The Life And Work Of Psychologist Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson was an influential psychologist who made substantial contributions to the realms of developmental psychology, identity formation, and cultural anthropology. Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development helped shape our understanding of the way children develop. Learning about Erikson’s developmental stage model can help us remain cognizant of how personal growth and identity formation may occur in our lives. Below, we’re examining Erikson’s stages of development, covering his life and discussing his enduring impact on the landscape of developmental psychology.
Erik Erikson’s early life and career
Erik Erikson was born in 1902 in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Erikson was originally named Erik Salomonsen, then Erik Homburger, after his stepfather. Eventually, he created his own last name, Erikson. While working in Vienna, he met Anna Freud, the youngest child of Sigmund Freud (known for his theory of human personality that it is comprised of, ego, superego, and id psychology), who inspired him to pursue a research career in psychoanalysis.
In 1930, he married Joan Mowat Serson, who changed her name to Joan Mowat Erikson when Erik came up with his eventual surname. After completing his psychoanalytic training in 1933—and having a young son, Kai T. Erikson—Erikson fled Nazi Germany with his family and settled in Boston, MA. He and Joan would have three other children—Jon Erikson, Sue Erikson Bloland, and Neil Erikson.
The Life Cycle Completed and other works from Erik Erikson
Erikson was a prolific writer during his career, starting with his first book, Childhood and Society, in which he outlined his eight developmental stages. Erikson’s psychosocial theory was more thoroughly encapsulated in a later book, The Life Cycle Completed. In addition to these two works, he would author and co-author several other books, including:
Life History and the Historical Moment
Vital Involvement in Old Age
Toys and Reasons: Stages in the Ritualization of Experience
Insight and Responsibility: Lectures on the Ethical Implications of Psychoanalytic Insight
Gandhi’s Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence
Identity formation: Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development
Erik Erikson's approach to psychology is based on the philosophy that our personalities develop in a specific order through eight stages of psychosocial development from birth through adulthood. He believed that we experience a psychosocial crisis in each stage, which could positively or negatively affect our personalities.
Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development provided insights into the way personal identity forms in human beings over time. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, Erikson’s theory focuses on the social factors that help an individual develop identity.
Erikson’s theory suggests that when we complete each stage successfully, we move towards a healthy personality and acquire essential virtues and strengths along the way, which help us resolve crises in the next stage. If we fail to complete a stage successfully, it can be more challenging to complete subsequent stages, and we'll have a reduced capacity for a healthy personality and self-esteem. He also believed we could resolve some or all stages later in life. His theories have helped mental health providers better care for individuals undergoing significant transitions as they age.
A key component of Erikson’s theory is the epigenetic principle, which posits that an individual’s inherited traits interact with environmental influences as they develop. Erikson’s belief in this principle helps explain why his stages go beyond childhood. Here is a list of Erikson's developmental stages and descriptions of each.
Trust vs. mistrust
We experience this stage from the moment we're born until we're about 18 months of age. Parents or caregivers who are consistent and reliable can help infants develop a sense of trust that they can transfer to future relationships. The sense of trust can also help them feel safe even if they feel threatened. According to researchers in a study published in the Community Mental Health Journal, an important question will be answered during this stage: “Is the world reliable and are object relations consistent and available?”
Research conducted by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth demonstrated that secure attachments in infancy lead to healthy relationships and attachments later in life, underscoring Erikson's views on this stage. Inversely, infants who are neglected may develop mistrust, suspicion, and anxiety. Failure to feel safe at this stage can mean that the child may have trouble with trust in future relationships and the world in general.
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Stage two occurs, according to Erikson, during early childhood—from age 18 months to age three. The psychosocial crisis in early childhood is autonomy vs. shame and doubt. Children in this stage of life have the goal of learning self-control without losing self-esteem.
During this stage, children become more independent. Parents and caregivers who allow children the space to do things for themselves while praising their efforts and allowing them some room to fail can help their children become more confident in their abilities to survive in the world.
If children are criticized and constantly told what they can and can't do, they become less dependent on themselves and overly dependent on others.
Initiative vs. guilt
Children learn to assert themselves more often in the third stage, which lasts from age three to age five. This is the initiative vs guilt stage, which is a busy one for kids. Children need the freedom to plan activities and initiate games and fun with other children because it helps improve their ability to take the initiative, develop a sense of leadership, and be responsible for decisions.
