The Effects Of Bullying On Teens In The Social Media Age
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What do you think of when you hear the word “bully”? Maybe you think of a little kid pushing other students around on the playground, or an unknown user hurling insults on social media. Whatever actions or words come to mind, chances are there’s someone who ends up hurt, and the long-term effects of such behavior can include serious mental health issues such as low self-esteem or even depression. Bullying is not a victimless act, and the victims of bullying can experience negative physical and mental health symptoms. Luckily, there are ways to combat bullying in schools and find treatment for those in need of support.
What is bullying?
Bullying is an act of harassment characterized by aggressive behavior, often involving a power imbalance between the bully and the bullied. The goal of a bully is typically to incite feelings of inferiority in the victim, thereby asserting their dominance in the social hierarchy.
Bullying can range in intensity from relatively mild acts of aggression to criminal behavior that can severely impact the life of both the bully and the victim.
Though it may be most common among young people, it is important to understand that bullying can affect social dynamics between individuals of any age.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 22% of teenage students in the US are bullied during the school year. This percentage accounts only for the bullying on school grounds; all incidents outside of school aren’t included in that number, so the true number of kids who are bullied in any area of their life is likely much higher.
Types of bullying
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has identified four types of bullying behaviors: verbal, physical, social, and cyberbullying. These different forms can all be used to harass someone individually, but often a bully will engage in multiple forms of bullying at once.
Verbal bullying
We’ve all heard that sticks and stones can break our bones and words will never hurt us, but the truth is, words can and do hurt. Verbal bullying is a type of bullying that involves insults, demeaning comments, or any other form of verbal or written abuse towards another individual. This abuse can range in severity from name-calling to more extreme slurs, threats of harm, or sexual comments.
Physical bullying
Being stuffed in a locker or tripped in the hallway are examples of physical bullying. This type of bullying includes any repeated harassment that causes physical harm to a person and/or their possessions. For harassment to be considered a type of bullying rather than an aggressive action, it has to involve a power imbalance, be a repetitive behavior, and be intended to cause harm.
Physical bullying can include actions like physically hitting or injuring, spitting on someone, breaking or otherwise damaging possessions, or making unwanted sexual advances.
Social bullying
The classic movie Mean Girls explains social bullying best with the iconic line, “You can’t sit with us!” Even though you may not have a Regina George at your school, social bullying is likely still a problem. Social bullying involves a bully intentionally sabotaging the social aspect of another person’s life. This sabotage can include behaviors such as spreading rumors and lies, encouraging exclusion, or damaging one’s social reputation by publicly embarrassing them. Often, social bullying occurs alongside verbal, physical, and cyberbullying.
Technology has undoubtedly improved our lives by connecting people worldwide and enabling strong communication. However, increased use of the internet has also led to some negative societal consequences, including cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a type of digital harassment through text, social media, or other forums. Examples of cyberbullying include sending hateful messages, making inappropriate posts or comments about someone, and impersonating the subject of harassment online.
Cyberbullying is especially frightening because, unlike more physical types of bullying, it is very hard to find an escape from the bully. Because many teens are in multiple online spaces, attackers can sometimes create different profiles and continue the harassment even if they are blocked or banned on one platform.
The effects of bullying on teens
Bullying can happen anywhere and to anyone, although it is commonly associated with middle or high school students. Workplaces, neighborhoods, and buses are just a few examples of other places where bullying can occur, and it might be a problem in your area, even if you don’t know it. It is important to know what to do when confronted with bullying and the effects it may have on the people who experience it.
There are many short and long-term effects of bullying that kids, teens, and even adults can experience, both physical and mental. Negative bullying effects do not just impact the bullying victim, but also those witnessing the bullying and even the bully themselves. It is important to know about the fallout of bullying so you can receive the support you need if you have experienced, witnessed, or participated in bullying.
