Can Stress Cause Diabetes?
Stress can be uncomfortable, and the more you try to ignore it, the worse it can become. Stress can lead to anxiety, lack of focus, and exhaustion. It can also come with physical symptoms, potentially raising blood pressure, contributing to insomnia, and even worsening some chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. While stress usually cannot cause diabetes, uncontrolled stress can make existing diabetes symptoms more challenging to manage. It can be crucial to develop effective stress management techniques, whether or not you’re living with diabetes. An online or in-person therapist can help you discover beneficial strategies for stress management.
This article explores the potential connection between stress levels and diabetes mellitus, including how stress can impact blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Understanding this relationship is crucial for managing both physical and mental health in individuals affected by diabetes.
Stress and your health
Many of us struggle with stress in our daily lives. You may have experienced the way stress can make it difficult to sleep, lead to binge-eating unhealthy foods, or contribute to other unhealthy habits. You may have even realized that stress often causes you to have low productivity and make poor decisions. Stress can play a significant role in your health, but many of us don’t realize it until it’s too late. Stress may be such a normal part of our daily lives that even if our doctor talks to us about the various health risks, we may brush off their concerns instead of trying to reduce our stress levels.
How stress impacts health and may contribute to high blood sugar levels and diabetes mellitus
Stress can affect just about any aspect of your mental and physical health. When you're stressed for short periods, it can help you to focus better, potentially making you even more productive. When that stress carries on for too long, however, it can start to wear down your immune system, which can mean you have a higher likelihood of getting sick at any given time. Stress may also contribute to increases in blood pressure, blood glucose, and more.
Understanding diabetes
In general, there are two different forms of diabetes. The first, called type 1 diabetes, is usually present when the individual is born. The other kind of diabetes, type 2, is something an individual can develop later in life, most commonly due to lifestyle factors. Type 2 diabetes is commonly found in middle-aged people or those who are older, but it can also develop in younger individuals and those who are pregnant.
Can stress cause diabetes?
Stress can indeed contribute to and be the leading cause of the development of diabetes. Chronic stress raises blood sugar levels and can lead to insulin resistance, which, over time, may increase the risk of developing and having type 2 diabetes.
How uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious health problems
When an individual has diabetes (either type 1 or type 2), their body doesn't always produce the insulin that it needs to control its blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels get too high, this can cause damage to blood vessels and organs within the body. If the individual doesn’t get treatment, their blood glucose levels may continue to rise because their body is not able to produce the correct levels of insulin. As a result, severe health problems can occur, including heart disease, kidney disease, vision problems, stroke, or nerve problems.
How stress impacts health and may contribute to high blood sugar and diabetes
Diabetes typically occurs, in part, because blood glucose levels in the body are high for an extended period. This can be where the link between stress and diabetes comes in.
How stress affects insulin and worsens diabetes symptoms
Stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise in individuals with diabetes. Managing stress effectively is essential in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and overall health for those living with diabetes.
Additionally, when you’re stressed, your body is usually in fight-or-flight mode. You may temporarily have higher adrenaline and energy levels due to the hormones that your body naturally produces during stressful situations.
These hormones can have a negative impact on your body’s insulin supply, potentially making it work less effectively. If your insulin can’t work well, your blood glucose levels may remain high, potentially making the effects of diabetes on your other internal organs more significant.
How stress can worsen diabetes and increase diabetes risk
The lifestyle changes that stress can cause can also worsen diabetes. For example, people who live with chronic stress tend to be more likely to drink, smoke, and eat unhealthy foods, and they may struggle to find the time or energy to exercise. These lifestyle habits can negatively impact their blood glucose levels and worsen diabetes.
Chronic stress may also put you at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes because stress can increase your blood glucose and cause the pancreas to produce a smaller amount of insulin. Both situations could make it more likely for someone to develop type 2 diabetes, as well as other serious health conditions.
In a nutshell, mental stress can cause glucose levels to rise, and for those who are living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, this can be dangerous. Therefore, it can be important to learn to combat stress in daily life. Letting stressful situations or relationships persist can lead to issues down the road—and if you already have diabetes or other chronic conditions, stress can be particularly harmful.
How to reduce stress
Coping mechanisms for stress can be vital, whether you have diabetes, are in danger of developing diabetes, or are perfectly healthy, because of the ways stress can affect your body over time. However, stress can also be considered a normal part of everyday life. So, just what could you (or should you) be doing if you experience stress?
There are many things you can do to naturally reduce your stress levels. You may only be limited by your imagination! Above all, you generally want to ensure that you’re having fun with the activities you do to stop stress.
How to reduce stress naturally with exercise and other techniques
If you don't, you could end up causing more stress by working hard to reduce it. Next time you feel stressed, you might try the following:
- Deep breathing
- Meditating
- Muscle relaxation
- Exercising
- Listening to calming music
- Engaging in a fun hobby
- Getting enough sleep
- Venting/confiding in someone
- Asking for help
- Taking a break
If you are experiencing stress, any of these activities may be helpful. Try to create a list of things that help you relax or feel calm when you're upset and keep that list with you at all times. Then, you can refer to your list when you find yourself feeling stressed or worrying about what might come next. Sometimes, you might need to try several different techniques to feel better.
Pay close attention to how you feel when you engage in different activities and devote yourself fully to them. If you're still thinking about the stressor when you're trying to engage in another activity, it may decrease the benefits of that stress-relief technique. By fully immersing yourself, however, you may experience much better results.
