Why Do People Procrastinate? Learning Ways To Overcome It

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW and Dr. April Brewer, DBH, LPC
Updated February 24th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Whether at work, in school, or in our personal lives, many of us face challenges related to procrastination on both short- and long-term goals and tasks. This often self-defeating behavior pattern can cause difficulties like decision fatigue, poor health, and low self-esteem, and it may lead to trouble at work or school if we aren’t able to fulfill our responsibilities. To make matters worse, most people who procrastinate often are aware of the fact that they do it, but don’t know exactly why it happens or how to manage it. To address procrastination, learning strategies to help improve self-control, self-compassion, and overall well-being can be useful. Below, you’ll find a more in-depth look at why people may procrastinate and tips for managing this tendency.

Why do people procrastinate? Understanding the reasons behind procrastination

Is procrastination derailing your goals?

Virtually everyone procrastinates occasionally. For some, however, procrastination meaning frequent, everyday difficulties is their typical reality. Either way, understanding why you may be prone to procrastination is usually the first step toward finding solutions to this behavior. Some of the most common reasons people procrastinate include the following.

People procrastinate because they need an emotional coping mechanism

When we procrastinate, we often do it to cope with the anxiety and stress that can come with an unpleasant task itself. While we know that procrastinating will likely result in negative consequences later, we may continue to engage in this behavior because we’re temporarily ‘rewarded’ for our choice through avoidance. This cycle then often continues until we are constantly putting off important tasks or not doing them altogether, sometimes referred to as chronic procrastination. 

They lack time management skills

Some people procrastinate because they have trouble conceptualizing how long it will take them to do a certain important task, resulting in an overfilled or overambitious schedule. If you go through your to-do list and realize that you don't have nearly as much time as you thought, it can create stress and overwhelm—as discussed in more detail below—and lead you to procrastinate in taking any action at all. Regularly giving in to distractions like texting or social media can also negatively affect your time management abilities. Learning how to properly manage time, avoid distractions, and set realistic expectations may help.

They are working against natural motivation and energy

Most of us would love to be people who are completely energized and focused throughout the day, but this is not how our bodies and minds generally work. We all have different times when we feel most effective and motivated. Setting up all-day tasks without all-day energy can lead us to not only fall behind schedule but to then procrastinate as well. When we work within our natural limits, we can better set ourselves up for realistic future success. This can include knowing our own unique limits, taking enough rest, and regularly practicing physical and emotional self-care.

They do not feel like doing a certain task at the moment

Not all tasks are fun or enjoyable, which is a common reason people procrastinate. When we simply don't feel like doing something, it can be easier for us to put it off until a later time when we absolutely must do it—or even until it’s too late and we’re behind. Almost everyone has done this from time to time, but doing it regularly can cause more harm than good.

They are experiencing task overwhelm

When tasks are too large or intimidating, we may back away from them in response. The problem is that if they look too big to take care of now, this will likely only get worse down the road. Breaking down significant or important tasks into bite-sized, manageable chunks may be helpful in combating procrastination.

They have a fear of failure

It’s also worth noting that those with tendencies toward perfectionism might also experience problems with putting off tasks. A reason they may avoid sitting down to do something could be that they’re afraid of doing a poor job, making mistakes, or not living up to their or someone else’s standards with the finished product. Building self-esteem and self-compassion and learning to question or reframe negative thoughts could be helpful in pushing back against these fears.

Why do people procrastinate? It may be a symptom of a mental health condition

Finally, while procrastination on its own may not be a sign of any mental health condition, individuals with certain conditions may experience it as a symptom. For example, those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be more likely to procrastinate because of difficulties with attention, concentration, or focus. Seeking support from a mental health professional could help you discover techniques that may help you cope with this tendency in a healthy way.

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How to overcome procrastination behavior

Procrastination, like any other habit, is a learned behavior. Over time, it allows us to see that we can put off feeling negative emotions associated with certain tasks—even if only for a while. New behaviors can also be learned, however. Here are some strategies you might try to help manage a tendency toward putting things off.

Avoid procrastinating by leaving more room in your schedule

If time management issues are at the heart of your failure to overcome procrastination habits so far, learning how to prepare a better schedule is one way that you can begin working towards a more productive day. Instead of packing your schedule with back-to-back tasks, it might help to leave a reasonable amount of time between each task. 

For example, if you anticipate that a task may take you an hour, you might schedule your next task for 30 minutes after the end of the first one. This way, if your first task runs over the anticipated time limit, if you find yourself needing more rest before moving on to the next thing, or if some other issue arises, you’ll have more cushion before you need to begin the next agenda item.

Break down intimidating projects into subtasks

Sometimes, procrastination happens because a task on your to-do list can seem like too much to handle—especially if it’s big, long-term, or complex. However, almost all tasks can be broken down into smaller ones. 

For example, imagine that you need to plan a work event for May 15. Instead of thinking of this as one agenda item, you might instead break it down into smaller steps. You could even set a target due date for each instead of thinking only of the one final due date. For example:

  1. Survey colleagues to find a date that works best (by March 30)
  2. Choose a venue (by April 5)
  3. Reserve the venue (by April 10)
  4. Send out invitations (by April 15)
  5. Book entertainment or activities (by April 24)
  6. Host event (May 15)

When you look at a large task as multiple, smaller tasks, it often becomes easier to tackle. This can make your seemingly insurmountable task more approachable and easier to accomplish.

Provide yourself with a greater reward than putting off your work 

Procrastination gives us a short-term reward for not dealing with our feelings in the present. To combat this problem, we need to find a greater reward than that given to us by choosing to procrastinate. Whether you motivate yourself with a treat, remind yourself of any monetary rewards associated with the task, or find another way to incentivize yourself, you may be able to overcome your desire to put off work by looking for a reason to get it done.

Be understanding when you don’t perform to your expectations

For some people, procrastination may be part of an all-or-nothing mindset, which can be classified as a cognitive distortion. This can manifest as expecting ourselves to perform optimally and scolding or being harsh with ourselves when we fall short. This can make us put off doing tasks altogether because we’re afraid of getting it wrong. Embracing imperfection and being patient and gentle with yourself when you make mistakes or miss the mark can help you set more realistic expectations for your own performance.

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Is procrastination derailing your goals?

Getting help managing procrastination habits 

It can be helpful to have support when learning to better manage a tendency toward putting things off. Meeting with a therapist can be helpful in this regard, as they can support you in implementing useful strategies and shifting your mindset as needed. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition like anxiety or ADHD that may be affecting the way you approach tasks, they may be able to help you address these as well. 

Finding an in-person counselor can be a time-consuming process. This potential obstacle can be especially problematic for individuals who tend to procrastinate. With online counseling, finding a provider and setting up an appointment can often be done more quickly and easily. For example, it typically takes as little as 48 hours to get matched with a licensed therapist who you can meet with from the comfort of home using a platform like BetterHelp

Research indicates the potential effectiveness of this method as well. Consider, for instance, a study that suggests that college students were able to reduce procrastination behaviors significantly after participating in internet-based coaching. While your personal results may vary, reaching out to a therapist in person or online could be a healthy step toward reducing stress and anxiety around accomplishing tasks.


There are many different reasons a person may be prone to procrastination, and understanding yours may be the first step toward learning to manage this tendency. Leaving extra room in your schedule, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and being gentle with yourself when you fall short can all be helpful, as can meeting with a therapist for support. While it may not be realistic to expect to stop procrastinating altogether, the right techniques could help you avoid letting this tendency disrupt your life.

Halt procrastination and build motivation
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