Rorschach Inkblot Test
The origin of Rorschach inkblot test
The Rorschach inkblot test was created in 1921 by Swiss psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. The inspiration for the test came ten years before while he was writing his dissertation on hallucinations in people with schizophrenia. During his work with schizophrenic patients, he noticed that people with schizophrenia responded differently from those without mental illness while playing an inkblot charades game known as Blotto or Klecksographie.
His studies produced a personal system of scoring in which he classified responses using letters: "W" for those who had a response based on the whole inkblot; "D" for those who focused on smaller details of the inkblot; "F" for the form of the inkblot; and "C" for if the inkblot included color. This scoring system split into five different systems after Rorschach's death in 1922: the popular Beck and Kopfler systems and the lesser-known Piotrowski, Hertz, and Rapaport-Schafer systems.
Until 1973, these scoring systems were the primary systems used to score the results of the Rorschach inkblot test. However, one John E. Exner challenged the systems in 1969 and noticed that the five systems varied so dramatically that it would be impossible to get a clear reading from any patient. Exner published a new scoring system in 1973 that became the sole scoring system of all psychologists using the inkblot test.
The Rorschach inkblot test in psychology
To put it simply, the Rorschach is a projective psychological test that evaluates a patient’s answers to determine their personality. Interestingly Rorschach did not create the inkblot test for personality testing. The test was developed to identify serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. It became clear over time, however, that the test was more useful for identifying personality traits rather than mental illnesses, although the test can still produce these results.
Administration and interpretation
When the test is administered to a patient, the patient's brain begins trying to identify any patterns in the inkblots. Each of the inkblots has a common shape that is identified by most patients. These common shapes are used to determine whether a patient is projecting their personality onto the inkblots or not. After one round of all ten cards, the patient is typically brought through another round in which they are asked to explain more about the inkblots. This is when the personality of the patient tends to bleed into their interpretation of the cards.
Once the test is finished and the responses are recorded, the psychiatrist who administered the test will begin to evaluate the patient's response. Much of the interpretation comes from the psychiatrist's understanding of the patient's answers. Although the cards do have common interpretations, the patient's response will tell the psychiatrist about their past, their personality traits, and the way that they function in the world.
The psychiatrist will also use a scoring system that bases answers on the following characteristics:
- The perceived form of the inkblot
- If any movement was detected by the patient when viewing the inkblot
- Responses that feature color
- Responses that feature white, gray, or black colors
- Responses that describe the texture of an inkblot
- Responses that describe the shading and dimensions of an inkblot
- Responses that describe the shading of the inkblot
- Responses that address the dimensions of an inkblot but not the shading
- Responses that address a pair of objects due to the asymmetrical nature of the inkblot
Because of the complex nature of the responses, these characteristics will often be paired together to provide a better description of the patient's responses.
Assessment of the Rorschach inkblot test in psychology
As with the many popular scientific tests and theories, there are psychologists on both sides of the inkblot test who either support it or discredit it. Psychologists who are on the supporting side argue that the test is an effective method to reveal how the mind works and that it is successful enough to uncover mental illnesses and personality traits based on an individual's answers.
Consider a study published by the American Psychological Association in 2013. The study, provided a deep analysis of each of the variables in a patient's personality that the Rorschach test sought to identify.
Their findings suggest that, yes, the Rorschach test does have substance to it, especially when the test is conducted on those who are living with a mental illness. While not all the variables that the Rorschach test identifies are strongly supported, a great deal of them are. The most supported variables include those that help to detect psychotic disorders as well as mental distress.
On the other side of the test, those who are seeking to discredit the Rorschach inkblot test argue that it is unreliable and unable to accurately detect any mental health issues aside from some psychotic disorders. The biggest issue seen by those on the opposing side is that there is no specific system of measurement that works for every person tested. Everyone's interpretation of the test is unique, and because of this, there is room for error in the results of the test. This can be especially harmful if the test is being administered in a court of law or in another situation where accuracy is vital.
The second major issue that is seen in the Rorschach inkblot test is that it can't always be reliable by those who are not interested in the test or its results. For example, let's imagine that a young teenager has a suspected psychotic disorder and is being forced to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist decides to administer the test to the teenager. The teenager, already knowing exactly what the test is due to seeing it in the media, decides to give the most basic answers. The test then concludes that the teenager is fine rather than identifying the underlying disorder.
Both sides present valuable arguments, and the test is still currently being used by psychiatrists today.
Therapy and perception of Rorschach ink blot tests
While the validity of the Rorschach inkblot test is debatable, the mental illnesses that it seeks to identify are not. If you believe that you may have a mental illness, consider seeking help via therapy or a doctor.
Online therapy
There are online options for help available for those who may find it especially challenging to reach out for help in person. In these cases, online therapy may be the preferred alternative. With this type of therapy, mental health services can be contacted from home. It can also be more convenient with appointments available around the clock.
