity and balance. 

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Online therapy for anxiety disorders and depression

Online therapy may be able to help individuals who experience the symptoms of neuroticism to more easily access professional counseling services tailored to their personal mental health needs. Individuals who experience neurotic tendencies may also experience challenging symptoms of anxiety and depression, which may make it difficult to leave the house and open up about their emotions in an in-person setting. For these people, online therapy may offer a more accessible means of receiving helpful treatment services. 

Effectiveness of online CBT in reducing symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression

In one study, researchers looked at the effectiveness of online CBT in the online setting compared to in-person sessions. Their team discovered that CBT was just as effective for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression as in-person therapy. They also found that online interventions may offer multiple benefits for clients and practitioners, including improved access and effective management of negative emotional and behavioral patterns. This study demonstrates that online therapy may allow easier and quicker access to CBT strategies at a lower cost and greater convenience than traditional therapy. 


Online-delivered CBT strategies may effectively help individuals manage neurotic tendencies and the associated patterns of negative emotions. By providing a structured yet customizable approach, CBT can teach people the tools to develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress and rumination while encouraging self-reflection and awareness of how their thoughts affect their mental health. 

With this heightened awareness, individuals may be better equipped with the skills needed to make positive changes that may lead them toward more significant mental health and well-being. Know that if you are struggling to manage high levels of neuroticism or experiencing challenges in a relationship with someone with a neurotic personality, you are not alone. Compassionate, convenient, and experienced support is available for individuals and partners at BetterHelp – when you are ready, reach out for support.

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