Case Study: Definition And Examples
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Experiments are often used to help researchers understand how the human mind works. There have been many famous examples in psychology over the years. Some have shown how phenomena like memory and personality work. Others have been disproven over time. Understanding the research design, content, and analytical approach of case studies is important to verifying the validity of each study.
In considering case studies, researchers continuously test and reevaluate the conclusions made by past psychologists to continue offering the most up-to-date and effective care to modern clients. Prospective case studies are continually being developed based on previous findings from case studies, and multiple case studies done in one area can lend credence to the findings. Learning about the famous psychology case studies can help you understand how research studies continue to shape what psychologists know about the human experience and mind.
Examples of famous psychology case studies
Hundreds of thousands of case studies have been done in psychology, and narrowing them down to a list of the most groundbreaking case studies can be challenging. However, the following seven case studies present findings that have defied expectations, achieved positive outcomes for humanity, and launched further research into existing knowledge gaps within the niche.
Phineas Gage
The case of Phineas Gage is perhaps the most cited study in psychology. This famous case study showed how different areas of the brain affect personality and cognitive ability. While working as a construction foreman on a railroad, Phineas Gage was involved in an accident in which a rod was pushed through his cheek and brain. He survived, but because of the accident, both his personality and his ability to learn new skills were affected.
Genie the "feral child" case study
Although an outdated term, "feral children" referred to children raised without human interaction, often due to abuse or neglect. One famous case study of a neglected child was done with a child known as Genie. She was raised in a single bedroom with little human interaction. She never gained the cognitive ability of an average adult, even though she was found at age 13. Later in life, she regressed and stopped speaking altogether. Her case has been studied extensively by psychologists who want to understand how enculturation affects cognitive development. It's one of many case studies on cognitive psychology that have had an impact on this field.
Henry Molaison
The case study of Henry Molaison has helped psychologists understand memory. It is one of the most famous case studies in neuroscience. Henry Molaison was in a childhood accident that left him with debilitating seizures. Doctors could stop the seizures by removing slivers of his brain's hippocampus, though they did not fully understand what they were doing at the time. As a result of this study, scientists learned how important the hippocampus is to forming long-term memories. After the surgery, Molaison could no longer form long-term memories, and his short-term memory was brief. The case study started further research into memory and the brain.
Jill Price case studies
Jill Price had one of a few documented cases of hyperthymesia, a term for an overactive memory that allowed her to remember such mundane things as what she had for dinner on an average day in August 20th years previously. Her case study was used as a jumping-off point to research how memory works and why some people have exceptional memories.
However, through more research studying of the case, it was discovered that her overall memory was not exceptional. Rather, she only remembered details of her own life. She was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), with memories being part of her obsession. This case study research is still relevant because this case has helped modern psychologists understand how mental illness affects memory.
John/Joan case study research
In the John/Joan case study, a reputable sexologist tested his theory that nurture, not nature, determined gender. The case study has been cited extensively and laid the groundwork for other research studies into gender identity. However, the case study approach was not legitimate. In this case study, Dr. John Money performed surgery on an infant whose genitals were damaged during circumcision.
The boy was raised as a girl; however, he never identified as female and eventually underwent gender-affirming surgery as an adult. Because Dr. Money didn't follow up with the patient appropriately and did not report adverse findings, the case study is still often cited as successful.
Anna O.
Victor the "wild boy" of Aveyron
Ethics in a case study
While case studies can provide valuable details and information from psychology experiments and inspire further research, case studies are not definitive proof of a theory. Case study examples must be used ethically and legitimately. They can be used to support theories, but the research in these studies must be sound to be accepted by modern psychology.
When case studies are flawed through not having enough information or having the wrong information, they can be harmful. Valuable research hours and other resources can be wasted while theories are used for inappropriate treatment. Case studies can therefore cause as much harm as benefit, and psychologists are often careful about how and when they are used.
Practicing caution with case studies
Those who are not psychologists and are interacting with studies can also practice caution. Psychologists and doctors often disagree on how case studies should be applied. In addition, people without education in psychology may struggle to know whether a case study is built on a faulty premise or misinformation. It can also be possible to generalize case studies to real world situations to which they do not apply. If you think a case study might apply to your case or that of a loved one, consider asking a therapist for guidance.
When considering case study content and findings from psychology, it can be helpful to think of the cases as stories of real individuals. When you strip away the science and look at the case as a whole person in a unique situation, you may get more out of the study than if you look at it as research that proves a theory.
Therapeutic implications of a case study
Case examples are sometimes used in therapy to determine the best course of treatment. If a typical case study from psychology aligns with your situation, your therapist may use the treatment methods outlined in the study. Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals also use case examples to understand mental illness and its treatment.
Researchers have reviewed the role of case studies in counseling and psychotherapy. In one study, the authors discussed how reading case studies benefits therapists, providing a conceptual guide for clinical work and an understanding of the theory behind the practice. They also stressed the importance of teaching psychotherapy trainees to do better case study research. They encouraged practitioners to publish more case studies documenting the methods they use in their practice.
How a case study research affects counseling
If you want to meet with a psychologist, counseling may benefit you. Therapists often use theories behind popular case studies and can discuss their implications with you. In addition, you may be able to participate in case studies in your area, as psychologists and psychiatrists often perform clinical trials to understand treatments on a deeper level.
Online therapy
Out of the thousands of clinical studies that have been done in the realm of psychology, a few typical case studies are often mentioned above the rest. Consider reading through these types of case studies to learn more about how they worked and how psychology has changed over the years. You can also reach out to a therapist for further guidance and support in a specific mental health area.
Therapy is a personal experience, and not everyone may go into it seeking the same things. Keeping this in mind can ensure that you get the most out of online therapy, regardless of what your specific goals are. If you’re still studying if therapy is right for you and how much therapy costs, please contact us at BetterHelp specializes in online therapy to help address all types of mental health concerns. If you’re interested in trying individual online therapy or learning more about studies, reach out today to get started.Case studies can help the field of psychology, but psychotherapy is personal.
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