Is Stress-Induced Asthma A Real Condition?
Understanding asthma & asthma triggers
Asthma is a chronic, serious physical health condition that affects a person's lungs and airways. Asthma attacks have different causes such as an allergic reaction, overexertion, or getting nervous or scared. These attacks can escalate into serious situations requiring an emergency inhaler or immediate medical assistance. A person experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety may also find themselves unable to breathe, but is it simply a symptom of panicking or a true asthma attack? Asthma can have numerous triggers that vary depending upon the individual, but some may wonder if stress-induced asthma is a real condition.
Stress and asthma
This article explains stress-induced asthma, asthma triggers, and how to manage stress-induced asthma symptoms. We’ll also highlight mental health resources for those who would like to speak with a mental health professional about the effects of stress in their lives.
What is asthma and what causes it?
With asthma, a person’s airways are prone to irritation and inflammation. Any number of "triggers" can cause this inflammation to get worse and set off an asthma attack. When this occurs, the airways restrict even further, and it becomes difficult for the afflicted individual to breathe.
If not treated immediately, an asthma attack can be life-threatening. This is why many people with this condition may often carry inhalers with them that contain rapid-release medication to re-open their breathing passages. In general, most people with asthma have common symptoms of chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can be manageable, but once a flare-up (or "attack") occurs, medicine and treatment are mandatory, and action must be taken immediately.
Health and disease: What causes asthma symptoms?
Although doctors are aware of many of the factors that set off the symptoms and attacks associated with asthma, they are unsure of exactly how the condition originates in an individual. It's assumed to be a mixture of genetic factors (a condition that runs in families) as well as environmental conditions (such as prolonged exposure to an environment that may damage the lungs or impair their growth).
Some people are born with the condition, and it is recognized and diagnosed at a young age. Others also may have asthma in their younger years, yet "grow out of it" by adulthood, or possibly even have it resurface years later. Additionally, an individual could go a decent portion of their life without a single symptom, yet later develop adult-onset asthma (this is more common in adult women).
Some of the suspected factors that may contribute are environmental. It’s common knowledge that smoking and pregnancy are two things that never need to be mixed, but a child’s lung development can be affected if there is exposure to cigarette smoke during the first few years of life. They may even be affected by firsthand and secondhand smoke while the mother is pregnant. Older individuals who develop asthma may find that it stems from living in an environment with heavy air pollution or with significant allergens present. Or it can potentially be set off due to working in occupations that would place a person at risk of breathing in excessive amounts of dust, irritants, or chemicals.
Genetically speaking, someone with a parent or close relative has a much higher chance of developing asthma compared to the average person (environmental factors excluded, though these will obviously increase their risks). It is also thought that more than one gene is at play in regard to the immune system, and this also contributes to the development of asthma and asthmatic symptoms in a person.
Asthma related to race and other health conditions
Asthma is also more common in those with African-American and Puerto Rican backgrounds compared to other races, and gender plays a part as well. In younger children, males are more likely to have this condition, yet the prevalence in the teen years and adult ages leans more towards females.
Some other health conditions may also influence a person's likelihood of developing asthma, and these include obesity, recurrent respiratory infections during childhood, and allergies. Asthma itself can be a sign of an allergic reaction, and a person's risk level for it is significantly higher depending on how many different things they are allergic to.
There is no definite way to prevent a person from having asthma, especially with no specific cause confirmed. There is also currently no type of screening available for someone potentially at risk. Displaying symptoms and providing your doctor with this information after symptoms have already shown up are the sole way to receive confirmation and a proper diagnosis. The only way to approach this often-lifelong condition is by managing symptoms, utilizing medications (especially in the case of emergencies), and trying to avoid potential triggers.
What factors and health conditions can trigger asthma?
The triggers for asthma may vary depending upon the individual, but there are several common factors that can play a part. Some people may have their condition managed well enough to rarely ever have symptoms aside from an occasional flare-up, while others may have such regular or severe symptoms that it impacts their quality of life.
