How Parenting Styles Psychology Can Shape Your Child
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Some parents conduct research or take parenting classes to learn about the four major parenting styles and child psychology before their child enters the world. Other parents may choose to "wing" it, not having as much of a plan for how they'd like to raise their child.
Many parents have never heard of the four parenting styles yet still use one without realizing it, affecting child behavior and development. While it may not be necessary to plan every aspect of your child's life, considering an authoritative style or other parenting styles as they grow up could lead to positive outcomes.
Why do parenting styles matter?
How you raise your child may impact their development and determine how they react to discipline. Many researchers emphasize the importance of disciplining a child. However, finding the best parenting style and the right ways to discipline a child effectively can be challenging for many parents. Studies show that your parenting style can either negatively or positively impact your child's socialization skills and children's behavior later in life. How you parent may also affect your child's attachment style, which is related to their child's temperament and how they may connect with future intimate partners and friends as adults.
Learning how your parenting style can impact your child may be beneficial in ensuring their mental and physical health in the long run.
The types of parenting styles
Parenting is not easy and many parents find tips to know what makes a good parent. There are four different parenting styles known as the Baumrind parenting styles. These parenting styles stemmed from adolescent research and were coined by clinical and developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind.
4 parenting styles
They are as follows:
- Authoritarian parenting style
- Authoritative parenting style
- Permissive parenting style
- Neglectful or uninvolved parenting style
These four main types are based on two factors:
- The expectations the parent has regarding getting their child to behave
- The responsiveness to the child's needs
These types may affect children in different ways, both positively and negatively.
Authoritarian parenting
Authoritarian parenting is one of the four parenting styles that's characterized by the most parental control. Authoritarian types of parents may practice tough love and follow the philosophy that being listened to is a right reserved for adults (i.e., the mantra that “Children are seen and not heard”). This parenting style can involve strict rules, hesitance to discuss issues, using "no" frequently, or stern discipline.
Understanding Chinese parenting can help shed light on the authoritarian parent. Traditional Chinese parents have a culture of strict rules that are designed to keep children disciplined and on track. This is in contrast to the Western parenting style, which focuses more on personal growth and exploration. Chinese parents expect their children to be obedient, do well in school, and respect family members unconditionally. It's common for these parents to be very demanding of their children and show little tolerance for misbehavior or rebellion.
Benefits of authoritarian parenting
A benefit of authoritarian parenting may be helping children to accept and set boundaries during early childhood. However, there are some concerns with this style, such as low self-esteem and delinquent behavior. With authoritarian parenting, there is often little freedom. When kids raised under this style grow up, they might realize they haven't learned self-discipline or control, struggle with problem-solving, or cannot think for themselves. Or they may lash out at their parents by breaking the rules or taking unnecessary risks.
Research on authoritarian parenting
According to a study from the University of New Hampshire, authoritarian parents are more likely to raise children with disrespectful or delinquent tendencies than those who earn their child's trust and respect, such as children of authoritative parents. These children may see their parents as legitimate authority figures instead of parents or support figures. As a result, they may rebel and not feel obligated to follow the rules.
Authoritative parenting
Many psychologists, in the field of parenting styles psychology, often refer to authoritative parenting as the optimum parenting style. While authoritative parenting styles are similar to authoritarian parenting practices, authoritative parents are often more nurturing.
The impact of authoritative parenting
Unlike parents who are traditionally authoritarian, authoritative parents often respond to their children’s needs and offer grace when they make mistakes. For this reason, the child of an authoritative parent may be empowered to do the right thing rather than be coerced into it because of fear. Parents who practice authoritative parenting may also be more engaged than neglectful parents or uninvolved parents tend to be.
There are many positive outcomes associated with authoritative parenting. Children from authoritative parents may follow through with exceptional academic performance and low delinquency. In an authoritative family, the kids may feel happy, the adolescents' self-esteem may be high, and children may feel confident in their abilities. They might also have a stable relationship with their parents and get along well with others.
Permissive parenting
Permissive parenting, refers to easy-going parents raising their children in a permissive and open-minded home. In stark contrast to a household under parents that are authoritarian, permissive households often revolve around love and few rules or expectations. Although these permissive parents tend to be responsive to their child's needs, they may hardly make demands. The permissive parent may be warm and accepting, rarely punishes their kids, sets very few limits, and doesn't exert much control.
There may be several positive child outcomes of permissive parenting. For example, kids tend to feel more comfortable communicating with their parents. They might have high self-esteem because they know their parents love them unconditionally. These children may also be highly creative and positive people.
Downsides of permissive parenting
However, permissive parenting can have downsides. Since the kids in these households grow up without many rules, they may struggle with healthy boundaries, show disrespect, or participate in risky behaviors when they get older. They may struggle to hear the word "no" if they didn't hear it often as a child. Being told what to do may seem foreign or offensive.
Children of permissive parents often don't have much pressure on them, so they grow up somewhat unprepared for the real world. While they are often positive and happy people, they may struggle with a lack of social skills, feel moody, or depend a lot on others due to potential mental health issues. Hence, children frequently encounter the best outcomes with parenting that is authoritative; permissive parenting and authoritarian parenting both have substantial drawbacks.
