Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common type of psychological therapy often used to treat anxiety disorders as well as depression that may be present in your daily life. According to scientific research studies, cognitive behavioral therapy is as effective in the treatment of depression as antidepressants and psychiatric medications.
An optimal treatment plan for many conditions is often psychiatric medication in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy, including online therapy. However, this is context-dependent. If a person is living with anxiety and feels that they don't need medication, CBT can be a great place for that individual to start and may result in changes in behavioral patterns over a relatively short period of time.
Understanding cognitive behavioral therapy: A short, structured approach
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a short and structured approach for therapy. The focus of cognitive behavioral treatment is on helping gain insight into your thoughts, thought patterns, and behavioral patterns. Our thoughts can significantly impact our moods or result in negative feelings, and cognitive behavioral interventions can address negative thinking patterns that may contribute to mental health issues. With the coping techniques of behavior therapy, you have the power to change your feelings as well as any unhelpful behavior.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), like cognitive processing therapy, is a type of psychological therapy that teaches people or a person about distortions and thought patterns. Often, clinical practice clients are unaware of these unhealthy patterns of thinking until they learn about how they impact their lives in a negative way, and at that point, they can change the way they think about things through online therapy CBT with licensed CBT therapists.
Benefits of CBT
What does CBT stand for? Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy with several core principles that aim to improve negative thoughts, behavior patterns, and mental health. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be an effective tool to treat anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, mood disorders like bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and psychological distress.
The benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy include new coping skills, relaxation techniques, stress management, emotional control, and improvement of symptoms from mental health disorders. CBT can lead to both short-term and long-term benefits for mental health.
What mental health conditions can cognitive behavioral therapy treat?
Cognitive behavioral therapy has been supported by clinical psychology, peer-reviewed studies, and clinical trials. These studies and clinical trials show that psychological treatment with cognitive behavioral method can be helpful in treating the following mental health conditions:
panic disorder
bipolar disorder
obsessive-compulsive disorder
post-traumatic stress disorder
eating disorders
substance use disorder
anxiety disorders
other mental illness
How does CBT affect our thoughts?
In your first cognitive behavioural therapy session with a CBT-licensed mental health professional, you will learn that cognitive behavioral therapy has several core principles and works by addressing unhelpful thinking patterns. One of the thinking patterns that cognitive behavioral therapy aims to manage is distortions. Read further to see if you personally experience some of the other forms of distortions and could benefit from psychological treatment using cognitive therapy:
This means that you take the negative details and magnify them. Then you ignore the positive attributes of a situation. For example, a person could focus on one negative thing and ruminate on it. Then their perspective of the situation is distorted in a negative light.
"Black and white" thinking
In this distortion, you see things as "black or white." There are no shades of gray or middle ground. Either you are perfect or you are a complete failure. There is no in-between, and we know that this is inaccurate in life. Psychological issues like stress, anxiety, and depression may manifest as a result of this distortion.
This means that you are concluding something based on one thing that happened. Just because something occurs one time, it doesn't mean it will happen every subsequent time. This is an overgeneralization, and it can be destructive to your thinking and mental health; it can also lead to relationship issues and other emotional difficulties.
Jumping to conclusions or mind-reading
You cannot know what another person is thinking. In this distortion, you are jumping to a conclusion, because of your emotional reaction to another person. It's better to ask that person how they feel rather than assume it.
This means that you imagine a scenario where something bad happens based on a tiny detail. For example, if your friend or one of your family members doesn't call you back, you might assume that they hate you or that something horrible happened to them.
Personalization means that you believe that it is about you. An event occurs and you are convinced that it was because of you. Someone's negative response is that you did something wrong. In reality, there are a number of factors at play here and it's not necessarily all about you. These types of thoughts can contribute to low self-esteem and other concerns.
Control fallacies
You see yourself as helpless and a victim of fate. There is nothing you can do to change your life because it is predetermined and hence you are doomed. This is inaccurate, and you do have the power to make decisions and advocate for yourself.
Fallacy of fairness
Life isn't fair; we've heard this time and time again. However, lamenting about how you are being treated unfairly and that there is a vast conspiracy against you is also an exaggeration. This kind of thinking can also be a detriment to your emotional health. Balance in life can happen, and it’s important to recognize that.
