All About The ISTP’s Personality Type In The Myers-Briggs System
Have you ever wondered why you do what you do and think the way you think? Self-knowledge is a powerful tool: successful relationships and careers happen when you know your strengths and weaknesses and where your natural talent lies.
The first step in your journey of discovery may be to take a free personality test and identify your personality type. In the 1940s, Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Myers, developed the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), a personality test relying heavily on Carl Jung's theory of different personality types.
Myers-Briggs concluded that every person is either:
- Extrovert (E) or an introvert (I)
- Intuition (N) or sensing (S) to experience the world around them
- Feeling (F) or thinking (T) to make decisions
- Perceiving (P) or judging (J) to reach their goals
The 16 Myers-Briggs personality types
- The different combinations of these four opposites make up 16 personality types.
- Analysts: architect (INTJ), logician (INTP), commander (ENTJ), debater (ENTP)
- Diplomats: advocate (INFJ), mediator (INFP), protagonist (ENFJ), campaigner (ENFP)
- Sentinels: logistician (ISTJ), defender (ISFJ), executive (ESTJ), consul (ESFJ)
- Explorers: virtuoso (ISTP), adventurer (ISFP), entrepreneur (ESTP), entertainer (ESFP)
ISTP personality traits: The Virtuoso
ISTP is the abbreviation for introversion, sensing, thinking, and perception. ISTP personality types comprise about 5% of the population; more men than women are ISTPs.
- Introversion: ISTPs may be reserved and quiet people. They tend to have a few close friends instead of a wide social circle. They need some alone time after social gatherings to replenish their energy levels.
- Sensing: ISTP personality types may be more concrete than abstract. Rather than looking at the big picture and future possibilities, they focus on details and the realities of the here and now.
- Thinking: ISTPs don't tend to take personal preferences and social considerations into account when they make decisions; they rely on objective facts and logic.
- Perception: ISTPs can be slow decision-makers. The ISTP personality type prefers to keep their options open and tends to delay important decisions.
ISTP personality types are handy to have around in an emergency. They tend to be cool and calm and act quickly to resolve the situation in times of crisis. Routine procedures and protocols bore ISTP personality types: they prefer to develop their own solutions and explore new possibilities.
When ISTPs are engrossed in a task, they ignore those around them. They're not intentionally rude; ISTPs just hate wasting time with small talk when they have something more interesting to do. ISTP personality types are insightful even though they may appear aloof and disinterested in the world around them. ISTPs are adventurous and lean towards risky hobbies like skydiving and downhill skiing. ISTPs believe in "live and let live" and take one day at a time.
ISTPs make things
There's nothing an ISTP personality type likes more than to build things. They don't care much if what they create is useful—they just like making things. Even more than building something, ISTP personality types enjoy taking things apart to see how they work and then putting them back together again. They're curious about the world around them. They explore and observe their environment and put their knowledge to good use by making things.
ISTPs fix things
ISTP personality types have excellent analytical skills. They can analyze a problem, get to the heart of it, and fix it while others still try to understand that a problem even exists. Don't expect the ISTP to follow a protocol or standard operating procedure when something goes wrong; they're independent thinkers who prefer finding their own solutions to following someone else's.
ISTPs are unpredictable
People with an ISTP personality type are often caught off-guard. They'll appear friendly one minute and discourteous the next. They'll give the impression that they're stable employees today only to take off on a new adventure tomorrow. ISTPs aren't intentionally rude or flighty; it's just that they hate wasting time. For example, ISTP personality types may participate in a group activity that interests them, but when the event is over, the ISTP doesn't stick around to make small talk. Likewise, an ISTP personality type considers it a waste of time to remain in a job when something more exciting career path is on offer.
ISTPs and career options
ISTP personality types make excellent engineers; they build and fix things and want to know how things work. ISTPs also do well in any profession where they can use their analytical and reasoning skills. They make good detectives, systems analysts, and forensic pathologists, to name a few. ISTPs do best when they work for themselves or in a flexible environment. ISTP personality types do not usually do well in careers that require them to perform repetitive tasks. If ISTPs find themselves in this situation, they will likely move on to something more interesting.
ISTPs and relationships
While ISTPs have no shortage of choices when it comes to settling down with a partner, staying in a long-term relationship is another matter. ISTP personality types may move on quickly if they feel bored, oppressed, or controlled by their partners. The ISTP personality types may also leave a relationship if they're not given enough space. ISTPs tend not to express their feelings or opinions, preferring to listen to others; this is how they gather information about their partners. In their desire to get as much information as possible, this personality type may answer a question with a question, which can be frustrating for their partners.
