Can Schizophrenia Kill You?
Schizophrenia is a condition that usually affects the way individuals feel, think, and behave. People living with schizophrenia can experience hallucinations, delusions, trouble thinking, disorganized speech, and lack of motivation, among other symptoms. In general, schizophrenia is not life-threatening. The condition may not be curable, but schizophrenia can be treatable, and many people who receive treatment experience relief from symptoms.
Understanding schizophrenia as a mental illness
Schizophrenia can be seen as a complex and misunderstood condition. Many people believe the misconception that people with schizophrenia are dangerous or violent, but research suggests that this is not true. Rather, people with schizophrenia tend to be more likely to be the targets of crimes, although updated evidence may be needed.
Many people also believe that schizophrenia is the same as dissociative identity disorder (DID, previously called multiple personality disorder). However, the two conditions are distinct, and people with schizophrenia do not typically have multiple identities or personalities. Schizophrenia and DID may sometimes be comorbid, with both conditions appearing in the same person, but this is rare.
Who can develop schizophrenia?
Anyone from any background can develop schizophrenia. The condition usually affects men and women equally, although men may experience symptoms sooner than women. The exact cause of the condition is currently unknown, but potential risk factors include the following:
- A family history of schizophrenia
- Certain pregnancy and birth complications
- Using psychoactive or psychotropic substances during teen years and early adulthood
Can schizophrenia kill you?
People with schizophrenia
Additionally, people with schizophrenia tend to be more likely to develop alcohol use disorders, struggle to maintain nutrient-rich eating habits and regular exercise routines, and may also avoid regular medical care. All of these factors can contribute to a lower life expectancy. Providing flexible and equitable resources and healthcare for people with schizophrenia can improve their life expectancy.
Symptoms of schizophrenia
People with schizophrenia do not always experience active symptoms. Some people with the condition may go for long periods of time without experiencing any symptoms, especially if they are receiving treatment. However, people with active schizophrenia symptoms may experience the following:
Psychosis can serve as an umbrella term that describes a state in which someone experiences a disconnect from reality. Psychosis can take many forms. Some people with schizophrenia may hear and see things that aren’t there, while others may become paranoid or fixated on specific ideas.
Delusions typically refer to false beliefs that are not based in reality. Some may have delusions that others are trying to harm them; others may have delusions in which they think another person is in love with them. Some may become convinced that a disaster is about to occur, and others may think certain comments or behaviors are directed at them when they are not. For people with schizophrenia, delusions tend to be a common symptom, and though they may be hard for others to understand, they usually seem very real for the person with schizophrenia.
People with schizophrenia can experience hallucinations, or sensory experiences that are not triggered by real stimuli. Like delusions, hallucinations usually seem very real for people who experience them. Older studies suggest that around 70% of people with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations, and the most common manifestation can be hearing voices.
Abnormal speech and thinking
People with schizophrenia may speak in a monotone or use jumbled phrases and sentences. They may also speak much less than usual, or, in some cases, speak quickly and rapidly shift between topics. They may also use made-up words and repeat themselves often.
Abnormal movement
Motor skills can be significantly affected by schizophrenia. This can result in strange movements, bizarre or inappropriate posture, or excessive and repetitive motions. People with schizophrenia may also struggle to follow instructions, have trouble making eye contact, and make abnormal facial expressions.
Other symptoms of schizophrenia
Other symptoms may include those listed below:
- Social withdrawal
- Lack of motivation
- Neglect of hygiene and appearance
- Childlike behavior
- Agitation
- Loss of interest in usual activities
Schizophrenia symptoms usually begin to arise in a person’s early to mid-twenties. Childhood schizophrenia and schizophrenia appearing in those over the age of 45 do exist, although this is rare.
Schizophrenia treatment options
Left untreated, schizophrenia can cause significant problems in a person’s professional, social, and personal lives. Untreated schizophrenia may lead someone to experience job loss, social isolation, health problems, financial problems, and even suicidal ideation. With treatment, people with schizophrenia can live fulfilling and functional lives.
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Text or call 988 or chat Support is available 24/7. If you are experiencing trauma, support is available.
Treatment options for schizophrenia normally include medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Schizophrenia treatment is generally lifelong.
Medications, particularly antipsychotic medications, can provide significant improvements in schizophrenia symptoms. Other medications, like antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, are also prescribed in some cases. Certain antipsychotics may come in an injectable form to be administered every two to four weeks, which can be helpful for people who struggle to stick to a medication schedule.