Asthma triggers to watch out for
Irritants and allergens are some of the most common triggers for those with asthma. Cigarette smoke bothers even those without the condition, so it can further irritate the airways of someone who already struggles with this issue on a regular basis. Allergens also play a part by causing allergic reactions within a person's body. This often increases the level of inflammation present and can strongly impact someone with asthma. Dust, pollen, and harsh chemicals found in certain occupations or in certain cleaning supplies can also worsen symptoms when inhaled.
Respiratory infections cause inflammation in a person's sinuses, nasal cavities, chest, and lungs. For someone dealing with asthma, this can greatly impact their condition and cause a significant worsening of their symptoms and possibly flare-ups.
A less obvious trigger for asthmatic individuals is cold air. When a person breathes in cold air, it is significantly drier and causes the airways in that individual to also dry out, which can cause irritation. It's why the average person may find themselves coughing during the winter months of the year. This can be problematic for someone whose airways are already irritated to begin with.
Though only a very small percentage of people are affected, even food additives and preservatives may be a risk factor for triggering symptoms in those with asthma. Very few are diagnosed with allergies to these common ingredients in processed food, but they may still exhibit signs of sensitivity to these various chemicals. For some with asthma, avoiding these ingredients may help reduce the risks of a flare-up or the frequency of symptoms.
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction is a variation of asthma commonly referred to as "exercise-induced asthma." This type occurs when asthmatic symptoms flare up during strenuous physical activity. This may also be worsened by obesity and environmental conditions. There is also a risk for asthma-related reactions to certain medications including beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and pain relieving medications (such as aspirin and NSAIDS).
Stress-induced asthma: Can stress cause asthma triggers?
Stress may not be an initial cause of asthma, but stress-induced asthma is indeed a real condition. The physical effects of stress can cause all types of unpleasant reactions within the human body, and one of these is increased inflammation. This effect of stress can lead to a worsening of asthma symptoms and a potential flare-up when a person's body begins to feel the effects of constant strain.
Stress-induced asthma: Relationship of stress and asthma
Some of the negative effects of stress include heart trouble, anxiety, panic attacks, and more. Heart-related symptoms (such as chest tightness) may mimic similar symptoms to an asthma attack along with an increased breathing rate and hyperventilation from anxiety and panic. This can worsen a person's stress level and further increase their anxiety, leading to a true panic attack that may be almost indistinguishable from an asthma attack.
The symptoms of a panic attack and an asthma attack are so similar that an individual caught during either may not be able to tell the difference. Doctors can provide a peak flow meter for asthma patients for them to check their airflow rates and be able to determine when to safely use their rescue medications in situations such as these.
The lowering of one's immune system as well as the obesity risks related to chronically high stress levels contributes to multiple triggers.
Treatment for asthma symptoms and managing an asthma attack
Asthma is not a curable condition. For some, it may fade or fully disappear, yet potentially resurface later. The primary focus of asthma treatment is managing symptoms and reducing long-term damage.
Life of an asthmatic: Managing an asthma attack
People with asthma often have quick-acting, emergency medications to be inhaled during asthma attacks. These medications can rapidly reduce symptoms and prevent life-threatening situations. Individuals may also remain on long-term maintenance medications (such as inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators) as well as allergy medications to reduce daily symptoms and prevent any attacks.
Symptoms and flare-ups may also be reduced by making lifestyle-related changes such as managing stress levels, avoiding allergens and individual triggers, and maintaining a clean environment and living space to avoid dust and other potential allergens.
Stress and asthma: Options for professional help
If you have asthma or suspect your health concerns may be attributed to this condition, it's best to consult with a trusted physician to receive a proper diagnosis. If stress or anxiety appears to be a cause of worsening symptoms, though, you may want to speak to a mental health professional as well.
Online therapy to help address stress and anxiety
If stress is having an impact on your physical health, your schedule may not allow you to see a therapist in person. This is where online therapy may be a more viable form of treatment. This internet-based counseling can be started from the comfort of your home. Plus, you can save time by skipping the commute.
Online therapy has been thoroughly researched, and the results are promising. A recent study showed that various forms of online therapy can have positive effects on an individual’s perceived level of stress, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance commitment therapy (ACT).
BetterHelp has resources and trained professionals available from the comfort of your home and on any available schedule to help you address your psychological and emotional concerns and learn to cope with the stresses and anxiety in your daily life. Get started by answering a few quick questions.