If children aren't allowed to start taking some control, and they're criticized or marginalized, they may feel guilty, which can inhibit a child's creativity and slow their ability to interact with others. It's important to note that some sense of guilt can be helpful, as it gives children some self-control and conscience. What’s important at this stage is moderation.
Industry vs. inferiority
Erikson's psychology labels the fourth psychosocial stage as industry vs. inferiority, from ages five to twelve. At this stage, children begin to learn at a rapid rate. They usually develop respect for their teachers and other authority figures and their peers can significantly influence their behavior and self-esteem. During this stage, children often seek approval by demonstrating their worth and developing a sense of pride.
When children feel reinforced and encouraged, they gain confidence and feel competent. Children who lack encouragement during this stage feel inferior to others and find it challenging to work towards things that are important to them.
Failure plays a role during this stage in helping children be humble. Children need to have a balance of competence and modesty.
Identity vs. role confusion
The teen years, from 12 to 18, comprise the fifth stage of Erikson's psychology, identity vs. role confusion (which gave rise to the term identity crisis). During this stage, children explore their values, beliefs, and goals to understand who they are and develop their own identity.
The fifth stage prepares preteens and teens for adult life, including careers, relationships, housing, and where they fit into society as independent people. As children work to find their place in the world while still being accepted and fitting in, they determine how they want to be perceived by others.
In this stage, success leads to the establishment of a clear understanding of self-identity. Teens can become confident in associating with others without losing themselves and thus develop fidelity. Difficulty navigating this stage may result in complicated social interactions, a weak sense of self, withdrawal, or possibly an inflated sense of self-importance.
Intimacy vs. isolation
The next stage in the theory of psychosocial development is longer than the previous stages and occurs from ages 18 to 40. During the intimacy vs. isolation stage, adults seek intimate, loving relationships with others. Finding successful love often means developing longer-term commitments with people not part of the immediate family.
Those who work through this stage successfully can find happiness in their relationships and be committed to them. Those who avoid being intimate with others or fear commitment may experience isolation or depression. Successful completion of this stage leads to the virtue of love.
Generativity vs. stagnation
Middle adulthood spans from ages 40 to 65 and includes generativity vs. stagnation. During this stage, adults start taking stock of what they've accomplished. They're often concerned about their legacy and what they've contributed to the world that can outlast their lives.
Adults who feel accomplished feel useful and productive. Those who feel like they've failed may feel disconnected and uninvolved with their community and the rest of society. Completing this stage successfully gives adults a sense of caring for themselves and others. Research suggests that individuals who feel socially engaged during the generativity vs stagnation stage experience significant mental health benefits. In a study titled “Midlife Eriksonian Psychosocial Development”, researchers found that successfully navigating this stage can lead to increased cognitive functioning and decreased depression.
Ego integrity vs. despair
The final psychosocial stage lasts from age 65 until death. It's called ego integrity vs. despair. In this final stage of life, people tend to think about their accomplishments and develop a sense of calm and acceptance, or integrity, if they are satisfied that they have lived a full and meaningful life. Those who feel dissatisfied with their life choices can feel a sense of despair and hopelessness.
Completing this stage should lead a person to feel the value of having wisdom and accept life's end.
An unexpected crisis can occur at any stage of our lives. Erikson's theory proposes that our prior experiences give us the tools to navigate situations in future stages of life. When you face unexpected times of crisis or despair, you don't have to navigate them alone. Talking to an online therapist can help.
Online therapy options
Online therapy has many benefits that make finding a qualified therapist easier. You don’t have to worry about getting on a waiting list or commuting to an office outside your area. With online therapy at BetterHelp, you can meet with a licensed counselor from home or anywhere you have an internet connection.
Research shows that online therapy is effective, with comparisons of face-to-face and internet therapy from 14 studies showing no difference in results. Whether you’re feeling unhappy about your current psychosocial stage or have realized you need help resolving one of the stages from your childhood, online therapy can help.
When does each crisis occur in Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory?
According to Erik Erikson, there are eight stages of personality development.In these eight stages of life, Erik Erikson proposes that ego, identity, and desire are formed, encompassing the human life cycle, completed. Unlike other developmental psychologists studying human development in his time, these stages of ego, identity, and desire encompass the entire human life cycle, from birth to death. Erikson posited that during each stage, an inner tension—referred to as a crisis—between conflicting forces will either lead to growth or further challenges. These crises, Erikson believed, occur at specific times during a person’s life.