Teens who are bullied
There’s no doubt that childhood bullying can have lasting effects on a teen’s emotional health and academic performance. Bullying can incite a range of mental health effects, including:
- Fear of situations where one may be vulnerable to bullies, such as going to school, riding the bus, or being alone in the hallway
- Increased risk of developing anxiety, depression, disordered eating patterns and other psychiatric conditions
- Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence
- Academic difficulties, including lower levels of participation and achievement
- Higher risk of dropping out
- Physical illness and other health complaints
- Substance use and an increased tendency to abuse alcohol and other drugs
- Learned helplessness
- Higher probability of engaging in early sexual activity, or being pressured into sexual activity one is not comfortable participating in
- Self-harm urges, suicidal ideation, or suicidal behavior
Teens who witness bullying behaviors
As you might imagine, watching someone be harassed can seriously impact someone’s well-being, particularly if the bystander feels unable to intervene. Witnesses may experience intense feelings related to their proximity to bullying, including:
- A desire to skip school, leave work, or otherwise remove themselves from the situation
- Feelings of fear or guilt for not stepping in
- Engaging in self-blaming and self-tormenting behavior
- Experiencing pressure to engage in bullying
- Increased mental health problems
- Developing a dependence on substances
Teens who engage in bullying behaviors
This fact might be a bit surprising, but the act of bullying someone can take a huge psychological toll on the aggressor and their future. Studies show that 60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one criminal conviction by 24.
Some of the common effects of bullying on those who are the aggressors include an increased likelihood of:
- Abusing alcohol, drugs, and other substances into adulthood
- Participating in fights
- Dropping out of school
- Having criminal convictions as adults
- Struggling to maintain and develop healthy relationships
- Having difficulty understanding boundaries and limits
- Abusing romantic partners, family, or children as adult
Whether a teen is the target, witness, or perpetrator of bullying, there is a high risk of long-term damage to their mental well-being.
It is important to note that many factors contribute to why a teenager would contemplate extremely violent measures such as suicide and that bullying is not the only cause. However, there is likely a link between the two.
How to address bullying
In the United States, there are many programs in place to help prevent bullying in schools. Although it may be hard to eradicate bullying entirely, working on your own mental health can largely reduce the risk of future negative effects, whether you are a bully, you’re being bullied, or you’re a bystander.
Anti-bullying programs: Learn what teens can do to protect themselves
Many programs exist for the sole purpose of stomping out school bullying, creating a safer classroom environment, and supporting bullied children.
For example, the Positive Action anti-bullying program teaches a curriculum to both children and parents that is proven to decrease not only bullying behaviors but the long-term negative impacts of bullying. Program participants are 38% more likely to continue pursuing education after graduating from high school.
Another noteworthy anti-bullying program is the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP), which targets children aged 5-15. As stated on their website, their program has resulted in “fifty percent or more reductions in student reports of being bullied and bullying others.”
Spreading awareness about the impacts of bullying on teens
A formal program can be a great option, but such programs are expensive, and not every school has the resources to implement such a program. If an anti-bullying program isn’t feasible, there are many other ways to create an anti-bullying environment in a school.
For example, it may be helpful to have younger students write and perform a skit about bullying for their classmates. In this way, they will be able to research and learn about the dangers of bullying while having fun. For older kids, it may be wise to hold open conversations where students feel comfortable and safe being honest while learning from their peers. If bullying is a problem at a school, engage with the subject head-on to maximize the probability of interventions making a difference in students’ lives.
Knowing when to tell a trusted adult that you're being bullied
If you are being bullied, you may feel stuck and alone, which is a normal reaction to your situation. However, it is essential to remember that your school and other trusted adults are there to help and support you. Many teachers and faculty are trained in addressing bullying and can offer the help you may need while keeping you safe. If you have a counselor or psychologist at your school, they can also be a great resource for you.