Some antipsychotics have side effects, so consult with your doctor to find a medication that works well for you. Never start, stop, or change the way you take medication without consulting your doctor or psychiatrist.
Working with mental health professionals
Psychotherapy can also be an effective treatment option for schizophrenia, alongside medication. Working with mental health professionals can help individuals normalize thought patterns, develop new coping strategies, and identify warning signs of a schizophrenic episode or relapse. Therapy can be done face-to-face, in a support group setting, or online.
Online therapy may be a particularly convenient option since this format usually allows individuals to meet with a therapist from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, online therapy can be more affordable, and scheduling is typically more flexible than traditional, in-office therapy.
Because online therapy can produce the same client outcomes as in-office therapy, this format may be a valid treatment option for those with mental health disorders like schizophrenia. However, those currently experiencing acute psychotic symptoms may need to seek care in person. Outside of psychotic episodes, online therapy may be an effective way to support those living with schizophrenia in an attainable and convenient way.
How can we support the mental health of people with schizophrenia?
If someone in your family has schizophrenia, the most effective way to support their mental health may be to provide a strong, compassionate support system. Learn more about their condition and try to understand what the person is going through. It can also help if you plan how to protect yourself in case the person becomes aggressive. Have patience and do not hesitate to talk to a therapist.
Is schizophrenia a serious mental illness?
Yes. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, sSchizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how individuals think and behave. People with schizophrenia may hear and see things that are not there. They can have vivid hallucinations that influence them to think differently. Many people with schizophrenia also have negative symptoms such as difficulty speaking, social withdrawal, flattening of emotions, or catatonia. The American Psychiatric Association publishes valuable information on schizophrenia, as does the Schizophrenia Bulletin published by Oxford University Press.
The onset of the disease typically occurs anywhere from the late teens to early thirties, although childhood onset schizophrenia can also occur. Research studies indicate that childhood trauma, family history of the disease, cognitive impairment, and drug use, among other risk factors, can indicate higher risk of developing schizophrenia. Some people with schizophrenia experience comorbid psychiatric disorders and mental health issues such as bipolar disorder, attempted suicide, schizoaffective disorder, and depression. Young people diagnosed and treated early have better future outcomes.
Can schizophrenia kill you if not treated?
Schizophrenia is not inherently life-threatening, but it can lead to dangerous situations if left untreated. People with schizophrenia have a higher risk of hurting themselves or others because of their hallucinations. They have a higher suicide rate and are at risk of misusing alcohol and street drugs. A person with schizophrenia needs diagnosis and treatment to manage their symptoms.
How long do schizophrenia patients live?
For people with schizophrenia, the average life expectancy is 64.7 years. Men’s average age of death is 59.9, and women’s average age of death is 67.6. According to a systematic review and meta analysis in World Psychiatry, the mortality rate of people with schizophrenia is derived from the fact that they tend to live 15–20 years less than people in the general population. This is one of the many reasons why mental health services are so important for people with schizophrenia.
Can a schizophrenic person kill you?
It’s highly unlikely that you would be killed by someone with schizophrenia. Most people with schizophrenia are nonviolent. Research shows that the rate of homicides by people with schizophrenia is 1 in 14 million. However, people with schizophrenia are more likely to harm themselves or exhibit violent behaviour toward others. If you suspect that someone is in danger of harming themselves or others, find a way to get them to the nearest emergency room.
Can you live with schizophrenia without medication?
It is not possible to function in day to day life without medication if you have schizophrenia, as it is a psychotic disorder that affects your perception of reality.
Can schizophrenia be cured?
Schizophrenia cannot be cured—it’s a lifelong condition. However, with proper treatment, it can be managed in a way that many people with the illness can live a happy, functional life. Treatment generally consists of cognitive behavioural therapy along with antipsychotic treatment with medication.
The British Journal of General Practice publishes guidelines on how to treat patients with schizophrenia.
Does schizophrenia cause memory loss?
Yes, schizophrenia affects memory and can cause memory loss.
What is the cause of death of schizophrenics?
There are a variety of causes of death for people with schizophrenia, among them suicide, drug toxicity, and medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes (inability to manage blood glucose). The leading cause of death, however, is cardiovascular disease due to high blood pressure, poor diet and exercise, and side effects of antipsychotic drugs. Other forms of treatment such as supported employment and family member education can also be helpful.
At what age does schizophrenia get worse?
If treated, schizophrenia does not typically get worse. However, it is a severe mental illness and necessitates proper treatment.
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