Do I Have A Mental Illness? Symptoms Of Mental Health Conditions
A wide variety of mental health conditions can affect people and interfere with relationships, emotions, and overall well-being. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), roughly one in five U.S. adults experiences some form of mental illness each year. Without a diagnosis, it can be difficult to know where to start. Read on for an overview of mood and anxiety mental disorders and their symptoms. This information may help you identify signs you or a loved one may be experiencing so you have a framework for discussion with your mental health care provider.
Do I have a mental illness?
There are certain behaviors or signs that may indicate a need to seek help for a potential mental health condition. While one or more of these instances do not necessarily mean that someone has a diagnosable mental health condition, they could indicate that the person is experiencing challenges and may not be coping in healthy ways.
- Significant changes in personality, sleeping, or eating patterns.
- Inability to cope with problems or perform daily activities.
- Persistent sadness, anxiety, disconnection, or apathy.
- Withdrawal from usual activities and social contact.
- Substance misuse.
- Extreme mood swings.
- Excessive anger or violent behavior.
- Thoughts or statements about suicide or violence.
What to do if you think you have a mental health disorder
If you believe you’re living with a mental health condition, consulting with a healthcare provider is a constructive first step toward potentially receiving a diagnosis and care. A mental health professional, doctor, or other provider can administer an evaluation to determine whether symptoms of a disorder are present. During this assessment, the professional will typically use screening tools, such as questionnaires, to assess the severity and frequency of potential symptoms. Their evaluation may also involve a physical exam and blood test to rule out certain physical health concerns. Additionally, they’ll likely conduct an interview, during which they’ll ask you to talk about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle.
If you’re unsure about whether to seek care, self-assessments can help you better understand how potential symptoms may be impacting your life. For example, the World Health Organization has developed a depression screener, which can be completed online, that is based on depressive symptomatology. It’s important to note that these are not diagnostic tools. They should only be used to help you determine whether to pursue mental health services. If you’ve completed a self-assessment, a mental health professional can help you interpret the results and then determine whether further testing, diagnosis, and treatment are necessary.
Types of mental health conditions
The field of psychopathology is complex, involving the study and categorization of over 200 mental health disorders. At times, it can be hard to distinguish between different mental health conditions or even different classes of mental illness.
"Do I have a mental illness?": Answering questions about mental health conditions, and treatment
If you have questions about a mental health concern — like “Do I need to seek care?” or “What mental illness do I have?” — it can help to understand the signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses. Below, we’re discussing mood disorders and anxiety disorders, which are two of the largest classes of mental illness, and the specific mental health conditions they encompass.
Mood disorders: Overview, physical health effects, and more
In general, mood disorders affect your emotional state or mood by distorting what you feel. These distortions can make your mood inconsistent with your circumstances. Mood disorders can cause substantial interference with your ability to function in various ways.
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
Depression can be a serious mood disorder that may touch every part of your life, often leading to mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. Neurotic disorders like depression are generally not a weakness or character flaw but rather an imbalance in your brain chemistry that can require treatment. Symptoms of depression may include:
- Persistent sadness, anxiety, or emptiness
- Loss of interest or enjoyment in nearly all activities; anhedonia
- Changes in appetite, weight, or sleep patterns
- Decreased energy levels and daily fatigue
- Sense of worthlessness and undue guilt
- Difficulty concentrating
- Suicidal thoughts or ideation (Note: This requires emergency treatment)
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder was formerly known as manic depression. This mental illness can cause abnormal shifts in mood, energy, concentration, and the ability to function in daily life. People with bipolar disorder typically experience periods of mania with excessive energy and irritability, cycling with longer phases of sadness and depression.
Mania and hypomania
- Unusually upbeat mood and excessive energy levels.
- Euphoria and exaggerated self-confidence.
- Decreased need or ability to sleep.
- Poor judgment, racing thoughts, and easy distraction.
Depressive episodes
- See symptoms of “major depressive disorder.”
- Sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, or irritability.
- Noticeable loss of interest in nearly all activities.
