What Are Self-Tests And Why Are They Being Taken?

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated February 28th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

For some, achieving self-understanding can be challenging. Barriers like relationship conflict, past adverse events, or mental health conditions can get in the way of fully understanding one’s personality. Additionally, some people might find it difficult to understand their plans or how they might best fit into a career in the future. 

Self-tests offer organized categories and labels that people can use to further understand their goals, interests, and aptitudes. You can also take these tests for fun or to get to know yourself more profoundly without a goal in mind. 

Explore your self-test results with a compassionate professional

What are self-tests?

“Self-test” is an umbrella term often used to describe multiple online and offline tests people can take to get to know themselves better.

Some tests may take the form of a quiz that sorts you into a category based on your responses. Others might be a more organized test with multiple-choice questions. Depending on your responses, you can be sorted into several categories or given multiple goal paths to consider.  

How do you take a self-test? 

Each self-test usually has unique guidelines to follow, depending on the type. You can often find these quizzes online or through a test proctor like a career counselor. To take the test, answer each question honestly based on what you know about yourself. If you struggle to answer a question, ask a few friends or close family members what they think fits you best. 

Getting the results

After answering the questions honestly, you should receive a result. Many tests offer immediate results you can download or read for further information. Others might take time to offer results, particularly if you’re working with a test proctor that provides personalized guidance.  

Types of self tests

There are several types of self-tests you can try out, including the following. 

Personality quizzes

Personality quizzes may be taken for fun or as a way to understand your personality traits in more detail. Some personality tests have entertainment-oriented results, such as “What Disney Princess Would You Be?” or “What Breed of Dog Best Matches Your Personality?” 

Personality tests can also be more serious and include whether you’re introverted, extroverted, enjoy helping others, or use ambition to meet your goals. These quizzes are often offered online. 

Note that personality quizzes do not replace the professional guidance of a licensed professional like a therapist or doctor. However, you can bring your results with you to an appointment if you’d like to discuss them with a professional. 

Career aptitude tests

A career aptitude test is often provided by a career counselor to find careers you might excel in based on your strengths, job experience, and schooling. You can also find career tests online if you’d like to look through your results independently. A few of the most popular free online career tests include the following: 

After taking a career test, you may receive information about your strengths, areas for growth, and potential career paths. Often, these tests include multiple career paths or skills that you might excel in. If you don’t connect with one, you can investigate another. If you’re working with a career counselor, they’ll be able to help you discuss your results in further detail and potentially get you connected with resources to start looking into new careers. 

Strengths and growth areas tests

A strengths and weaknesses test might be beneficial if you aren’t quite sure you understand where you excel in life. These tests typically ask questions to help you discover which areas of your personality help you perform in social, professional, and educational situations and which might hold you back. 

Although the test might frame these areas as “weaknesses,” looking at them as areas for growth can be helpful. If there is a personality trait you face difficulties with more than others, ask yourself how you can start taking minor steps to change it. 

Getty/Nitat Termmee

Official personality profile tests

Online personality tests can be fun, but there are a few official personality tests psychologists often use to help clients compartmentalize their traits, including the following: 

The official versions of these tests may come at a higher cost, although you can take them with a career counselor, therapist, or other professional. Although not necessarily scientifically proven, these tests have been used by professionals and are based on psychological theories about personality. 

Psychoanalysis testing 

Multiple self-tests help psychologists and psychiatrists make official diagnoses for their clients. These assessments often involve multiple-choice questions about mental health, mood, emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. 

Psychoanalysis testing is a comprehensive form of testing done by a professional. This type of testing is often costly and part of a treatment plan for individuals experiencing symptoms of a mental illness. Testing might be accompanied by interviews with a psychologist, visual interpretations, and intelligence quota (IQ) testing as a comprehensive service. After the psychoanalysis is complete, the client may receive a diagnosis, IQ score, and treatment plan given to them by their treatment team.    

IQ and EQ tests

IQ and emotional intelligence quota (EQ) testing are often done to understand an individual’s level of logical reasoning or emotional intelligence. You can find shortened versions of these tests online, although official versions might only be offered by professionals in a clinical setting. 

Note that IQ and EQ do not necessarily determine your intelligence. There are many forms of intelligence, and how you excel in life might be different from how someone else excels. 

Mental health screenings

A mental health screening is a short-form test that looks at your current symptoms or the symptoms you’ve experienced over the past two weeks. Your results may tell you if you’re at risk for a specific mental illness or condition. If taken online, bring these results to your primary care physician or therapist to discuss in further detail. 

Your doctor might offer a screening during your yearly checkup or when you visit for an appointment. Answering questions about mental health concerns honestly might ensure a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Mental Health America has a few screenings online that you can take as a starting point. However, bring your results to a mental health or medical professional to learn more. 

What are the reasons to take a self-test?

There are a few potential benefits of self-testing, including the following. 

Insight and understanding

Not everyone understands their personality, goals, desires, and traits. Using a test can be helpful to gain personal insight. If you aren’t sure how to communicate your emotions, find words to describe your personality, or connect with others, a personality test can give you a starting point. 

Planning for the future

Deciding where to start when you have extensive plans for your future can be challenging. A test can give you a few areas you might excel in so that you know where to start. For example, with a career aptitude test, you can receive specific examples of career opportunities and steps to achieve them.


Self-tests can offer self-compassion, allowing you to connect with yourself on a new level. When you reframe your “weaknesses” as areas for growth, you can see that every person has personality traits they might benefit from learning more about. Seeing each part of yourself and having compassion for your journey can be a part of growth. 

Explore your self-test results with a compassionate professional

Counseling options for people conducting self-discovery testing

You can take many online and in-person quizzes to learn more about who you might be. However, you might benefit from professional guidance if you struggle to understand your personality or decipher your results independently. Many people use online tests to replace talking to a therapist due to barriers like cost, distance, or accessibility. Online therapy may be more cost-effective and convenient, allowing you to get personalized support from home. 

Benefits of online therapy in guiding you to take a self-test

Through online platforms like BetterHelp, you can talk to a therapist via phone, video, or live chat sessions. In addition, you can let your therapist know if there are areas of your personality or life plan that you’re confused about. They can guide you through these areas and help you take a personality test if you think it might help you.  

Effectiveness of online therapy

Studies also back up the effectiveness of online therapy. One study found that 71% of participants of an internet-based intervention felt online therapy was more effective than in-person services. The same study found that 90% found it more accessible, and 100% found it more convenient. 


Self-tests can be a unique way to get to know yourself. You can take these tests online or in person, depending on the type you’re looking for. However, note that these tests are not a replacement for professional advice. If you want personalized guidance in goal setting, self-compassion, or growth, consider contacting a therapist for in-depth advice.
Tests can bring up many emotions
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