What Are Stress-Induced Hives And How Do I Treat Them?
Although many people know that stress can lead to mental health challenges, it’s less widely known that stress can cause physical symptoms and illnesses too. Some of these symptoms may be familiar, like high blood pressure or headaches. However, other symptoms, like stress-induced hives, may be talked about less.
Hives can be caused by various mental and physical health challenges. Before attributing your symptoms to stress, it can be beneficial to reach out to your primary care provider for evaluation to rule out any underlying causes. If you are experiencing stress-induced hives, read on for more information and tips on soothing your skin.
What are hives?
Hives are a type of rash, usually in the form of raised bumps, which are often centralized on a certain area of your body, like stress bumps on fingers or itchy red patches on your arms or chest. These rashes can sometimes look like a welt or burn. They may itch, sting, or burn.
Note: If your face, tongue, lips, or any part of your mouth is swelling along with hives, you are likely experiencing an allergic reaction. A swelling throat can be life-threatening, so reach out to emergency services immediately and follow up with your doctor.
Does stress cause hives?
Stress on its own can cause hives in some people, but scientists aren’t exactly sure why. Some researchers believe hives are a result of the impact that stress has on the immune system, which can include inflammation in the body. However, the entire connection is not fully understood, and more research is required.
How long do stress-induced hives last?
There is no set amount of time hives or stress rashes may last. They could occur for a day or go on for weeks. In some cases, as some of your hives are disappearing, new ones may begin to show up. Hives can also come and go over a longer period of time. If you find that they continue to come back or you've been noticing them consistently for several days, you may want to speak with your doctor.
How to treat stress-induced hives
If your hives are significant, causing severe discomfort, or are lasting a long time, it’s recommended that you meet with a doctor or dermatologist for support as soon as possible.
Otherwise, typically, the first thing to do if you’re breaking out in hives is to determine what's causing them. To do this, think back through the last few days. Have you eaten something new, been exposed to a new fabric, or started using a new soap or laundry detergent? If so, your hives could be the result of a reaction, and avoiding the cause may prevent future outbreaks.
If not, it could be stress. In this case, it can help to look at what other symptoms you are experiencing. If you’ve noticed other symptoms of stress like muscle tension, irritability, a sense of overwhelm, and trouble sleeping, for instance, your hives might be stress-induced. Once you suspect that stress may be the cause, the following strategies can help you cope with your hives.
Treatment of the skin itself
If you’re experiencing hives that are severe or happening consistently over days or weeks, you might want to find a doctor for medical advice. Otherwise, taking an over-the-counter antihistamine as directed may help lessen the symptoms that you are experiencing. Cold compresses and anti-itch lotions could also be helpful.
Stress-management tips
If your hives are caused by stress, reducing and/or better managing your stress levels is likely your best option for finding relief. There are many different stress treatments that may help. Here are some you might try.
Meditation is an ancient practice originating from various cultures in India that’s about cultivating a calm, nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment. Once you’ve built up a consistent meditation practice, you may be less reactive to stress and better able to notice when it’s starting to build so you can take action. Research suggests that mindfulness-based therapy may also be efficient in reducing stress.
Another common element of meditation is deep breathing. A natural physical response to stress is to take shallow quick breaths, so focusing on slow, deep breaths for a few minutes may help you feel calmer. There are many different strategies that you can use to do this, but the most important thing is usually to make sure that you are filling your lungs and diaphragm with air when you breathe in, holding it for at least a second, and then slowly letting the air out completely.
If you're interested in practicing meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing, there are many apps and videos that you can choose from to help you work through the process. Professional counselors can also guide you in how to do these and other stress-relieving exercises.
Journaling can be an effective way to handle stress as well. It can be helpful to get all your thoughts on a situation out onto paper. This can help you to process the emotions that you're experiencing, gain clarity on the situation, and find calm. Journaling may also help you identify common sources of stress in your life so you can address them.
Making sure that you eat nutrient-dense foods often, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly can be important for your physical and mental health. If you are experiencing high levels of stress, practicing self-care may not be the first thing on your mind, but these strategies may actually help you find relief.
Seeking therapy for stress
If you’re experiencing stress to the point that it’s causing hives or other physical symptoms, it may be helpful to reach out to a therapist for support in reducing stress. Therapy can be an effective way to learn how to recognize and address stressors in your life and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
According to research, one of the most effective forms of therapy for stress, anxiety, and depression is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT can generally be conducted online or in person, depending on your preferences, as online therapy is usually as effective as in-person therapy. If you don’t have many mental health providers in your area or don’t have time to commute to and from in-person therapy sessions, online therapy might be a format worth considering.
How long does it take for stress hives to go away?
Stress hives are among various skin rashes. Stress hives typically last for as little as a day or as long as a few weeks. The exact amount of time it takes stress hives to heal varies from person to person. They can start out as tiny dots or raised patches and develop into itchy bumps that can get quite large in some cases and can sometimes affect the entire body. They may even cause a tingling sensation. The hives will likely take longer to go away if stress levels remain high. Excessive scratching or damage to the skin might also lengthen the time it takes for symptoms to dissipate. A small number of people may go on to develop chronic urticaria, which is a skin rash or hives that lasts longer than six weeks. Stress can play a role in chronic urticaria, but if symptoms last that long, it will likely be beneficial to seek treatment from a medical professional to investigate underlying causes. Most stress rashes resolve fairly quickly. If the hives turn into a chronic condition, you can see a board certified dermatologist to investigate any underlying condition and discuss treatment options.