- Slowed or restless behavior.
- Sleeping too much or not enough.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression typically categorized by mood shifts beginning and ending with the change of the seasons.
- Winter-pattern SAD: Oversleeping, overeating (particularly carbohydrates), weight gain, social withdrawal.
- Summer-pattern SAD: Insomnia, poor appetite and weight loss, restlessness, agitation, anxiety, and violent behavior.
Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)
Some people experience chronic, low-level depression known as persistent depressive disorder (formerly known as dysthymic disorder). While typically not as severe as major depressive disorder, the symptoms may last longer. This condition usually requires a combination of depressive symptoms lasting two years or longer.
Postpartum depression disorder (PPD)
After childbirth, some parents experience difficulties with their emotional state. Postpartum depression is believed to be triggered by the extensive hormone shifts related to childbirth. PPD occurs after roughly 15% of births. While most people think of PPD as something only mothers go through, all parents may experience this mental health condition.
- Anxiety
- Overwhelming sadness
- Trouble sleeping
- Disturbing thoughts
Other mood disorders
- Cyclothymic disorder: Emotional cycling that is less extreme than bipolar disorder.
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Mood shifts and irritability during the premenstrual stage of the menstrual cycle; more severe than premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
- Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: Chronic, severe, and persistent irritability in children.
- Depression due to medical illness: Depression that is directly related to the effects of another medical condition.
- Depression induced by substance use or medication: Depression developing soon after or related to substance use or withdrawal.
Anxiety disorders
While many experience temporary worry or fear about various issues like health, family problems, or finances, those worries don’t typically linger for an extended period or substantially impact your life. You may have an anxiety disorder if your concerns or fears become pervasive and persistent, affecting your daily life, mental or emotional state, and behaviors.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
With generalized anxiety disorder, people may experience persistent dread or anxiety, often interfering with daily life functioning.
- Restlessness, irritability, or being on edge
- Easily fatigued
- Trouble concentrating
- Headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches, or unexplained pain
- Excessive worrying and difficulty relaxing
- Trouble sleeping
- Easily startled
Panic disorder
People living with panic disorder may experience sudden periods of overwhelming fear and anxiety lasting for several minutes. These panic attacks may occur without warning or apparent trigger, further increasing worry levels.
- Sudden, repeated panic attacks
- Feeling out of control, fearing death, or having a sense of impending doom during an attack
- Intense worry about the next panic attack
- Fear or avoidance of places where previous panic attacks occurred
- Physical symptoms, like a racing heart, sweating, chills, trembling, breathing trouble, weakness, dizziness, tingling or numb hands, chest pain, stomach pain, or nausea
Social anxiety disorder (SAD)
Many people have social anxiety disorder, which is usually characterized by the persistent fear of social situations where they may be exposed to unfamiliar people or social scrutiny. People with this type of anxiety tend to worry that they will do or say something embarrassing.
- Blushing, trembling, racing heart, sweating, or stomachaches
- Excessive worry over behavior leading to humiliation
- Rigid body posture and using a nearly inaudible voice
- Trouble making eye contact or being comfortable around new people
- Extreme self-consciousness or worry about being judged
Phobia-related disorders
Many people have intense fear or aversion to specific situations or objects, which is called a phobia-related disorder. Phobias are frequently due to irrational fears or something that poses little or no risk of real danger. However, they may elicit extreme reactions when a person encounters the source of their anxiety.
- Disproportionate fear or excessive worry about encountering the subject of the phobia
- Actively taking steps to avoid the feared situation or object
- Immediate and intense anxiety when encountering the subject of the phobia
- Simple phobias: Intense fear of things like flying, heights, specific animals, needles, blood, public speaking, etc.
- Agoraphobia: Fear of being unable to escape a place or situation; may include fear of leaving home alone, fear of enclosed or open spaces, fear of crowds and lines
Separation anxiety disorder
People living with separation anxiety disorder may experience intense anxiety upon separation from the people with whom they’ve formed emotional attachments, often demonstrating extreme and unfounded fear that something terrible will happen while they are separated.