The unpredictability of ISTPs can confuse and devastate their partners; they may show intense love one day and be indifferent to them the next. They may even end the relationship the day after they've expressed undying love. Other personality types may see the ISTP as fickle, but that wouldn't be true. ISTPs live day to day, and when they express intense love for their partners, they genuinely feel that love. Unfortunately, their indifference the next day is often just as genuine.
ISTP personality types are often relaxed parents. ISTPs don't like being controlled and don't want to control others. Their children will have space and freedom to follow their own path. ISTP parents will discipline their children if they absolutely must and will do so effectively, though reluctantly. ISTP personality types tend to be uninvolved in their children's lives, leaving it up to their partners to provide structure and values.
ISTP's strengths
Due to the nature of their personalities, ISTPs may possess the following strengths:
- ISTPs are good listeners.
- ISTPs are optimistic, fun to be with, and self-confident. They're energetic and always busy with a project to build or fix something. They're invariably cheerful and good-natured.
- ISTPs are practical, realistic, and useful in crises.
- The ISTP personality types easily come up with new ideas and love using their hands to bring them to fruition.
- ISTPs are both rational and spontaneous, making them flexible people who can effortlessly switch from one mindset to another.
- ISTPs don't avoid conflict and handle criticism without feeling threatened or hurt.
- ISTPs don't dwell on relationship failures; they move on when it's over.
- ISTPs are laid-back people who live and let live.
ISTP's weaknesses
As with any type of personality, ISTPs may have some of the following "weaknesses" or areas where they could improve:
- ISTPs may have difficulty maintaining long-term commitments and relationships. The ISTP personality trait to live only for today makes them unpredictable. They're easily bored and move on quickly and without an apology.
- ISTPs often don't express their emotions, feelings, and opinions, making it difficult for others to relate to them. Even their loved ones may feel excluded from a significant part of their lives.
- ISTPs are often insensitive. The ISTP personality type is prone to making insensitive jokes and comments without ever realizing the hurt they cause. ISTP personality types tend not to be in tune with the people around them, relying entirely on logic to make sense of their relationships and environment.
- ISTPs can be stubborn. They tend to be blunt when someone presents a view that is different from theirs. ISTP personality types may dig in their heels when a close friend or relative suggests there may be a better way to do something.
- ISTPs need a lot of space and freedom and are intolerant of those who may inadvertently step on their toes.
- ISTPs are continually searching for excitement and action. If none is available, they may create some out of nothing and disrupt the status quo for the people around them for no apparent reason.
Learn more about being an ISTP from a professional
If you need some help learning how to manage the strengths and weaknesses that come with being an ISTP, therapy may be beneficial. Therapy is an effective way of learning more about yourself and finding strategies for improvement. If sticking to in-person therapy is too much of a commitment, online therapy can be an alternative worth considering. With online therapy, you can attend sessions from a place you're most comfortable at a time that works best for your spontaneous nature.
In addition, research shows that virtual mental healthcare is convenient and effective and has better attendance than in-person treatment – all things that are important for an ISTP considering therapy.
What is an ISTP personality like?
ISTP, or introverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving, is a personality type that is often associated with flexible logic and rational thinking. Depending on which test a person takes, there may be two different ISTP types: ISTP-A (assertive) and ISTP-T (turbulent.) Sometimes referred to as a “virtuoso personality,” these individuals may enjoy novelty and have a tendency to create innovative solutions to common problems. In addition, ISTPs are typically focused on their goals, often trying to find more efficient ways to reach their objectives. ISTPs can also be drawn towards adrenaline-producing or hands-on activities, as these can better hold their attention.
Is ISTP a rare personality type?
According to Ball State University, 5.4% of the U.S. population could be identified as ISTPs. The letters in ISTP stand for introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving, the four traits that these individuals most closely identify with. ISTPs often enjoy spending time on their own, which can cause them to be seen as reserved by those around them. However, they may become more outgoing in situations (or around individuals) that make them comfortable. ISTPs may struggle with emotions, often confusing the feelings of others and repressing their own emotions until they have an outburst.
What makes an ISTP fall in love?
Individuals may fall in love for a variety of reasons unrelated to their personality type. However, ISTPs may struggle to display their affection. Due to the value they place on independence, ISTPs may require ample personal space or alone time. Once they do enter a relationship, it's possible that they may fall in love with a person who has similar qualities. This may create conflict, as both parties could find it challenging to be romantic or to openly communicate about their emotions.
Do ISTP and INFJ get along?