The age range of each crisis according to Erikson’s theory of identity development
Trust vs. Mistrust: Infancy to one year
Autonomy vs. Shame: One to three years
Initiative vs. Guilt: Three to six years
Industry vs. Inferiority: Seven to 11 years
Identity vs. Confusion: 12 to 18 years
Intimacy vs. Isolation: 19 to 29 years
Generativity vs. Stagnation: 30 to 64 years
Integrity vs. Despair: 65 and up
What is Erik Erikson's main theory?
Erik Homburger Erikson believed that personality development throughout one’s life cycle depended on psychosocial theory and resolving existential crises. Erik Erikson believed that the crises of shame, guilt, confusion, isolation, stagnation, despair, and guilt could lead to a lack of growth in each life cycle if unresolved. When there was a life cycle completed successfully, it would mean fulfillment and self-actualization.
What is Erik Erikson's life span development theory?
The life span development theory explores the stages of development, including child development, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older age. According to the stages of personality development, Erik Erikson believed one could not claim a life cycle completed unless all lessons were learned in that life stage. For example, in young adulthood, adults learn to navigate intimate relationships and avoid isolation. If they complete this life cycle successfully, they may master the art of having fulfilling intimate relationships.
What is stage four of Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory?
Stage four of this theory by Erik Erikson is industry vs. inferiority from seven to 11 years during child development. Children learn competency, peer recognition, and social interaction in this stage. Children who struggle through this phase may have social challenges and could benefit from child psychoanalysis therapy to understand the social skills of this part of their life cycle.
What are the eight stages of life according to the theory of psychologist Erik Erikson?
According to Erik Erikson, integrity vs. despair is the eighth stage of life. This phase occurs after age 65 until one’s death. Those who reach integrity in this stage may look back on the lessons they’ve learned in their life and acquire a sense of integrity and wisdom. Integrity may be achieved regardless of whether one actually met their goals or followed their dreams, as it may be more about a mindset than how successful one was.
Erik Erikson's contributions to psychology have provided a comprehensive framework for understanding human development. The theories developed by Erik Erikson continue to be influential in both academic and clinical settings. Many modern psychologists reference Erik Erikson's stages of development when analyzing personality growth and development.
What is Erik Erikson's main theory?
Erik Erikson’s main theory is that every stage in human development features a specific psychological struggle. The stages encompass the entire lifespan from infancy to old age. Each stage begins as the other leaves off.
What are the 8 stages of Erik Erikson's theory?
The eight stages of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development include:
Trust-mistrust: Birth through 18 months. During this first stage of development, children learn to trust or mistrust adults based on how they’re treated. This is the most fundamental stage of development.
Autonomy-shame and doubt: 18 months through 3 years. During the second stage of development, toddlers gain the physical skills necessary to search for their own independence but may feel shame or self-doubt if their efforts aren’t acknowledged or accepted.
Initiative-guilt: Ages 3 to 5. This stage is marked by a child’s initiative to take personal control over their own world and can include social interaction with peers during the early school years.
Industry-inferiority: Ages 6 to 11. This stage encompasses the majority of grade school and may represent a time where children begin to embrace their own abilities. They may feel pride in their productivity and achievements, or they could feel inferior to their peers.
Identity-confusion: Ages 12 to 18. During the adolescent stage, teens search for a personal identity and may experiment with different images and roles.
Intimacy-isolation: Ages 18 to 40. If the person has successfully navigated the preceding stages of development, they may be ready for romantic intimacy. If not, they could struggle with relationships.
Generativity-stagnation: Ages 40 to 65. Middle-aged people may feel a deep sense of purpose to prepare the next generation for a successful life, or they may experience stagnation and feel as if they haven’t made a real impact on the world.
Integrity-despair: Ages 65 to death. During late life cognitive development, people could reflect on their life with pride or experience despair at the thought of having failed or wasted their life.
Did Erik Erikson have a child with Down syndrome?
Yes. Erik had a child named Neil who was born with Down syndrome. Neil was institutionalized, and Erikson rarely visited him.
How did Erik Erikson influence early childhood education?
Erikson’s work had a significant influence on early childhood education, and his theory of psychosocial development is still being taught today. Erikson received his training at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. According to the Erikson Institute, he made several other contributions to the field of educational psychology, including the idea that human development is a product of societal influences.
Erikson’s work may also have implications for psychologists and psychiatrists who treat mental illness. According to his theory, the recovery process may require individuals to resolve conflicts from earlier stages of development.
What was the main idea behind Erik Erikson's theory?
The main idea of Erik Erikson’s theory is that a successful life depends on how we navigate the psychological conflicts we face at each stage of our development.
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