- Intense fear and anxiety when separated from attachment figures
- Nightmares about being separated from attachment figures
- Physical anxiety symptoms when separated from attachment figures
- Avoiding separation from attachment figures and time alone
Connecting with a mental health professional
Many people have built successful relationships with licensed therapists online through virtual therapy providers. Working with a therapist can help you identify and correct harmful thoughts and behaviors, develop healthy habits and coping skills, learn better communication methods, and provide professional support and guidance as you improve your mental health. With flexible appointment formats through phone calls, video chats, or in-app messaging, teletherapy can be used to treat a vast array of mental health conditions from the comfort of your own home — often with substantially lower costs and reduced wait times.
Is online therapy effective for mental health treatment?
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), many people have found online therapy to be a practical, affordable, and convenient alternative to face-to-face treatment in a traditional office setting. The APA suggests online therapy makes treatment available to many people, particularly in rural areas, who otherwise could not reach a licensed therapist. As this study explains, there’s generally no difference in efficacy between online and in-person therapy.
What are the most common types of mental illness?
According to the American Psychiatric Association, the most common types of mental health disorders include anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, trauma-related disorders like post traumatic stress disorder, and addiction related mental disorders like substance abuse.
How can I manage symptoms of anxiety?
If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, there are certain strategies you can use to manage them in a healthy way.
- Seek support from friends and family. Strong social connections are a protective factor against stress
- Practice self-care. Eat a nutrient-dense diet, exercise regularly, and stay active with preferred activities
- Use mindfulness strategies such as deep breathing, meditation, or journaling to manage stress
- If symptoms persist, seek help from a licensed therapist to help identify triggers, process emotions, and implement cognitive restructuring techniques
How are eating disorders treated?
Eating disorders often require an integrated team approach, with physicians and nursing staff, mental health professionals, registered dieticians, and other therapies like physical or occupational therapy.
What are the most common symptoms of depressive disorders?
It’s normal to feel sadness now and then, but depression can lead to serious problems like substance abuse, self-harm and even suicidal ideation.
Some warning signs that you may be experiencing a depressive mental disorder include changes in eating and sleeping patterns, a disinterest in normal activities, fatigue, and general feelings of hopelessness. If you experience thoughts of self-harm, contact the suicide and crisis lifeline or call emergency services to get immediate help.
How do I know if I'm mentally ill?
Mental health disorders are diagnosed by professionals using the criteria laid out by the current diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM-5). If you suspect that you may be experiencing a mental health problem, seek a licensed therapist or health professional to get a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Can you be mentally ill without knowing it?
According to the Mental Health Services Administration (MHSA) one of the characteristics of certain types of mental disorder is that the individual does not recognize that they have a problem. Personality disorders, eating disorders, and delusion disorders are commonly not diagnosed unless the person seeks help for another issue like anxiety, or family members encourage them to see a medical professional.
Do I have a mental illness or am I overreacting?
If you are feeling out of sorts mentally, you may be experiencing a mental health condition or you may be feeling overwhelmed by stress. If your symptoms are persistent, or are negatively impacting your life and relationships, seek help from a mental health professional. Treatment is available and in most cases is very effective.
Do I have ADHD or am I just lazy?
A lack of focus is not necessarily laziness, and it’s not necessarily related to ADHD. Take a look at your current situation. Are there currently stressful life factors at play? Has focus always been a problem, or is this a new issue? Is your lack of focus affecting your work life or personal life? If disorganization and procrastination are getting in the way, don’t self-diagnose. Rather, seek a healthcare provider who may be able to suggest appropriate treatment.
How do I fix myself mentally?
According to Mental Health America, there are some strategies you can use to maintain good mental health. These include strengthening your connection with self and others, creating joy in your life by participating in chosen hobbies and activities, maintaining physical health through regular exercise and balanced eating, and practicing mindfulness.
Is ADHD a form of autism?
Autism spectrum disorder and ADHD have similar symptoms and are often co-occurring. However, they are separate disorders and impact attention and communication in different ways.
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