Online therapy for bullied teens
Talking to a mental health professional can be a more personalized option for dealing with bullying and its negative effects on mental health. Meeting with a therapist can help you build up a strong support system and healthy coping mechanisms. Depending on your situation, online therapy through a service such as BetterHelp (for people over the age of 18) or TeenCounseling (for people aged 13-19) may be helpful. These services will match you with a licensed therapist virtually and can be less expensive than in-person therapy.
Additionally, studies have shown that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy for treating mental health conditions that are common in teens, such as mood disorders. One study found that the growing prevalence of online therapy providers for teens has been successful at least in part because the environment is more familiar to adolescents, allowing them to express themselves more fully.
Bullying affects many students in the US today, and the consequences can harm everyone involved. Whether you have been bullied, witnessed bullying, or bullied someone else, no one deserves to experience the harmful effects bullying can have on their mental health. There are many ways to find support, so reach out and take action today.
What are the effects of bullying on teens and adolescents?
Being bullied can have a variety of negative impacts on the well-being of adolescents. Possible consequences include:
- Disrupted sleep
- Low self-esteem
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Somatic symptoms like headaches, stomach aches, and dizziness
- Higher risk of alcohol and drug use
The effects of bullying on a teen’s mental health may be different depending on the form of bullying they experience. Researchers have found evidence that verbal bullying such as name-calling and insults may lead to greater psychological difficulties than physical bullying such as shoving or punching. Verbal bullying also appears to be the most prevalent type worldwide.
On the other hand, physical bullying may cause bodily harm, especially if kids bully peers who are physically weaker. Bullying may also involve social or reputational attacks, such as gossip, shunning, excluding people, and attempts to sabotage the target’s relationships. This can leave a child or teen socially isolated, taking away some of the support systems they might otherwise rely on for help.
What is the impact of bullying on mental health?
A 2018 meta-analysis found that there was strong evidence for the following mental health effects of teenage bullying victimization:
- An elevated risk of depression
- Higher likelihood of suicidal thoughts
- Greater rates of anxiety
- Poorer overall health
The research also suggests that adolescents who have been the targets of bullying behavior may be more likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. However, the causal link was harder to definitively show in this case.
Do bullies have mental challenges, and have they been bullied?
Although it may be easier to understand how being victimized can impact mental health, bullying may also have significant negative impacts on the perpetrators. Many studies have found that, often, people bully others due to unresolved emotional issues and are more likely to experience depression or show signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
These problems may persist in the long term; a 2013 paper reported that adults who were bullies in childhood or adolescence had higher rates of antisocial personality disorder. This condition can lead to long-term difficulties with maintaining stable employment and relationships, as well as a greater likelihood of criminal behavior and incarceration.
Many people who bully others also experience bullying themselves. These individuals appear to be at greater long-term risk for:
- Depression
- Panic disorder
- Suicidal behavior
- Agoraphobia
How can cyberbullying through social media affect a teenager?
Cyberbullying over Internet and social media platforms can lead to intense feelings of humiliation, isolation, stress, and fear. A young person who has experienced bullying over the Internet can often feel vulnerable and exposed, and this feeling may be enhanced by the fact that some of the perpetrators are unknown.
In addition, bullying via text, email, or social media platforms may enable harassment from other students to continue outside of school hours, extending into times and places where the person victimized would normally feel safe. The body language of victims may change in the long term, reflecting increased anxiety or fear in real-life interactions. Over time, the psychological effects of cyberbullying can lead to depression, substance use, and suicidal thoughts.
The mental health effects of social media bullying
This can result in several negative psychological effects. Studies show that adolescents targeted by cyberbullying are more likely to develop depression and use intoxicating substances. They may also both think about and attempt suicide at higher rates than their peers.
If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or self-harm, you can get help at any time of the day or night by contacting the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Calling 988 or visiting them online will put you in touch with caring volunteers who can listen, offer support, and direct you to helpful mental health resources.
What is the effect of bullying on cognitive development and academic performance?