How do you get rid of stress hives on your skin?
Hives are among types of stress induced rashes. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, first-line treatment for hives typically includes anti-itch lotions and antihistamines. Anti-itch lotions, like cortisone cream or lotions containing menthol, are applied directly to the inflamed areas of the skin. Antihistamines are medications used to combat allergic reactions and are typically taken orally. Both anti-itch lotions and antihistamines are available over the counter. If those treatments aren’t effective, a medical provider may prescribe stronger medications.
For long-term relief, it is likely that stress management practices will also be necessary. Stress can trigger a more uncomfortable rash, worsen allergic reactions, or exacerbate existing skin conditions. The increase in frequency and severity of stress rashes can also increase stress or worsen mental health concerns, often by preventing adequate sleep.
Can stress worsen a rash or hives caused by an allergic reaction?
A stressful situation can cause someone to experience hives. Evidence suggests that stress can worsen an allergic response, although researchers are still uncertain why. Stress can worsen existing skin conditions due to allergies, as well. Allergic reactions result from an overactive immune system and stress likely increases the already exaggerated immune response. Researchers also note that stress can worsen a person’s perception of the severity of their hives. Stress commonly leads people to perceive their health as being worse than it is and may make it harder to ignore a stress rash or resist scratching.
Why does anxiety make your skin break out in hives?
Stress produces a physical response across the whole body, and researchers believe it is likely that the physical changes caused by stress have cascading effects that can lead to dysregulation of some systems in the body, most notably the immune system. Hives are caused by histamines and other chemicals being released just below the skin, triggering an immune response. The immune response produces inflammation, leading to a tingling or burning sensation.
Mice models have demonstrated that stress can cause exaggerated autoimmunity, increasing the likelihood that hives or a rash will appear. Stress might also worsen hives that appear as a reaction to other sources, like insect bites, certain foods, or other allergens. It is also possible that a heat rash can be worsened by stress.
Cholinergic urticaria is a skin condition in which heat or sweat make the body break out in hives.
How do you get rid of stress hives naturally?
While most stress hives disappear without treatment, finding better ways to manage stress is likely one of the best ways to relieve symptoms naturally. Improving stress management often begins by addressing mental and physical self-care. Self-care means finding time to do things that improve your overall well-being. While there are many components of self-care, there are three foundational components that are commonly considered necessary for more advanced skills to work: getting adequate sleep, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough exercise.
If you struggle with sleep, diet, or physical activity, you should consider taking steps to ensure you meet those basic requirements of mental and physical health. Consulting with a medical professional may be worthwhile if hives are impacting your sleep quality. Evidence suggests that stress can increase the severity of hives, which lowers sleep quality and subsequently increases stress levels.
How serious are stress hives?
Stress hives usually resolve themselves without treatment and are not considered as serious as some other skin conditions. In some cases, stress hives can become chronic or severe enough to impact a person’s quality of life. Chronic (long-lasting) hives can lead to psychological distress and may worsen other mental health concerns. Hives are also associated with sleep disturbances, which can reduce overall well-being.
What if my stress hives won't stop itching?
While hives usually resolve within a few days or weeks for most, some people develop chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), a rare condition characterized by hives that last longer than six weeks. CSU can have many causes, and evidence suggests that stress can exacerbate the condition. If your hives have lasted many weeks and haven’t responded to over-the-counter treatments like anti-itch cream or antihistamines, you should consider meeting with a medical provider for assessment. CSU can often have underlying causes that may be difficult to detect without medical intervention, and a medical provider can prescribe stronger medications that may help reduce the severity of symptoms.
How does stress affect the skin?
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a dermatology association, emotional stress can cause increased inflammation, slow wound healing, and exacerbate preexisting skin concerns like psoriasis and eczema anywhere on the body. It can also make the skin more vulnerable to infection. The skin produces extra oil when a person is stressed, which can worsen acne in people prone to outbreaks. Immune cells release histamines, which can cause hives and make one feel itchy. Stress also has a significant impact on how skin ages. Stress hormones break down collagen and elastin in the skin, speeding up aging and causing more fine lines and wrinkles. Irritation caused by other factors such as environmental triggers can also affect the skin.
Why do hives get worse at night?
Hives don’t worsen at night for everybody, and several factors may cause worse nighttime symptoms. Hot and cold temperatures can affect the severity of hives, and temperature changes may play a role. A person’s bed or bedroom may be a source of allergens or other sources of irritation, such as when contact dermatitis appears after washing sheets in a new detergent. It is also possible that the symptoms are only perceived to be worse at night, when you might be highly conscious of a burning or tingling sensation. During the day, distractions might make the hives easier to bear, while laying in bed trying to sleep offers few opportunities to focus on anything other than the itching and burning sensation. Putting cool compresses on the areas affected can help relieve discomfort from a flare up, and avoid scratching the area. Over the counter antihistamines can relieve swelling and itchiness. For severe cases, reach out to a medical provider.
Are stress-induced hives dangerous?
Stress-induced hives in and of themselves aren’t dangerous. However, if the hives develop into a severe allergic reaction, it can be a serious problem that is often life-threatening. If you have an allergic reaction and experience difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention.
More questions to ask your therapist
How can I tell if a skin rash is caused by stress or if it’s an allergic reaction?
Will taking a shower stop hives from itching?
Will stress hives spread if I scratch them?
Why do my hives get worse at night?
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