Punishment Psychology: Effects Of Psychological Punishment Vs. Physical Punishment
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Psychological punishment can refer to a variety of actions meant to psychologically affect others so that they will engage in the desired behavior. Although punishment may have been used extensively in the past, positive reinforcement psychology is often more highly recommended today. If you are experiencing mental health concerns due to experiences with punishment, you may wish to consider online therapy.
Behavior psychologists and the law of effect
Dr. Burrhus Frederic Skinner, or B.F. Skinner, was a psychologist who thought classical conditioning may have been too simple to explain human behavior accurately. Therefore, he decided to use the causes of action and consequences to determine why we do what we do. Skinner based his operant conditioning on Dr. Edward Thorndike's Law of Effect. Operant conditioning is a method of behavior modification (learning) which uses rewards or punishments.
Operant responses by psychologist Skinner
Neutral responses
Neutral responses are those that do not decrease or increase the probability of the behavior happening again.
Reinforcement is a response that increases the chances of a certain behavior happening again.
Punishments are responses that weaken the behavior and lessen the chance that it will happen again.
Definition of psychological punishments as opposed to physical punishment
Punishment can be broken up into different forms.
Psychological punishment
Psychological forms of punishment may include ignoring, yelling, intimidating, or nagging someone to do or not do something. Other forms of punishment that can be traumatic include physical and verbal abuse, swearing, and violent anger. These forms of punishment are often effective because the person on the receiving end can be filled with fear, shame, or guilt. These methods of punishment should never be used as they may not teach the individual anything but fear and violence and are likely to have negative impacts.
Physical punishment
Also known as corporal punishment, specifically inflicts physical bodily pain, but is highly likely to cause psychological distress as well.
Positive punishment
Positive punishment is a type of punishment that produces a stimulus that can cause a behavior or activity to stop. For example, let's say your child runs into the street, and you yell at them. When your child is no longer in the street, you stop yelling at them. This can increase the chance that your child will stay out of the street in the future because they will likely associate being in the street with being yelled at.
Even pain can be considered a positive punishment. When you do something that causes pain and then stop doing it, and the pain also stops, you may refrain from doing it again because of the pain it caused.
Negative punishment
Negative punishment is when the person doing the punishing removes a stimulus that the subject considers a privilege. For example, if you arrive at work an hour late, your boss may not pay you for that hour, or if you do not do your work properly, you may not get the promotion you want. The punishment can increase the chance that you come in on time and do your work properly because of your desire for pay and a promotion.
Positive punishment produces a stimulus that stops when the desired behavior is demonstrated and negative punishment removes a stimulus perceived as a privilege. Either punishment can be effective art reducing undesirable behavior
What is operant conditioning?
There are two other forms of operant conditioning: positive and negative reinforcement. These are similar to the punishment theory but reversed. They can be used to reinforce a behavior rather than discourage a behavior.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement consists of giving an individual something they like or want so that they are influenced to repeat the desired behavior. For example, if your partner cleaned the kitchen and made dinner, you could verbally express your appreciation or take care of their least favorite chore. This may influence them to repeat the behavior of cleaning the kitchen and making dinner in the future.
Negative Reinforcement
This consists of stopping something negative or unpleasant to encourage the individual to repeat the positive behavior. For example, you might stop an employee's supervision when shown that they can be trusted to do their job correctly. They may be more likely to do their job correctly in order to avoid supervision.
Is psychological punishment a positive punishment for a child?
You may wonder whether we should use punishment as a learning tool for our children or peers. Is it wise to attempt to enforce our desires on others by punishing them?
Positive reinforcement vs. positive punishment
Punishment may have been the preferred teaching tool at home and school in the past. However, in the United States, punishment may be more frequently frowned upon today. Some experts believe that punishment and negative consequences can encourage bad behavior rather than reinforce good behavior. There has been research showing that positive reinforcement can be more effective than negative reinforcement or punishment. Many parents and schools may now be turning to methods like positive parenting, which can encourage good behavior while promoting children’s inherent worth and self-esteem.
Consequences of corporal punishment in psychology
In obedience psychology, punishment may also lead to fear of the punisher. This can mean that obedience results from fear, rather than the child simply wanting to behave well. Even though you may believe that it could be good for your child to be afraid of the consequences of "being bad" at school, it may not be helpful if they are afraid of their teacher or going to school in general. This could cause your child not to want to go to school or to be frightened of authority figures such as teachers and police officers.