How do you fix stress-induced asthma?
Asthma is not a curable condition, and stress can trigger asthma symptoms. If stress makes your asthma worse, it can be beneficial to adopt stress management strategies or to try and reduce stress in your life. If you are experiencing a stress-induced asthma attack, treat it the same way you would any other asthma flare-up, by taking the asthma medications your doctor has prescribed, and, in extreme cases, going to the emergency room. Properly managing stress-induced asthma in the long term may incorporate stress reduction techniques such as mindful breathing, expressing strong emotions in a journal, and taking up a meditation practice.
What is anxiety-induced asthma?
Anxiety-induced asthma is similar to stress-induced asthma. Anxiety and stress can have related impacts on the body, including the production of stress hormones, which have a number of physical and psychological effects. If you have asthma, anxiety can make your symptoms worse or provoke asthma attacks more often, especially if you are also undergoing a stressful event.
What are the 3 types of asthma?
“Asthma” can be considered an umbrella term. Doctors and researchers have labeled many subtypes of asthma, which may have different symptoms and asthma triggers.
Asthma subtypes
Allergic asthma
Cough-variant asthma
Aspirin-induced asthma
Exercise-induced asthma
Steroid-resistant asthma (steroids are a common form of asthma medication)
Nighttime asthma
Occupational asthma
Other types of asthma include childhood asthma, which often begins before the age of five, and eosinophilic asthma, in which high levels of certain white blood cells cause airway inflammation.
How do you tell if it's asthma or anxiety?
An asthma attack may look similar to an anxiety attack or a panic attack. In all three situations, a person may have difficulty breathing. With anxiety attacks and panic attacks, physical symptoms will typically subside fairly quickly. The person can sometimes reduce the intensity of the attack by taking a few deep breaths. With asthma, however, a patient will likely continue to struggle to breathe until they have taken their medication.
What is the most serious type of asthma?
Asthma is typically classified in terms of severity, according to the National Institutes of Health. Classifications include intermittent asthma, mild persistent asthma, moderate persistent asthma, and severe persistent asthma. Severe persistent asthma is the most serious type of asthma. This condition can be resistant to several asthma medications and may be life-threatening.
What is silent asthma?
Most asthma attacks have audible symptoms. The person experiencing the attack might make wheezing, coughing, hacking, or gasping sounds. With silent asthma, attacks can be quiet. The person may still be having difficulty breathing, but their symptoms may be more internal, such as chest tightening.
Can stress and anxiety cause lung problems or lung disease?
Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to and exacerbate many physical health problems, including lung conditions. There is an established link between stress and asthma, with stress both heightening the likelihood of an asthma attack and potentially worsening asthma symptoms. For people with asthma, techniques to relieve stress may help to alleviate some of these impacts.
Stress can impact all systems of the body, including the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and the nervous system, where it triggers the sympathetic nervous system. While the stress response can be important for healthy adults navigating challenges and responding to threats, research has shown that chronic stress is associated with a range of diseases, and inflammatory processes may play a key role in this connection between chronic stress and disease. In the modern world, there can be countless sources of stress, ranging from current events to work concerns and socioeconomic status, so finding effective ways to manage stress can be crucial. There are a variety of strategies you can use for both finding quick relief from psychological stress and reducing the vicious cycle of stress long-term, including deep breathing, meditation, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, practicing gratitude, and focusing on positive emotions.
What are signs of mild asthma?
Mild asthma signs can vary from person to person and may include:
A persistent cough not linked to a cold or fever
Shortness of breath
Inability to exercise or increased coughing after or during exercise
What triggers an asthmatic attack?
Asthma can be triggered by a number of factors. Exposure to irritants in the environment, such as dust or air pollution, can cause an attack. Exercise is another activity that may lead to an asthma attack. Additionally, stress triggers asthma in some patients. Tobacco smoke is another common trigger.
For people with asthma, having a written Asthma Action Plan can be key for managing the condition and knowing what steps to take when symptoms worsen. Resources are available through organizations such as the American Lung Association.
Can lack of sleep trigger asthma?
Changes in sleep routines, including getting less sleep than usual, can lead to an increased probability of experiencing asthma attacks in asthma patients.
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