Temperament Types In Parenting
Your personality traits and temperament can affect your thoughts and behavior patterns—which means that for many, your temperament type may also influence your parenting style. Read on to learn about the link between temperament types, parenting styles and personality, methods to make meaningful changes if necessary, and how therapy can be a valuable tool to help develop positive, practical patterns and restore peace for yourself and your family.
What are the primary personality traits?
Extroversion (Vs. Introversion)
Agreeableness (Vs. Antagonism)
Openness (Vs. Unconventionality)
Conscientiousness (Constraint Vs. Disinhibition)
Neuroticism (Emotional Instability Vs. Stability)
While these are only five personality traits, they all exist on a spectrum or scale, and combined they can result in quite a variety of personality types. While this model may not cover the entire scope of human behavior, it often serves as a decent baseline for categorizing different types of people.
How temperament types develop
Environmental and biological factors can influence how your personality and temperament types develop. Both nature and nurture elements can determine how each of the five personality traits and temperament develops as you age. As each person has unique experiences throughout their life, this can result in countless types of their main temperament.
Recent research suggests that our personalities and temperament do change with age. We’ve summarized the key points of change below:
- Extroversion may decline from age 30 to 90, with a possible pronounced drop around age 50.
- Agreeableness may show a linear increase with age.
- Conscientiousness might peak between the ages of 50 and 70, then it may decline.
- Neuroticism might decline with age, possibly increasing around age 80.
- Openness might have a negative linear association with age.
Other personality type theories
The “big five” personality traits are widely accepted in modern psychology; they are not the only personality trait theory. The four temperament theory posits that there are four primary temperaments, phlegmatic temperament, sanguine temperament, choleric temperament, and melancholic temperament. Each temperament is not all or nothing and human beings may be a blend of different temperament styles, such as sanguine phlegmatic. Each temperament style has different qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that dictate human behavior. While there are individual temperament differences that change depending on the person, some of the tell-tale markers for the type of temperament are as follows:
Phlegmatic temperament individuals are typically service-oriented and focus on helping others rather than their personal ambitions. Phlegmatic temperaments are also routine-oriented and may avoid change or conflict when possible.
Sanguine people tend to have the temperament of an extroverted change-maker. They are able to get people to work together and possess leadership skills. Sanguine temperament individuals are competitive and need to fit in or be seen as important. They can also struggle with addictions and constant cravings due to their pleasure-seeking behaviors.
A person with a pure choleric temperament is an independent thinker and doer. They are active, and typically extroverted. A person’s behaviour with this temperament will often be bold, risk-taking, and willing, doing anything necessary to get the desired result.
Melancholic temperament individuals tend to be concerned with getting things right. Melancholic personalities tend to be rule oriented and focus on doing things by the book. Also, you may find that melancholic temperament people are often introverted and well-organized.
Often modern medicine rejects the four personality types, defining them as an ancient medical concept. However, this ancient concept, which was developed in ancient Greece by Hippocrates’, along with other medical theories like the predominant humors, has been a great basis for developing more recent psychological theories surrounding temperament.
What is a parenting style?
While there are many ways to parent, many may find that all methods have a striking resemblance to to the three fundamental styles—introduced by psychologist Diana Baumrind in the 1960s. The goal of these styles was to help explain how parents can socialize and best support their children regardless of temperament. Researchers then added a fourth style in the 1980s, further iterating on the initial model provided by Baumrind.
Each parenting style takes multiple factors into account, acknowledging elements that can shape the home's emotional climate and family dynamic in different ways. Characteristics like boundaries, affection, guidance and expectations are some of the most critical facets of all foundational parenting styles. Each temperament simply measures how a parent or guardian may interact with their child. We’ve summarized the styles below:
Types of parenting styles
- Authoritarian parenting generally shows low emotional response, with a high or inflexible expectation demand.
- Authoritative parenting may offer children a high-response, high-demand authority figure.
- Permissive parenting might display few limits, little guidance and high emotional response.
- Neglectful parenting can exhibit low demand and low response, with little (if any) emotional relationship.
We do want to note that this summary serves to be a summary only. Variation is to be expected within any type of temperament or parenting style used, generally influenced by environmental factors or other surrounding circumstances.
Permissive parents might give their children high emotional support and attention with very little structure, rules or discipline. The role between parent and friend, in this case, may be blurred. Communication might be frequent and open, but children may be given little control or guidance regardless of the communication pattern or flow. Many children might benefit from boundaries during their formative years, which can result in them having realistic expectations of acceptable behavior as adults. Conversely, children of permissive parents might be selfish, demanding or impulsive, perhaps experiencing difficulties with self-control or boundary creation.
A cool, distant bond might form when parents or guardians establish a relationship with their children offering low demand and low response. There may not be any clear parent-child roles, and children might be given freedom with little or no emotional support or guidance. The child’s basic survival needs may be met, but caregivers may still maintain emotional detachment to a certain degree. Children of uninvolved or neglectful parents might be more self-sufficient, developing resiliency as they learn not to rely on others. However, as adults, they may display difficulty with emotional control, academic skills or challenges establishing or continuing positive social relationships with others.
Parenting and temperament types
Researchers have continued to study how parental personality and behavior can influence a child’s future character and psychological type. Current findings suggest that parents who are willing to experience new things and care for others may raise children with high conscientiousness and openness. In contrast, those with high neuroticism or low agreeableness may raise children who display symptoms of mental health conditions or self-absorbed behavior—as this may have been their first example of socially acceptable conduct. “It was found that parental warmth was positively associated with child extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and negatively associated with child neuroticism.” — Ayoub, et al., in a research paper detailing the links between the Big Five and parenting.
Can you change your personality?
While personality can be a relatively stable thing throughout life, it is possible to identify and replace undesired thought patterns and behaviors. Many choose to do this with the help of therapeutic treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which are executed by a licensed therapist.
What is the ideal parenting style?
Authoritative parenting is considered by many to be the ideal style for child rearing due to the clear behavioral expectations, parental guidance, age-appropriate responsibility and nurturing emotional support. In this style, children may be given the opportunity to learn from mistakes, as well as the encouragement to develop emotional intelligence and literacy. They may also develop an acute awareness of others’ feelings and motivations.
How to evolve your parenting style
If you wish to change certain elements of your parenting style or temperament, you may consider speaking with a therapist for advice and support. They can help you develop positive, practical coping skills to manage stress, as well as the parenting strategies and communication skills needed that help your child excel.
How can online therapy help parents?
Your personality traits and temperament can affect your thoughts and behavior patterns—which means that for many, your personality may also influence your parenting style.
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