Experiencing bullying may have a persistent negative impact on academic achievement in young adults. This may be due in part to the cognitive effects of being victimized by peers. Researchers have found that persistent bullying may erode a student’s motivation and self-esteem. The persistent emotional stress can make them feel less emotionally connected to school, decreasing their desire to perform well, as well as reducing their self-confidence.
The mental strain of being bullied may also directly affect the development of children’s cognitive abilities. A 2022 study found that students who had been bullied scored worse on tests of abilities like memory, reading, and mental processing.
These cognitive impacts may play a role in the mental health outcomes of bullying. For instance, evidence suggests that memory difficulties may worsen the effects of depression. If bullying impairs memory development, it might increase the risk that a person will develop a depressive disorder.
What are the effects of blaming bullied teens for their situation?
When people are blamed for their own bullying victimization, it may lead to even worse negative mental health outcomes — particularly if the person internalizes and accepts blame for what’s happened to them. The result may be a further loss of self-confidence, as well as an increased sense that there’s nothing they can do about their situation. This sense of self-blame may increase the likelihood of depression.
In addition, researchers have found that internalized self-blame appears to be an important risk factor for ongoing victimization. Such blame can reinforce an individual’s negative beliefs about themselves, making it harder for them to seek help from friends, teachers, or a social worker. This suggests that victim-blaming could cause a person to be bullied more in the long run than they would otherwise.
Is bullying a risk factor for depression?
Yes, current evidence suggests that experiencing bullying can be an important risk factor for depression. A 2023 review of more than 30 studies concluded that people who were bullied were 2.77 times more likely to experience depression. Perpetrating bullying was also associated with an increased depression risk. The impact is particularly severe for those who are bullied about their sexual orientation or other deeply personal traits.
What is the importance of anti-bullying efforts?
Given the significant negative impacts of bullying noted above, successful anti-bullying programs might significantly improve mental health, academic achievement, and overall well-being in children and adolescents, fostering stronger positive relationships within schools and communities. They may even be life-saving. A report from the National Bureau of Economic Research showed evidence that the adoption of anti-bullying laws led to a 13-16% drop in suicide rates among female adolescents.
Despite these initial results, research indicates that bullying remains widespread. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that roughly 20% of high school students have experienced bullying within the past year. These rates are even higher among certain populations, with about 30% of female students and 40% of LGBT-identifying students experiencing bullying. Adopting additional measures to reduce bullying may help decrease this problem and lead to further gains in mental health outcomes.
Bullying is often rooted in dynamics of power, unresolved emotional issues, or social status. Prevention programs can address these factors and educate students, guardians, family members, and teaching staff about recognizing and handling bullying.
Are bullying prevention programs effective?
While research into this topic is still ongoing, existing studies suggest that school-based programs designed to stop bullying can be effective. A 2019 meta-analysis found that these initiatives led to a 19-20% reduction in bullying perpetration and a 15-16% drop in bullying victimization.
According to researchers, some of the most helpful components of these programs are:
- Involving the whole school, including teachers, staff, and the student body
- Clear policies and firm classroom rules designed to curb bullying
- Education to help parents and other adults identify bullying and respond effectively
- Working directly with victims of bullying
- Encouragement of peer involvement
This last component may be particularly helpful. Past studies have reported that more than half of bullying situations are stopped when fellow student steps in to help the person who’s being bullied. Empowering and encouraging students to speak up when they see others being victimized could be a powerful tool for decreasing bullying.
What are the emotional effects of bullying?
Bullying victimization can have many negative emotional effects. People who are bullied often feel:
- Sad
- Humiliated
- Angry
- Ashamed
- Lonely
- Frustrated
- Anxious
In addition, being bullied can be highly detrimental to a young person’s self-esteem. The person affected may come to feel negatively about their personality, intelligence, social standing, body shape, physical strength, or any of the other characteristics targeted by a bully. Not only can this loss of self-esteem reinforce social and academic difficulties, it may be an important risk factor for developing depression.
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