It's important to take responsibility and be accountable for your actions. If you feel a certain way, it isn't because of someone else. They could have said something that hurt your feelings, but they didn't "make you feel that way." It's not productive to tell someone "You made me feel bad." What's more productive is to say, "I feel hurt when you say ___." Use your I-statements and you will avoid this distortion.
Should statements
Have you ever heard the saying "stop should-ing all over yourself"? When we say "I should do ___," it induces guilt and shame in us. There is no need to say, "I should be" or "I ought to" because there is no rule book for life. You are free to make your own decisions about what’s best for you, and cognitive behavioral techniques can help reinforce this.
Emotional reasoning
You feel a certain way and have certain core principles; therefore, it must be the truth. Feelings are not the ultimate indicator of what is logically true. You could feel that someone is angry with you, but until you check in with them and ask, you won't know the truth.
Fallacy of change
We believe that we have the power to change other people if we cajole them enough. This isn't true. A person will change, if they want to, on their own time. Just a few sessions with the right therapist can help individuals address this distortion and other forms of flawed thinking.
"I'm a failure," "I'm a bad friend," "I am stupid." These are all examples of labeling. It's unhelpful to call yourself names. You are a human being with a multitude of qualities, but you are not one thing. We all have flaws, but we are not exclusively identified by them.
Always being right
Nobody is right all the time. In fact, there is no right and wrong in a given argument. There are subjectivity and different people's perspectives. You have your opinion and I have mine. We could be looking at the same shade of green and you think it's blue, while I insist that it's green. No one is right in this situation. It's a matter of opinion.
We believe that if we do the right thing in situations throughout life, we will be rewarded somehow in life. This isn't always the truth. Bad things happen to good people and vice versa. There is no one keeping score, and we do the best that we can in our lives.
Helpful solutions CBT can offer
Learning cognitive behavioral therapy techniques during sessions with your therapist in treatment, including cognitive distortions and thought records is extraordinarily helpful for people with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, or other types of mental illness. CBT is a treatment-based solution that provides insight into our emotional challenges and can better our lives with the development of coping skills and pathways to healthier thinking.
What to expect from CBT
A cognitive behavioral therapist uses cognitive behavior therapy, and may combine CBT with other forms of treatments like exposure therapy or dialectical behavior therapy, to provide psychological treatment in therapy sessions.
What CBT can treat
Many therapists use CBT to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and an array of other mental health conditions, including emotional symptoms from chronic pain. CBT sessions use clinical psychology-approved cognitive therapy techniques to teach coping mechanisms to people learning to manage a mental illness. Through cognitive behavioral therapy examples, a psychologist may prescribe medications to enhance treatment in rare cases.
Online cognitive behavioral support
Being an active participant in your own psychological treatment will ensure that you get the most out of cognitive behavioral therapy. The success of your treatment will depend on how many sessions you attend, and how much you apply yourself.
Benefits of online CBT
There are many therapists who use CBT at BetterHelp and can teach you valuable skills in recognizing your own cognitive distortions and how to change them through online therapy sessions. Even if you don’t have health insurance, talk therapy can be affordable and may help you deal with behavioral responses that impact your mental health.
Online mental health support for obsessive-compulsive disorder
BetterHelp has an arsenal of therapy resources and registered therapists that you can tap with, for support if you have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Try virtual therapy and match yourself with a therapist.
Choosing the right CBT approach for your mental health needs
You may opt for short-term therapy or for a longer-term therapeutic approach; in either case, you can find a healthcare provider to help you gain a better understanding of your emotions, thought distortions, and any particular situation you need assistance with. Below you’ll find some reviews from others who have recently focused on cognitive behavioral therapy with BetterHelp counselors.
Therapist reviews
“Kelsey is warm, responsive, and flexible in working with her clients' needs. I'm primarily doing cognitive behavioral therapy with her to change some distressing behaviors, and her support and concrete actions have guided me well.”
“Jackie consistently guides and supports my progress, while creatively challenging my cognitive distortions. I feel super fortunate to have Jackie as an intelligent and compassionate counselor who lifts my eyes up and into focus.”