While any personality may be compatible under the right circumstances, it's possible for ISTP and INFJ personality types to get along. There are several differences between the personal values of these personalities, but these differences may actually serve to help these individuals form a stronger bond. For example, INFJ’s tend to be empathetic and adept at listening to others, but may struggle to address practical matters. ISTPs, on the other hand, are great at handling these types of problems, but often require others to listen to their struggles. This combination of strengths and weaknesses could make a pairing between these two types beneficial.
Is ISTP rare in females?
While there may not be reliable statistics relating to the frequency of ISTP frequency in females, some believe that ISTPs make up as little as 5.4% of the total U.S. population. According to Ball State University, 23% of all ISTPs are female, making their total percentage of the population relatively small. Regardless of their gender, ISTPs tend to be prone to rational and practical thought patterns, often choosing to spend time alone in reflection. They can also be curious about the world around them, looking for practical solutions to problems that can allow them to reach their goals more quickly.
What makes an ISTP unhealthy?
There are several traits that may be unhealthy for an ISTP personality type, some of which may manifest as defense mechanisms. ISTPs enjoy stimulation and may struggle with impulse control as a result. In addition, ISTPs may struggle with certain emotions and could be prone to anger-related outbursts. Because ISTPs are introverted, they may also become reclusive and avoid others. While this may have practical applications (particularly if their work is better done alone), this isolation could have a negative effect on their mental health over time.
What is the weakness of ISTP?
ISTPS may be seen as insensitive due to their tendency for logical thinking, which could lead them to be blunt and straightforward in their communication. The behavior of ISTPs can also be difficult to predict, as they are typically spontaneous and may be prone to taking risks. In addition, ISTPS can be particularly focused on the present, which may make it difficult for them to establish long-term objectives or goals. This personal type can also struggle with abstract ideas, as they often prefer to focus on concrete available evidence and what they encounter through their five senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste) .
What is ISTP most known for?
ISTP, or introverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving, is a personality type that may best be known for its logical and fact-based thinking. ISTPs typically make decisions based on objective criteria rather than their own personal beliefs, which can make them well-suited for technical fields. In addition, individuals with this personality type are often flexible and may be prone to spontaneity. This can make them more likely to move from relationship to relationship, as they may not be comfortable being tied down in a long-term partnership. ISTPs can also have difficulty expressing their emotions, which can make communication within a relationship difficult.
What makes an ISTP uncomfortable?
ISTPs can have a difficult time expressing their emotions or being empathetic with others, so situations involving feelings may make them uncomfortable. This may make it more difficult for them to pursue career paths in fields like therapy or customer service (though they may be adept in other careers, like military occupations or those involving skilled trades.)
ISTPs may also feel uncomfortable in committed relationships, as they are prone to acts of spontaneity and may want to move through life at their own pace. In addition, ISTPs are often independent and adventurous, which could lead them to leave a relationship if they feel there is not enough novelty or challenges involved in their partnership.
What is the ISTP love language?
Despite the difficulty some ISTPs can have in expressing their emotions, one love language they often gravitate to is physical touch. This can take a number of forms, including hugging, kissing, holding hands, and having sex with partners. While the exact reason that ISTPs prefer this love language may not be known, one possible explanation is the associated release of hormones. Because physical touch and love can release hormones like dopamine and oxytocin, this type of expression may give ISTPs the level of stimulation they need to stay engaged.
Additional FAQs:
Who are ISTPs most compatible with?
Compatibility is complex and can involve many other individual factors besides personality type, but some research suggests that ISTPs might connect well with those with an ESTJ personality type. Beyond that, they may also connect well with other types with the “sensing” trait.
What is the most difficult Myers-Briggs personality type?
Some statistics suggest that the INFJ personality type is the rarest, making up just 1.5% of the U.S. population. The relative rarity of this type may make it more difficult for INFJs to find others who have the same personality they do, and they may at times feel misunderstood.
What is the perfect job for ISTPs?
The ISTP personality type tends to be adaptable, thrill seeking, fiercely independent, and level-headed in a crisis. So, for an ISTP, careers that allow them to work on practical problems and do their own thing are often a good fit. They tend to enjoy learning how things work, fixing and building things, and working on problems with real-world implications rather than abstract concepts. In contrast, they may not respond well to having rigid rules imposed on them by others, and they may get bored easily if they have to deal with repetitive tasks. Roles like forensic scientists, firefighters, systems analysts, and mechanics may be a good fit.
What does ISTP struggle with?
Individuals with the ISTP personality may be difficult to get to know, as they often keep their own feelings and personal details to themselves. Their desire for excitement and novelty can also mean that they can get bored with monotony and predictable stability. At times, their independence can also pose challenges in relationships that may require compromise.
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