Researchers have spent a lot of time investigating the effects of online therapy, and the results are promising. One meta-analysis of dozens of studies found that this type of remote treatment can be just as effective as traditional in-person counseling for a variety of conditions.
How accurate is the interpretation of Rorschach inkblot test?
Today, the Rorschach test is generally considered invalid when it comes to diagnosing disorders, testing personality traits, and predicting behavior.
The test consists of 10 Rorschach images that are left up to the client’s interpretation, but Rorschach scoring isn’t necessarily reliable. The Rorschach method specifically is very unlikely to cause any kind of physical harm, but it isn’t regularly used anymore because of its unreliability.
The Exner System of Rorschach testing was developed in the 1960s. It uses a more scientific approach and has been heavily validated.
What is the Rorschach ink blot test method, and how does it work?
Rorschach was a Swiss psychiatrist. As a child, Rorschach played a game where people made random inkblots into stories. As an adult working in a psychiatric hospital, Rorschach noticed that people with schizophrenia interpreted the blots differently than people without it. Rorschach’s inkblot test that he developed was based on the concept of “projection” as theorized by Sigmund Freud.
The Rorschach test is a type of psychological testing in which 10 inkblots are presented to an individual, and they must describe what they see in each inkblot. The individual’s answers are typically given scores according to the Exner scoring system, and these scores may offer insight into the individual’s personality characteristics and mental state.
For example, an examiner might pick up on different types of emotional functioning and sexual responses in depressed subjects compared to those who aren’t depressed. However, it can be important to note that the Rorschach system isn’t one of the psychological tests that are considered valid and reliable today, partly due to its subjective scoring method.
Who is this assessment typically given to?
The Rorschach inkblot test is rarely used today, but some professionals may use it to learn about a client’s personality. In the past, Rorschach interpretation was sometimes used to diagnose mental disorders like schizophrenia and various types of thought disorder.
Why is the Rorschach test controversial?
One of the main criticisms of the Rorschach method is that it’s not usually very reliable. As scores tend to rely heavily on the examiner’s interpretation, they aren’t standardized, and a person could receive vastly different results if they took the test with different examiners. The Rorschach record could vary widely between mental health professionals.
What happens if you don't see anything or don’t get anything from the interpretation of the Rorschach test?
If, during the Rorschach administration, you don’t see anything, it’s usually up to your examiner to determine what that might mean.
Is the Rorschach test still used today? What is the perception of this assessment tool?
Some professionals may use the Rorschach test today, but it has been largely discredited.
What does it mean if a personality test or assessment is reliable?
When a personality test is reliable, a person taking the test multiple times will usually get the same result repeatedly.
What type of therapy in psychology uses the Rorschach method?
The Rorschach test isn’t necessarily associated with a particular type of therapy. However, it is generally considered to be a projective test.
What are the two well-known projective techniques?
The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test are two well-known projective techniques.
How does the Rorschach test show schizophrenia?
The Rorschach test is no longer considered a reliable way to diagnose schizophrenia and other mental health disorders.
What is the purpose of the Rorschach inkblot test in psychological testing?
The Rorschach inkblot test is used to assess a person's underlying thought patterns, emotions, and personality characteristics. By interpreting ambiguous inkblot images, individuals may reveal their perceptions and mental processes, providing valuable insights for their doctor.
People might see varying things in an inkblot, such as an incomplete human form, a four legged animal, many subjects, an animal skin, human heads, female figures, or an indistinct form .
How is the Rorschach inkblot test administered during psychological testing?
During psychological testing, the Rorschach inkblot test is administered by showing a series of inkblot images to the participant, who describes what they see in each image. The responses are analyzed to uncover patterns that could indicate various psychological conditions or personality traits.
The inkblot test uses ten cards with ten inkblots (also called “external stimuli”)with muted chromatic features. The cards have some predictable responses associated with them; as an example, one of the cards is considered to be the “mother card” because responses to this card were considered to be related to mothering or nurturing. The test taker looks at the Rorschach images on the cards and in the response phase, they tell what they perceive the card to be depicting (for example, an animal hide). In the inquiry phase, they explain the inkblot determinants (the inkblot features that made them decide what the cards depict). In some cases, there will be more than one determinant for what made the test taker decide on the image, which can lead to complex situations. And other times, a test taker will notice what is called an “unusual detail,” or a detail that is not a commonly described part. Once the subject's responses are in, each element scored is data for the test administrator. They will use the location identifying the part of the inkblot the person looked at to determine the image and record that data. The data provides information about the individual’s personality structure and cognitive operations. It can be a complex process. Today, the Rorschach test isn’t considered to have diagnostic value. This is in part because it doesn’t have a systematic approach or use a comprehensive system. Analyzing responses is highly subjective, and it has trouble dealing with the unstructured data.
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