Positive Affirmations For Teens To Build Confidence And Resilience

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated March 6th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Positive affirmations can boost confidence and resilience in people of all ages, but perhaps especially in teens. The teenage years are typically a time of transition and physical, mental, social, and emotional development. Positive affirmations for teens may help them not only bounce back from challenges but also build confidence for everyday social situations at school and other settings. This article will discuss positive affirmations that may help teens build self-esteem and develop supportive relationships. It will also note the potential benefits of working with a licensed mental health professional for teenagers who lack confidence or live with mental health disorders.

A teen girl in a grey long sleeve sits on the floor holding a mug while her mom hugs and kisses her cheek
Foster confidence and resilience in online therapy

Positive affirmations to build teen confidence

Positive affirmations may help teens develop self-confidence and the composure to manage various social and academic challenges. The following are some affirmations that may help teenagers foster confidence and healthy self-esteem: 

  1. I am enough. 
  2. I am capable of learning.
  3. I have used my strengths productively in the past.
  4. I have strengths that I haven’t discovered yet. 
  5. I can bounce back from setbacks. 
  6. I can speak confidently.
  7. I have made it to this point because of my resilience.
  8. I will learn from my mistakes. 
  9. I have people who love me just as I am.
  10. I can approach anyone. 
  11. I am proud of my values.  

Positive affirmations for body image

One of the most common challenges faced by teens is poor body image. The following are some affirmations that may help teens develop a positive attitude about their body: 

  1. I am happy with how I look. 
  2. I don’t have to look like anyone else. 
  3. Other people’s expectations don’t have to affect me.  
  4. I am beautiful. 
  5. I deserve to be loved and respected just as I am.
  6. My body functions well and meets my needs.
  7. I will treat my body well. 
  8. My weight does not define me. 
  9. My skin is beautiful.
A girl in a pink striped shirt sits in a chair with a neutral expression while talking with a woman holding a clipboard
Getty/SDI Productions

Affirmations for mental health 

Teens may benefit from the following affirmations to address any existing mental disorders and to care for their mental health on a daily basis: 

  1. I will care for my mental health.
  2. I will ask for help when I need it. 
  3. There is nothing wrong with seeking support.
  4. Mental health challenges are normal.
  5. I have kindness and love to offer others. 
  6. I will use my strengths to support others. 
  7. I will stand with people who experience mental health challenges.
  8. I deserve to have others support my mental health. 

Positive affirmations for teens to use during challenging times

Teens often experience ups and downs in their social and academic lives. The following are some affirmations that may help teens overcome obstacles and succeed academically and socially:

  1. I can recover from any mistakes I make.
  2. I will learn from this experience. 
  3. This challenge will only make me stronger.
  4. I deserve to attract more positive and supportive friends. 
  5. This argument doesn’t define me. 
  6. I seek out healthy and respectful relationships.
  7. I will be a positive influence on others and seek others who do the same for me. 

Mental health support for teens

Aside from using affirmations for mental health, teens may benefit from speaking with a licensed mental health professional. Teens don’t have to have a mental disorder to benefit from seeing a counselor. Teen counselors can help young people build their self-worth, develop a growth mindset, and build supportive relationships that serve them as they transition from adolescence to young adulthood.

Online teen therapy 

Some teens might be interested in therapy, but in some areas, it can be challenging to find a local mental health professional who works specifically with teenagers. In these cases, teens can connect with a suitable therapist through an online therapy platform like TeenCounseling. TeenCounseling allows teens to speak with a therapist from anywhere in the country via phone, video call, or live chat. The latter option may be helpful for teens who prefer to express themselves in writing. Teens can also contact their therapist at any time through in-app messaging, and their therapist will typically respond when they are available.

Over the last 15 years, numerous peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of online therapy. One literature review published in 2017 looked at the effectiveness of an evidence-based approach called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The researchers found that online CBT could effectively treat depression, social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorder.  

Foster confidence and resilience in online therapy


Affirmations for teens are positive statements that teens can use to build confidence and positive energy. Teens’ positive affirmations may make a significant difference, helping teens build resilience and more effectively recover from setbacks. In addition to using positive affirmations, teenagers may benefit from speaking with a licensed mental health professional. A teen counselor can help teens navigate any mental health or relationship challenges they’re experiencing, in addition to helping them build resilience.

If you’re the parent of a teenager, you, too, may benefit from speaking with a mental health professional. The mental health challenges of teens often affect parents as well. A licensed counselor can provide personalized guidance as you support your teen while also caring for your own mental health. Take the first step toward getting support as a parent by connecting with a therapist on BetterHelp. 

Learn to cope with the challenges of adolescence
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