Social Learning Theory
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How do we learn? How do our personalities form? How did we each acquire the basic set of skills (such as socialization, problem-solving, and communication) that allow us to function in the world? How is it that children who grow up in the same environment sometimes learn different skills or learn differently from one another? These are big questions with complicated answers that the scientific community hasn’t fully uncovered yet, though several compelling frameworks and theories have been proposed.
Over the years, many theories have been outlined by psychologists in an attempt to answer these questions and explain the complex processes of learning and personality development. However, virtually all fall short in some way. That said, each one contributes something to our broader understanding of these topics. Albert Bandura's social learning theory is one of the many models that has been presented, and it has a unique place in this canon of theories because of the potential answers it offers. Read on for an overview of the other most popular theories on this topic, followed by a more detailed examination of Bandura’s social learning theory, social learning theory’s limitations, and practical applications of this theory.
Theories about the learning process
Some of the most popular, modern learning theories are outlined below, including Bandura’s.
According to this theory, people learn through a system of positive and negative reinforcements, and all learning is the result of our environment and experiences. For example, when children do well on a task, they may be rewarded with a sticker on a sticker chart. Eventually, when they earn enough stickers, they’re given a special treat, like a trip to the amusement park or a new video game. The children come to associate the pleasurable feelings of earning a reward with accomplishing a task, and so they eventually learn to do it on their own.
Cognitive learning theories
This category of theories believes that learning is primarily the result of mental processes in the brain. It says that learners build knowledge by discovering new information and remembering it by relating it to what they have previously learned. These theories offer a good explanation as to why different learners respond to the same situations in different ways, filling in some of the gaps left by early behaviorist theories.
Social learning theory
Albert Bandura's work bridges the gap between behaviorism and cognitive learning theories. His social learning theory takes the strongest points of both and unites them in a way that offers a deeper and more multifaceted explanation of the complexities of the learning process. According to Bandura, behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors influence the ways in which we adopt behaviors. Social learning theory posits that most human behavior is learned through different forms of modeling.
Social learning theory and human behavior
Albert Bandura was a well-known Canadian-American psychologist whose theory of learned social behaviors furthered our understanding of education and social psychology. After earning an MA and a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Iowa, Bandura began teaching at Stanford University. During this time, he completed the seminal work Social Learning and Personality Development, which was based on his studies of child behavior. Building on the ideas proposed in that book—namely, that social learning can occur through a desire to imitate behaviors—Bandura wrote Social Learning Theory. Bandura’s psychological theory—along with one of its primary components, self-efficacy—continues to influence the field of developmental psychology.
His theory is unlike theories based primarily on classical or operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is related to learning through involuntary responses to a biological stimulus, whereas operant conditioning typically occurs through responses to a reward and punishment. Social learning theory proposes that learning is the result of observing and modeling others’ behavior, a complex process.
The crux of this model is the idea that we receive information about the world by observing what people around us are doing.
Social learning theory symbolic models and research
Per social learning theory, we’re not passively acted on by our environment as behaviorist theories propose, but we’re not completely separate from it either, as cognitive learning theories propose. Rather, the idea is that learning is a process in which we interact with the world around us, constructing meaning and knowledge in our own way inside our own minds as a result of what we observe and experience externally. In other words, nature and nurture both play an important role in the learning and personality development processes according to this framework.
The stages of learning in Bandura’s theory
According to Bandura, learning is not automatic. Instead, he believed there are many factors that determine whether a behavior is learned and many steps then involved in learning it. Here are the four stages of learning according to social learning theory.
We don't learn to imitate every social behavior that we are exposed to. Only a select few of the actions of others make enough of an impression on us to become ‘worthy’ of our modeling them. For an action to become part of our learning, we first have to notice it.
All of these steps essentially mean nothing if you don't have the desire to carry out the action or engage in the behavior as a next step. This is one area in which social learning theory intersects with behaviorism: The learner must feel that the positive reinforcement for the behavior outweighs any of the negatives in order to actually do it. This decision is based on observing any potential consequences through those we use as our models. Based on modeling theory, if observed behaviors of a model are rewarded, one’s own behavior may be altered to mirror the model. This process is called vicarious reinforcement.
Limitations of Bandura’s theory
Our combined understanding of learning and personality development is constantly in flux as nuances of these processes are discovered. Plus, the interplay of factors that make us who we are is so complex that it defies explanation in many ways. Any theory offered by psychologists can give, at best, only a partial explanation. Still, each does provide a window through which we can view at least some aspects of these fundamental human processes.
Social learning theory can offer some fascinating insights into human learning and personality. However, like the rest, it has its limitations. For one, it still does not explain the fact that many of us learn to exhibit complex behavior independent of our environment or others around us. For example, children of abusive parents often learn to model this behavior and grow up to demonstrate violent behaviors themselves as adults. However, observing violent behavior does not necessarily lead to the development of such tendencies. Social learning theory does not explain the mechanism of this variation.
Another gap in social learning theory and others is that they don't adequately explain why some people's behavior may dramatically change in certain circumstances. Brain injury, dementia, and mental illness are all circumstances in which an individual can appear to forget some of the behaviors they learned previously. Such circumstances at least hint that other things are going on with learning and personality processes that are much deeper than the simple system of observation, recall, and modeling.