Physical punishment as a child can lead to abusive behavior as an adult
Some types of punishment are typically not useful in any context, such as becoming violent or abusive. Studies have shown that children who have been subject to abuse or violence can be more likely to be abusive as adults. Approximately one-third of those neglected or abused as a child may abuse or neglect their children. In addition, survivors of abuse can be more likely to have mental health disorders such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety disorders. Survivors can also be more susceptible to addiction disorders. Still, it can be important to note that many abused and neglected children can grow up to become excellent parents who may never abuse or mistreat their children.
Coping with mental health concerns from psychological punishment
If you’re living with mental health concerns stemming from punishment, you may wish to seek therapy so that you can work with a mental health professional to learn coping skills and gain insight into the way the punishment affected you. Traditional therapy may not be your preferred method of getting help, and if that’s the case for you, you may be interested in online therapy. With online therapy, you still get to connect with a licensed professional, but you can do so without leaving the house.
Often, punishment can negatively impact self-esteem. According to this study, online therapy can be effective in increasing self-compassion and happiness, as well as decreasing difficulties with emotion, depression, and stress.
The study of punishment in psychology and corresponding research in the field of Social Psychology (the study of individual and group behavior interactions) has revealed that long term effects of being punished can be reduced over time with appropriate treatment.
What is positive punishment in punishment psychology?
Positive punishment in psychology involves presenting an unfavorable outcome or event following an undesirable behavior to decrease the likelihood of that behavior occurring again. For example, scolding a child for misbehaving is a form of positive punishment intended to reduce that behavior. Receiving a speeding ticket for going over the speed limit is another example of positive punishment. Negative punishment, on the other hand, may involve removing a pleasant stimulus, such as rewards or privileges.
What is the main purpose of punishment, and does it affect behavior?
The main purpose of punishment is to reduce or eliminate undesirable behavior by introducing negative consequences or removing positive stimuli. It aims to establish behavioral boundaries and encourage adherence to social, educational, or legal norms.
Related question about punishment vs. conditioning
What is an example of a negative reinforcement in psychological punishment?
One example of negative reinforcement in psychological punishment could be a situation where a parent lets a child who hates vegetables eat cheese pizza for dinner on Friday night after behaving at school all week. By removing vegetables (i.e., the aversive stimuli) from the meal on Friday, the good behavior is reinforced.
Negative reinforcement should not be confused with negative feedback, which can be a type of punishment used for the purpose of behavior change.
What is operant conditioning used to treat?
The principle of operant conditioning is used in a range of treatments, including those for autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, and substance use disorder.
What is the purpose of positive punishment and negative punishment?
Both positive and negative punishment are used to decrease unwanted behavior. Positive punishment involves introducing a desirable stimulus like a reward or privilege while negative punishment involves removing a desired stimulus. There are two kinds of punishers: primary and secondary punishers. Primary punishers are inherently negative, like an electric shock (delivered through lever pressing) or loud noises, while secondary punishers are associated with primary punishers, like a disapproving glance or a bad grade.
Which method is better, reinforcement or punishment?
Reinforcement is considered more effective and more ethical than punishment to correct behavior. There are two types of reinforcers used to modify behavior: primary and secondary reinforcers.
What is one major flaw of punishment psychology?
One flaw of punishment is that punishment decreases undesired behaviors temporarily, but it doesn’t eliminate the punished behavior altogether. It could also have adverse consequences like causing the child to become resentful.
Why is punishment not effective?
There could be many reasons why punishment is ineffective in its attempt to minimize or control behavior, including:
Punishment doesn’t teach self-regulation.
Children often don’t realize why they’re being punished.
Punishment could provoke fear and anxiety.
Children learn avoidance strategies, such as lying or hiding a behavior.
Punishment might model antisocial behavior.
Punishment could lead to abuse.
Does punishment weaken behavior?
Yes. Punishment can decrease unwanted behavior, but only temporarily. Delayed punishment is even less effective than unpunished behavior. Moreover, when a previously reinforced response is punished, punishment actually reduces the desired response. For example, when a child is rewarded for eating their vegetables at lunch, they’re more likely to eat their vegetables. But if they are then given a time out for not eating their vegetables at dinner, they are less likely to eat their vegetables in the future.
According to researcher Jean Richard-dit Bressel, some people are more sensitive to punishment than others.
What problems can punishment create?
This particular method of controlling a child’s behavior might not have the punishing effect parents intend. There is little evidence that punishment leads to long-term learning processes, and it can create a long list of problems, including:
Damaged relationships
Increased aggression
Mental health problems
Normalization of violence
Low self-esteem
Other methods of behavior modification such as reinforcement may be more effective.
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