If you are still struggling with thought and behavioral issues in your own life you want to change, you might want to find a CBT therapist who specializes in using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to work on your thoughts, potential issues, relationship with your mind, stress management, as well as develop coping skills and improve your overall health. If one is struggling with anxiety disorder, these therapists can’t typically prescribe medications, but anxiety disorder cognitive behavioral therapy may help lessen the symptoms and be able to acquire skills to cope. To make the therapy process easier for you, meeting with an online therapist is an option for CBT. You can just quickly search for "cognitive behavioral therapist near me" online to get the options that you have. This way, you can meet for CBT where it’s most comfortable for you and at a time that works best for you.
Frequently asked questions
Read more below for answers to questions commonly asked about this topic.
What happens in cognitive behavioral treatment?
CBT focuses on helping patients identify negative, unhelpful ways of thinking and dysfunctional emotions so they can be replaced with positive and productive thoughts. Cognitive behavioral thinking is designed to be a short-term treatment, lasting anywhere from a few sessions to a few months. During your first few sessions, you typically build a relationship with your therapist and work together to determine the goals of your treatment. Then, you learn techniques to address your goals and improve your mental health, such as cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, and relaxation techniques.
Can I do cognitive behavioral treatment for OCD on my own?
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one of the goals of this approach is to “become your own therapist.” Many of the cognitive techniques and behavioral strategies utilized in cognitive behavioral thinking can be implemented by an individual who isn’t under the guidance of a therapist. For example, you may be able to independently:
determine how your thoughts are impacting your actions
identify biased thoughts and replace them with more rational thinking
expose yourself to situations that cause you anxiety in order to build your tolerance
If you feel unable to implement these therapeutic approaches on your own, you might consider connecting with cognitive behavior therapists to choose a practitioner who’s a good fit for you.
How do I know if I need cognitive behavioral therapy for my mental health?
Cognitive behavioral thought processing can be beneficial to almost everyone, even if they are not experiencing a mental health condition such as major depressive disorder or an anxiety disorder. However, you may especially benefit from the cognitive and behavioral treatments associated with the cognitive behavioral model of psychotherapy if you:
experience high levels of anxiety compared to others around you
have trouble managing stress
notice you constantly engage in negative self-talk
CBT may also be beneficial for someone who is uninterested or unable to take medication, such as antidepressant medication, in order to treat any mental disorders. If this doesn’t feel like the best approach to support your mental health, you may consider other counseling models such as psychodynamic counseling or interpersonal psychotherapy.
What are examples of cognitive learning?
Cognitive learning occurs when you implement strategies to maximize your brain’s efficiency and learn as much as possible. For example, you may take a cognitive approach to learning something new through experiential learning. Instead of reading instructions or watching a tutorial, you would develop the skill through first-hand experience.
Is cognitive behavioral speech good for anxiety and other mental health conditions?
CBT is often considered the gold standard for treating anxiety. Research has proven it effective in treating a number of anxiety conditions including social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and agoraphobia. A systematic review of research found that this approach delivered positive results for patients with other psychological disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder and personality disorders such as bipolar disorder.
What are the basic principles of cognitive behavioral therapy?
One of the central ideas associated with cognitive behavioral thinking is that your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected and influence one another. These three factors are the three principles that cognitive behavioral thought is designed to target.
What is considered a cognitive behavior disability?
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a medical condition that may be considered a cognitive/behavioral disability. This treatment may be used to treat individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome and has been proven to more effectively reduce symptoms of fatigue compared to other therapies.
What is the meaning of “cognitive-behavioral” as a theory and how does it relate to the therapy?
This theory that explains how our thoughts and behaviors interact with each other. It’s often used in the context of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, which is a model designed to help people identify the connection between their thoughts and actions so they can address problems in their lives.
What is an example of CBT and how can this therapy help?
In this treatment, cognitive behaviors may also be known as cognitive distortions. One common example is catastrophizing, which involves expecting something bad to happen in response to a minor issue or mistake. For example, you might catastrophize when you make a small mistake at work and believe you will be fired because of it. In cognitive behavioral thinking, your therapist will help you replace this with healthy thought patterns and provide strategies to help you manage catastrophic thinking patterns that you may have in the future.
What is an example of a technique used in CBT therapy for anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental health conditions?
This approach utilizes several different techniques during the course of treatment. One popular technique is journaling. Patients may be asked to write down their negative or anxious thoughts and then follow each one with a positive, productive thought that could replace it as part of cognitive behavioral treatment.
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