Getting professional help
If stress is something you experience frequently and you’re having trouble managing it on your own, you may want to reach out to a mental health professional for support. A therapist can help you work through your thoughts and feelings, as well as learn better ways to cope with stressful situations in your life.
Benefits of online therapy
Online therapy can be a great way to find a qualified, helpful therapist without being limited by the available therapists in your area. You'll generally be able to reach out to them from any location with an internet connection, which may reduce your stress as it can add convenience to the therapy process. You may choose between video calls, phone calls, and online chat for sessions, which can further help you feel comfortable and less stressed.
Effectiveness of online therapy
A 2016 study investigating the efficacy of a virtual intervention for stress found that it could be effective in reducing stress in the long term. This study joins a growing body of evidence suggesting that online therapy can be a valid alternative to face-to-face therapy for a variety of mental health concerns.
Can stress cause diabetes mellitus?
Psychological and physical stress can contribute to diabetes mellitus. Diabetes typically occurs because blood glucose levels are elevated for an extended period. When you’re stressed, your body goes into fight or flight mode, which triggers your body to release stress hormones like cortisol. These hormones impact your body's response to insulin, potentially making it less effective. When this happens, your blood glucose levels rise, which can contribute to someone developing diabetes.
Many people cope with stress in ways that further increase the risk of diabetes. For example, stressed people may overeat (increasing the risk of obesity), consume alcohol excessively, smoke cigarettes, or minimize exercise, which over time can increase the risk of diabetes.
Can stress induced diabetes be reversed?
Diabetes that develops from stress can be reversed, but that may not be the best way to describe it. Diabetes can go into remission, but people who have had diabetes can be at risk of developing it again, so they will need to manage lifestyle factors to stay in remission. Stress can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, which can be put into remission with lifestyle changes and diet modifications.
What kind of stress causes diabetes?
Everyday events in modern life can create stress, and any kind of stress can contribute to the development of diabetes. Because diabetes typically occurs when blood pressure levels are elevated for an extended period, chronic or ongoing stress may have a more significant effect, causing decreased glucose uptake in the long term; the body's metabolism chronic stress effect is more likely to cause diabetes.
In addition to medication and other treatments, some people find that stress reduction techniques—like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing—can help in managing diabetes.
Can traumatic stress cause diabetes?
Yes, any kind of ongoing stress can contribute to chronic stress induced hyperglycemia, which can lead to the development of diabetes.
Studies show that people diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, in part because it increases engagement in behaviors like lack of exercise, smoking, or poor dietary choices.
What is the main reason for diabetes?
The exact cause of most types of diabetes is unknown, but all types result from sugar building up in the bloodstream. The pancreas produces insulin, which allows blood sugar to enter the cells in the body and, in turn, lowers the amount of sugar in the blood. In diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin to get blood sugar into the cells, so blood sugar stays high. Eventually, the body will begin getting energy from breaking down fat instead of using glucose, which can be verified with a positive ketone body test.
What causes these changes can be very complex, but eating healthy food, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising can help prevent or reverse diabetes.
Can stress raise your A1c?
A1C is a blood test that measures your average blood sugar over the past three months. It’s the main test that doctors use to manage diabetes. Because stress can cause your blood sugar to rise, it can affect your A1C.
Specifically, when you experience stress, it triggers a fight or flight response that releases cortisol. Cortisol can directly increase blood sugar levels, and when chronic stress persists, it can further increase A1C levels. Over time, high A1C levels can lead to serious complications, like cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, and mental health challenges like depression.
Managing stress with strategies like talk therapy, support groups, keeping track of thoughts and feelings, incorporating healthy foods into your daily routine, and maintaining healthy boundaries can be a part of a healthy lifestyle that may help manage blood sugar.
Can lack of sleep cause diabetes?
Yes, sleep can have a significant effect on diabetes. Research shows that a lack of sleep can raise the risk of developing diabetes. The same is true for excessive sleep and irregular sleep. For people who already have prediabetes or diabetes, poor sleep can make the condition worse.
What are the warning signs and symptoms of stress?
Physical or psychological stress affects the body in many ways but can quickly become overwhelming. Here are some warning signs that you may be dealing with excessive stress:
- Muscle tension
- Poor sleep
- Digestive problems
- Headaches
- Social withdrawal
- Increased drug and alcohol use
- Inability to focus
- Memory problems
- Feelings of being overwhelmed
- A lack of enthusiasm
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Disconnection
Does regular exercise lower blood sugar?
Yes, exercise does decrease blood sugar levels. When you exercise, insulin sensitivity increases, so your muscle cells are more sensitive to insulin and can take up more glucose during and after your workout. Exercise makes your body more sensitive to insulin; this sensitivity can last up to 24 hours after your workout, which can help maintain blood glucose levels over a more extended period.
Plus, during muscle contraction, your muscles can use glucose for energy, whether insulin is available or not. This can help lower blood glucose in the short term, and if you exercise regularly, it can also lower your A1C.
How to reverse diabetes?
Changing lifestyle factors can help put diabetes into remission. Eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables and whole grains, losing weight, and exercising regularly can help control blood glucose levels. A subcutaneous insulin therapy shot, medication that works by stimulating insulin secretion, or patients oral hypoglycemic drugs can also help in the meantime; for example, metformin decreases blood glucose.
In addition to medical care, living with diabetes can sometimes be frightening, overwhelming, and stressful, particularly in the early days of a diagnosis. Some people report experiencing constant stress about low blood sugar or feeling out of control. Joining a support group, practicing relaxation techniques, connecting with family, and other forms of self-care can help people cope if diabetes is affecting their mental well-being.
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