The Sociopath Test: Understanding Your Mental Health

Medically reviewed by Andrea Brant, LMHC and Corey Pitts, MA, LCMHC, LCAS, CCS
Updated February 13th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

You may have heard of the term “sociopath” from television or social media in the past. Although a popular term, it is no longer used clinically to describe someone with a mental health condtion and may be considered offensive and stigmatizing. Instead, the diagnostic label antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) describes those previously considered to have “sociopathy.” 

Online sociopath tests

At times, people worry that they may have sociopathic traits themselves. In these cases, you might search for a “sociopath test” to offer the answers online. There are several tests available online that ask questions that identify these traits for entertainment purposes. However, note that an online quiz does not replace the advice of a licensed professional. 

If you’re interested in understanding the results of an ASPD or “sociopath” quiz, it can be helpful to understand the symptoms of ASPD, how to find support, and what your results might mean. 

It is not always easy to talk about your emotions

Can a mental health professional administer a sociopath test to diagnose a disorder?

A “sociopath test” looks for specific characteristics often associated with antisocial personality disorder ASPD to let the test-taker know whether they could have symptoms of this mental health condition. These “sociopath” tests often ask you to rate a true or false response or choose from multiple-choice options. The questions may be about your way of thinking, life plan, and other non-specific questions. You may be asked questions about your social behaviors, remorse, empathy, lying, criminal activity, nervousness, or reliability. 

By answering each of these questions honestly, you may receive an insightful response that you can use to prompt your decision to seek support. However, only a mental health professional can provide an official diagnosis of sociopathic disorder. If you are concerned you are living with a serious mental health condition or want personalized answers, make an appointment with a therapist for further guidance.  

What is antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)? 

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a personality disorder in the DSM-5. It includes symptoms that can be seen as antisocial and anti-authority.

Symptoms of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

The official symptoms from the DSM-5 include the following: 

  • A pattern of disregard for the rights of others, occurring at least since 15 years of life 

  • Failure to conform to the law, performing illegal acts, whether brought to justice for them or not 

  • Impulsivity and risk-taking 

  • Repeated lying and manipulation

  • Irritability and aggression 

  • Irresponsibility

  • Lack of remorse for behaviors that negatively impact others 

ASPD can involve difficulty with empathy, compassion, and other relational impulses, as well as impulsivity and difficulty adhering to standards set forth by social groups. These symptoms may be seen on a spectrum. Mild symptoms might include lying, cheating, or difficulty in relationships. Contrarily, some people with ASPD act criminally and struggle to maintain healthy relationships altogether. 

If you have ASPD, you might use manipulation tactics to get what you want from another person or situation. If the situation hurts someone else, you might struggle to feel remorse. You may also see people as a means to an end instead of distinct individuals. 

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What do my results mean on my ASPD test?

An online quiz or test cannot tell you if you have ASPD. ASPD is a clinical diagnosis. You may have traits labeled antisocial or “sociopathic,” but these may not be enough for a diagnosis. If you think you are someone who might be living with a personality disorder, reach out to a professional for diagnosis and support.

Moderate to high sociopathic risk behavior

If your test result says you have a moderate to high chance of “sociopathy,” it can be beneficial to talk to a therapist. The traits mentioned on these tests are often indicative of an underlying problem. For example, a lack of regard for others, difficulty with empathy, or a lack of remorse can be signs of a personality disorder or narcissistic tendencies.  

Low to negative sociopathic risk in tests

If you received a negative or low chance of “sociopathy” on the test, this doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have ASPD. Talking to a therapist is the most accurate way to receive results. 

What if I was diagnosed with ASPD? 

If you have been diagnosed with ASPD by a professional, you might face challenges. For example, you may struggle to experience intimacy, closeness, empathy, care, and compassion for others, which are often essential to creating intimate and healthy relationships that last long term. 

Finding support for relationships with a health professional

By seeking out treatment, it may be possible to build friendships and find meaningful moments. While people with ASPD can succeed financially and professionally, having a successful relationship or personal life can require support. 

Charm and intelligence vs. Empathy and compassion

Those with ASPD can often appear charming and intelligent. However, these characteristics don’t necessarily replace empathy and compassion. Knowing you’re not alone and that support is available to you can be helpful. Studies show that people with ASPD can find treatment and symptom remission

It is not always easy to talk about your emotions

How to find treatment 

People with ASPD may be able to find treatment through psychotherapy or medication. Although personality disorders do not have a cure, many are treatable and manageable through support. Talk to your primary care provider for a referral or search for therapists specializing in ASPD online for support. If you feel embarrassed about reaching out for help or don’t want others to know you’re seeking therapy, you can also try an online therapy platform. 

Online therapy for mental health

Research shows that online therapy platforms can provide valuable tools to people seeking to understand their thoughts and behaviors. In a study published in World Psychiatry, researchers examined the benefits of online counseling for mental illness. They found that online cognitive-behavioral therapy could be a helpful form of psychological treatment, offering cost-effectiveness and positive changes. Another study found that online therapy was as effective as face-to-face treatment in treating personality disorders. 

Flexible therapy for everyone with BetterHelp

Through a platform like BetterHelp, you can be connected with a growing network of mental health professionals specializing in unique concerns, including ASPD. You can attend therapy from home or any location with an internet connection and use a nickname if you don’t want to use your real name. Your therapist may have the option of sending messages throughout the week to ask questions or follow up on sessions. 


If you have received a positive result on a “sociopath” test, consider contacting a mental health professional. In finding a therapist you feel comfortable with, you can implement the processes you gain from each of your sessions.
Explore antisocial personality disorder in therapy
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