Advanced Therapy Techniques And What They're Used For
You may have heard of common therapeutic modalities like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). However, there are hundreds of therapeutic modalities, and exploring other options may sometimes be advantageous. Advanced therapy techniques can sometimes help therapists treat complex mental disorders.
Some therapists specialize in providing advanced approaches, and individuals may be able to search for therapists specifically based on preferred techniques or disorders treated. Below, explore a few advanced therapy techniques and how seeking therapy through these methods may be helpful for treating mental illness and other mental health challenges.
What are advanced therapy techniques, and how can you find a therapist who practices them?
While no official category of advanced therapy techniques exists, some techniques may be used less often or only for specific cases. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most common types of mental health therapy, but the following advanced techniques can also be used if applicable to the client’s case.
Cognitive processing therapy: Finding a therapist for trauma
Next, the individual may be asked to write about the worst part of their traumatic experience and read it during the next session. The therapist may use Socratic questioning to challenge inaccurate beliefs the person may have developed about the event. The goal is typically to help the person begin to identify and challenge unhelpful beliefs outside of therapy. Cognitive processing therapy can take place in individual or group therapy.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR): How to find a therapist for trauma-related mental health conditions
EMDR is another approach used for post-traumatic stress disorder. Many mental health providers believe that negative emotions can stem from traumatic memories that weren’t appropriately processed. During EMDR therapy, mental health professionals typically ask clients to follow an object with their eyes, which usually stimulates bilateral activity in the brain. Alternatively, some therapists may use a tapping sound or another tone to create bilateral stimulation. Bilateral stimulation may also be achieved by holding harmless hand buzzers in both hands that alternate tones or by passing a ball back and forth between hands. The clients are typically asked to recall a traumatic event during this exercise.
According to the American Psychological Association, EMDR therapy may change the way that traumatic memories are stored in the brain. This process may reduce PTSD symptoms over the course of six to 12 sessions, but some people may benefit from fewer sessions.
Somatic experiencing
Somatic Experiencing (SE™) was developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine. One of the core tenets of SE is that trauma accumulates in the nervous system. Trauma can get a person stuck in fight, flight, or freeze mode. SE may help a client release stored energy and regulate their nervous system.
Dialectical behavioral therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of CBT developed by Marsha Linehan because traditional CBT wasn’t always sufficient to help people with a tendency to engage in self-harm. Some symptoms common in borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other severe mental illnesses responded better to DBT than CBT. According to Harvard Medical School, DBT can be the most effective treatment for borderline personality disorder.
DBT typically has a strong component of mindfulness. People living with borderline personality disorder tend to experience intense emotions and then negative thoughts about those emotions. A good therapist who practices DBT may help people who experience intense emotions to observe thoughts that arise without identifying with them. The dialectical part of DBT refers to the acceptance of two seemingly opposite realities at once. People can accept that they have difficulty controlling their emotions while recognizing that they’re doing their best in the present moment.
Internal family systems therapy (IFS)
Internal family systems (IFS) therapy was developed to support people with severe developmental trauma, specifically in early childhood. However, anyone can use this modality to learn more about themselves. In IFS, the therapist helps the client know about the different parts of their personality using parts theory to assume people have various versions of themselves that can be more pronounced in those with developmental trauma. IFS is considered helpful for people with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and dissociative disorders.
Finding a therapist through online mental health care
Some people may be interested in advanced therapy techniques but live in an area with few licensed therapists. This lack of availability may make finding a provider with extensive training in the above techniques difficult. Finding someone with a specific specialization may be easier with online therapy platforms. For example, online platforms like BetterHelp allow access to more than 30,000 licensed therapists with a wide variety of specializations. Once matched, clients can communicate with a therapist in a way that’s comfortable for them, including by phone, videoconferencing, and live chat.
Over the last 15 years, many researchers have investigated the effectiveness of online therapy. One study found that online CBT was effective for anxiety, depression, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder, among other mental illnesses. With online therapy, you can speak with a licensed mental health counselor or licensed clinical social worker with experience in your areas of concern. By searching on an online platform, you may be able to find the right therapist with a specific certification or area of experience.
Frequently asked questions
Below are some common questions related to advanced therapy techniques.
How can I find a therapist who practices advanced therapy techniques?
Some local therapists post their specializations online. If there aren’t local therapists with experience using specific techniques, you might find it easier to find a therapist online. Online therapy allows you to search for therapists across the country, so finding someone with experience in a specific technique may be more manageable.
What is cognitive-behavioral therapy?
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most widely used forms of therapy. This option typically focuses on identifying and replacing harmful or inaccurate thoughts. CBT therapists may also offer homework, games, and role-playing exercises to get clients involved in the therapy process.
Is finding a therapist with a specialization difficult?
Some directories allow people to search for a therapist based on the types of disorders they treat. Individuals may also be able to search for a potential therapist based on characteristics like sexual orientation, language, and cultural background. Some conditions may require medication in addition to therapy, and only medical doctors like psychiatrists can prescribe such medication.
Is mental health care covered by insurance?
Mental health insurance coverage tends to be limited. Coverage for mental health care may depend on whether someone has received an official diagnosis. However, some online therapy platforms offer therapy at a price comparable to insurance copays.
How can you know if a mental health professional is qualified to provide advanced therapy techniques?
Some therapists may provide information about specialized training, such as certificates in EMDR therapy. Others may provide information about their years of experience with certain techniques. Consult with each prospective therapist before working with them.
What are the most effective methods of therapy?
While the most effective therapy method differs from person to person, cognitive behavioral therapy is typically seen as the most research-backed type. This combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy examines the way a person’s thoughts impact their emotions and behaviors and can result in a deep understanding of the self, as well as successful behavior modification.
What therapy is most used today?
A few of the most common types of psychotherapy include cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. These three major approaches can effectively treat a range of mental health conditions, from depression to anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and more. Therapy may even be helpful for managing chronic pain in daily life, according to some meta-analyses.
What is the best form of counseling technique?
In most cases, cognitive behavioral therapy is seen as the gold standard. Other types of therapy, such as Gestalt therapy, are less common but can still be effective.
What is the best therapy for anxiety?
Cognitive behavioral therapy is usually considered the best therapy for anxiety. According to a 2016 study from the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, those who undergo CBT experience more improvement in anxiety symptoms than those who don’t receive treatment. Many patients also benefit from exposure therapy to reduce psychological distress and uncomfortable bodily sensations when presented with situations that lead to anxiety. With exposure therapy, it can be easy to assess progress as clients notice lower levels of anxiety in previously anxiety-inducing situations.
What is the most successful form of therapy?
Cognitive behavioral therapy is currently seen as the most successful form of therapy in the field of psychology. Appropriate use of this modality can be an effective treatment for a wide range of mental health challenges, and clients can go on to use the skills they learn in CBT in their own lives.
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