Uninvolved parenting
Uninvolved and permissive parenting may be confused due to their stand-back approach and lack of rules. However, while permissive parents often try to be a positive and loving force in their child's life, uninvolved parents may hardly be involved in their child's life at all.
An uninvolved parent often provides the basics like food, water, and shelter but otherwise may leave their children to fend for themselves. Often, the child's emotional needs go primarily unmet, and they don't receive nurturing, quality time, guidance, or attention. In extreme cases, this can look like child neglect or emotional abuse.
If you or a loved one is experiencing abuse, contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Support is available 24/7.
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These parents may be more involved in their work, relationships, or personal life than their children. They might not realize that they're impacting their child's mental health and might be stressed about work, bills, or marriage. However, children raised by uninvolved parents often struggle with poor self-esteem, cognitive issues, and behavioral problems. They may do poorly in school or struggle with substance use in early adolescence.
Children with uninvolved parents often have issues forming relationships because of a fear of abandonment. These negative consequences may follow a child throughout the rest of their life unless they seek help.
Parents of all types need support
Parenting can be a huge responsibility since you are responsible for a child 24/7. If you are a single parent, it may seem impossible to figure out how to raise a child independently. Having a support system can take some of the weight off you. Whether it's your family, friends, or a counselor, it often "takes a village" to raise a child. You do not have to parent alone.
If you suspect that you're not the type of parent you want to be, there may be a chance to change. You might feel burnt out, are a new parent, or want to switch parenting styles and be a more positively influential figure in your child's life. In this case, therapy may be a practical choice. Because of their busy schedules, online therapy is often a valuable option for parents.
How online therapy can support healthy parenting
Studies suggest that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person counseling. Speaking to a licensed professional from home can allow you to get support where and when needed. Counseling platforms such as BetterHelp allow you to browse an extensive database of parenting experts and mental health professionals.
How you parent your child may affect how they make decisions in life, how successful they are, and even how they understand the world around them. Parents are often the first and most influential teachers.
Consider reaching out for support if you want to understand your parenting style better, know more about the most effective parenting style, or learn new tips and tricks for raising your child healthily. You don't have to do it alone.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about parenting styles psychology and neglectful parenting
How do parenting styles affect a child's personality?
While children are born with inherent personality traits, parenting styles definitely affect a child’s development and who they become as adults. A parenting style can affect a child’s sense of self-worth and self-efficacy, as well as relationships and how they interact with others.
What parenting style is the best psychology?
The parenting style that is considered the best psychologically is authoritative parenting. A parent who is authoritative will set limits and hold children accountable and also are responsive and provide warmth. Authoritative parents tend to have high expectations for their children at the same time that they cultivate nurturing relationships.
Although this isn’t a hard and fast rule, with authoritative parents, children tend to have good self esteem, self reliance, and self control. They tend to be self sufficient and make their own decisions yet are also adept at forming close relationships.
All these qualities also have a beneficial effect on academic achievement. Interestingly, authoritative parents are the most academic achievement oriented.
Raising self sufficient children who are able to self-regulate and make sound decisions is considered by some to be socially responsible.
What are the 3 parenting styles in psychology?
There are actually four main parenting styles. They are authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive, and neglectful. Each of these styles has different strategies when it comes to parenting (although it can be argued that neglectful parenting lacks strategy).
What is the importance of parenting styles psychology?
Parenting styles are important in psychology because they have an effect on the personality and mental health of children. For that reason, among others, it is important for parents to learn effective coping strategies and disciplinary methods for parenting their children at all their various ages.
What are the best parenting techniques?
According to studies, positive or gentle parenting works best in raising children. Based on positive psychology, this approach to parenting focuses on nurturing good behavior, rather than punishing bad behavior. Gentle parenting techniques as part of an overall authoritative parenting style are considered to be the most effective.
What parenting style is the most common?
Authoritative parenting is considered to be the most common style.
What is the most challenging stage of parenting styles psychology?
Which stage of childhood is the most difficult for a parent in regard to parenting styles will vary, depending on the child and the parent. That said, many parents find early adolescence to be the most challenging stage.
What is the most negative parenting style?
The most negative parenting style is the fourth style—neglectful parenting. With neglectful parenting, a child's basic needs aren’t taken care of. In such a case, a child doesn’t receive nurturing and affection, and they also don’t have boundaries or guidance. This can have a negative effect on physical and mental health, academics, and social relationships, among other things.
An article in Journal of Child and Family Studies (j child fam stud) cites authoritarian parenting as the most negative style in regard to later mental health, although this study did not include the “neglectful” style.
Which is the strictest parenting style?
Of the four categories of parenting, the strictest parenting style is authoritarian parenting. It involves high control over the child but minimal nurturing. Parents with an authoritarian style tend to be somewhat emotionally distant and prioritize control and how they enforce rules.
The least strict parenting style is permissive. Most parents with this style tend to be highly nurturing and accepting of their children, but they have few expectations of their children. Indulgent parents such as these don’t put boundaries on their child's behavior, so their children often don’t learn responsibility and self regulation. Some permissive parents want to be their child's friend rather than their parent.
Which parent is most important?
No one parent is inherently more important than the other. What matters is the quality of relationship that a child has with a parent.
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