More recent research also points to biological reasons that account for at least some of our personality development and learning differences. Our brains are all unique, and different brain chemistry can account for differing levels of aggression and extraversion or introversion, to name a few. This also explains why changes in our brain chemistry as a result of illness or injury can alter our learning. Social learning theory has been criticized for not adequately accounting for such biological factors.
While the biological perspective does explain many inconsistencies, it still leaves questions of its own. For example, consider the fact that even when a subject shows a genetic predisposition for a particular trait, they may not develop that behavior unless exposed to specific triggers in their environment. Bandura’s theory does not include a reasonable explanation for such cases.
The learning theories & behavior
We may never fully understand the many factors that contribute to our learning and development. It may simply be that espousing just one theory is too simplistic. There are many individual instruments and notes that come together to form the symphony of our personalities: upbringing, heredity, brain structure and chemistry, health, environment, and the mechanisms of the thoughts going on in our head at any given moment. All of these interact with one another in many complex and nuanced ways to create a way of learning and behaving that’s completely unique to each individual.
Social learning theory goes a long way towards explaining some of these complexities. It presents a meaningful portrait of the way in which our outer environment and inner thought processes may interact with one another. It may be closer to the truth than we’ve ever gotten before, despite the fact that it’s still missing some pieces.
How social learning can promote positive behaviors
Social learning therapists believe that new behaviors are learned by watching other people, and that learning these new behaviors is more effective when conducted in a safe, controlled environment. Social learning therapy is sometimes used to help change certain negative behaviors—such as aggression—through behavior modification. By fostering desirable behaviors, therapists may also be able to help with reducing conflict, improving problem-solving or communication skills, boosting willpower and self-control, and encouraging empathy, among others.
While social learning therapists traditionally meet with clients face to face, some online therapists may also effectively implement key techniques from this school of thought in virtual sessions. Research suggests that online therapy in general can offer similar benefits to in-person sessions in many cases, so it can be worth exploring for those who can’t locate a provider in their area, are unable to leave the house, or simply prefer the convenience or comfort of attending therapy sessions from home. With a virtual therapy platform like BetterHelp, you can get matched with a licensed therapist who you can meet with via phone, video call, and/or in-app messaging to address the challenges you may be facing.
What is the social learning theory?
The social learning theory describes how human behavior and knowledge are often learned through observational learning, mimicking, and positive role models. Some of these social behaviors may be instinctual, but many of these behaviors are adopted in early childhood due to one’s environment. Social psychology explores this learning theory, considering the causes of common challenges like the presence of media violence, aggressive behavior, and unhealthy human behavior. Social learning can be positive or negative, and having positive influences in their lives often helps children learn crucial life and social skills.
What is an example of social cognitive theory in everyday life?
An example of some of the cognitive theories in everyday life is learned behavior from observing your the people around you. If your peer group in high school often volunteered to help the less fortunate, you may be more likely to then value empathy. Such social behavior is often learned, and the individuals who partake in aggressive behavior like bullying in school as children may continue to lack empathy into adulthood because of the behavior they’ve seen and learned as “normal” in their peer groups.
What are the five principles of social learning theory?
The social learning theory suggests five principles, including the following:
- Observation
- Attention
- Retention
- Reproduction
- Motivation
You may notice these principles of the social learning theory when observing how children take on a new skill. For example, children often learn to ride a bike through observed behavior from their peers who have mastered the skill. Attention is necessary to retain the information, which is the third principle of the social learning theory. Finally, a child can reproduce the skill they’ve learned. However, motivation may be necessary for them to continue trying in the challenges they face. These five principles of the social learning theory can be applied to multiple aspects of a person’s behavior.
What are the four concepts of social learning theory?
The four primary concepts of Albert Bandura’s social learning theory are attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Observation was added to the learning theory later, as it was helpful in explaining how reinforcement affects learned behavior.
What are some examples of social learning theory in the classroom?
An example of social learning theories in the classroom is teachers using the theory's principle of observation to help children learn positive behaviors. Using observed behavior and observational learning techniques, the teacher can act out positive actions to motivate children to mimic them.
Teachers may also prevent aggressive behaviors in students by showcasing how positive behavior is rewarded in other students. For example, students who keep their space clean for the entire week might win a toy from the toy chest as a reward, getting to discuss the positive memory with their peers and encourage change in the classroom. Behavioral and cognitive theories showcase how these techniques effectively support positive childhood behavior.
What is an example of social learning theory at work?
Why is social learning theory important?
What are the pros and cons of social learning theory?
The pros of social learning theory may include the following:
- Insight into human behavior
- Insight into how children learn new skills
- Teaching motor skills
- Using peer influence to make positive changes
The potential drawback of the social learning theory that it may not be helpful in pure cognitive learning, which involves statistics, logic, analysis, and other cognitive factors. In addition, social influence may not always be healthy, and this learning theory can be biased based on what one group believes is positive or negative social conduct.
The social theory is used in the lives of many, whether it’s a conscious decision or not. People may use this social learning theory in observational learning when watching a peer who has mastered a skill. They may also use social learning when teaching a skill or attempting to motivate someone to change.
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