Betterhelp Helped Me See Issues From New Perspectives And Gain Problem Solving Skills: Peter's Story
According to the American Psychological Association, research shows that therapy can be effective for a variety of mental health challenges, but some people find it challenging to locate a professional they click with. This was the case with Peter, who had mixed experiences with therapy over the years until he found a therapist who helped him see his concerns through a new perspective. Below is a story about Peter’s mental health journey and his experience with BetterHelp.
Peter's story
Peter's experience before finding BetterHelp
"I've been attending therapy off and on for about five or six years – basically from the end of high school and into adulthood," began Peter.
"In the past, I've had very mixed experiences with therapy. I've had great experiences with therapists that I've liked, but I would say that those experiences were few and far between because most of my time in therapy was spent finding someone I worked well with. On top of that, there were some issues that I felt I could never really talk to my past therapists about, largely due to some embarrassment.
“Basically, I've struggled to find a therapist I like for quite a while, but even more so, I've struggled to feel comfortable talking to a therapist about many issues I have. So I thought that perhaps communicating remotely might help alleviate some of the awkwardness."
How Peter found BetterHelp
“Funny enough, I first heard about BetterHelp on Instagram! I had been looking for a new therapist for a while, and I didn't have super high hopes when I saw the ad, but I figured… What is there to lose?
"So far, I've been working with my BetterHelp therapist for about a month. It's not a very long time, but it's long enough for me to know I'm having a better experience now than I have in a long time with a therapist."
Peter's experiences with BetterHelp
"I feel much more at peace now that I've signed up. Obviously, the entire therapy experience can feel very relieving, but there's something about having more frequent contact with my therapist that I find very cathartic. I feel less anxious, knowing that help is just a message away.
"So far, my counselor has helped in two big ways. The obvious one is that she's given me space to talk, something I've never had before for my issues. But beyond that, she has helped me see my issues from new perspectives. She's helped me to establish boundaries within myself that I've always wanted but never quite knew how to work towards. We're still early in our counseling, but I hope to continue working with her on these things," Peter concluded.
Online therapy may help you see issues from new perspectives
If you’re experiencing mental health challenges and are interested in getting a new perspective, you may benefit from speaking to a licensed therapist. If you feel hesitant to sign up for in-office therapy, you might consider trying online therapy, which many peer-reviewed studies have shown to be effective. One study published in the journal Cureus found that online therapy was effective for a variety of mental health conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, phobias, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
With online therapy at BetterHelp, you can choose how you want to communicate with your therapist, whether by phone, live chat, or videoconferencing. Online therapy also tends to be more affordable than in-office therapy without insurance, and BetterHelp offers financial assistance for therapy to those who qualify.
Peter found that online therapy helped him see his challenges from a new perspective and establish boundaries within himself. If you think therapy could help you see your concerns from a different perspective, you might consider reaching out to an online therapist.
With BetterHelp, you can be matched with a licensed therapist who has experience in your specific areas of concern. BetterHelp has a network of more than 25,000 licensed therapists, so you can always change therapists until you find someone who is a good match for your needs. Take the first step toward getting a new perspective on your concerns and contact BetterHelp today.
Frequently asked questions
What happens when we see things from different perspectives?
The practice of “Perspective-taking,” or seeing things from different viewpoints, can help you challenge your own assumptions, gain new insights, and improve communication and conflict resolution. Seeing beyond your own perspective can build empathy and lead to more mutually beneficial solutions.
How do you see from a different perspective?
To see things from another person’s point of view, consider doing the following:
- Actively listen to what others have to say
- Consider the life experiences, culture, and background that shape your own beliefs and the viewpoint of others, respecting that others may not share the same perspective as you
- Find commonalities with people you might not always see eye-to-eye with
- Treat others the way you’d like to be treated
- Challenge your assumptions about different people
Actively listening to the perspectives of others can provide greater empathy and well-informed decision-making.
Is viewing a situation from another person's perspective empathy?
Empathy refers to the ability to understand and experience different viewpoints as if they were your own. Perspective-taking accounts for the cognitive component of empathy. When someone moves from perspective taking to empathy, one begins feelings the emotional experience of others as if it were one’s life.
Perspective-taking is often used in decision-making to develop a better understanding of different angles and find mutually beneficial solutions, whereas empathy can help strengthen relationships and build better communication skills.
What do you call someone who only sees things from their perspective?
Egocentrism is a type of cognitive bias that describes when someone is not aware of or has difficulty understanding different perspectives.
Egocentrism is a normal part of human development, but in some instances, being unable to see the world from other perspectives may be a sign of a mental disorder, including major depressive disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
When someone doesn’t respect or consider the beliefs of others, it can damage relationships, increase anxiety, harm decision-making skills, and lead to frequent misunderstandings.
What are the different perspectives important in problem-solving?
Accounting for different perspectives can provide valuable insights that shape decisions. Here are some examples of different points of view you might want to consider:
- Customer perspective
- Insider perspectives
- Cultural perspectives
- Historical perspective
- Economic perspective
Accounting for diverse perspectives can provide a clear understanding of how different viewpoints shape how people act and respond to situations.
What does embracing a new perspective mean?
“Embracing a new perspective” refers to accessing and engaging angles other than your own. Oftentimes, accounting for other perspectives that challenge your own can help you realize things you might have wrong, focus on finding the best solutions, and think about ideas critically without passing judgment.
Strategies like perspective-taking can be essential for personal growth, empathy, and effective decision-making.
Why is it important to see issues from new perspectives?
The importance of seeing things from another perspective includes the following:
- Increased empathy
- Better communication and listening skills
- Being open to the influence of diverse opinions
- Informed decision making
Key takeaways on the importance of perspective-taking include solving problems more effectively and building stronger collaborations.
How does perspective help with problem-solving?
The ability to account for diverse values and perspectives can help build a deeper understanding of an issue and how it affects different stakeholders. For example, considering other perspectives may reveal solutions you hadn’t thought about before.
How do you develop a new perspective?
Some tips to develop a new perspective include:
- Actively listen to others
- Challenge your own assumptions
- Think about the unconscious biases that affect you
- Consider the factors that shape your opinions and the opinions of others
These steps can help you embrace diverse perspectives with an open mind.
How can different perspectives cause conflict?
Different perspectives may lead to tension or conflict, especially if neither party is willing to empathetically consider the background, viewpoint, or beliefs of others. In these situations, a neutral third party may be able to help people actively listen, find commonalities and empathy, and collaborate on solutions that work for everyone.
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