What Is Imagery Rehearsal Therapy? How To Treat Nightmares And Improve Sleep
Imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is often used to help people who experience symptoms of nightmare disorder, like frequent or recurring nightmares. It is most frequently used for the treatment of nightmares related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In IRT, the first step is usually to talk about and write down the nightmare’s narrative in as much detail as possible. Next, it’s typically time to reimagine and rewrite the dream with a more positive, empowering ending or more lighthearted details. Finally, as you’re going to sleep, it can be important to imagine having a more positive version of the dream in order to induce it. IRT can be finished in person or online with a licensed therapist and is often effective in reducing nightmares and enhancing sleep quality for improved physical and mental health.
What is nightmare disorder?
Nightmare disorder is a condition where a person frequently experiences vivid, disturbing dreams that cause them to wake up feeling scared or anxious. These nightmares can make it hard to fall back asleep and often lead to sleep disturbances. People with nightmare disorder might feel stressed or worried about going to sleep because they fear another nightmare. It can affect anyone, but it is more common in children and people who have experienced trauma. It may also be caused by stress, sleep deprivation, and certain medications.
Individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are at higher risk of experiencing nightmare disorder. Nightmares are common re-experiencing symptoms for people with PTSD, often impacting sleep quality and several other facets of life. The negative effects of nightmare disorder can worsen PTSD symptoms and lead to related mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety.
What is imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT)?
Imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that involves treating patients who are experiencing chronic nightmares, such as those living with post-traumatic stress disorder. Those who have PTSD tend to receive IRT most frequently as a common PTSD symptom tends to be nightmares. IRT can reduce the frequency and severity of nightmares.
This treatment’s effectiveness was first shown in a randomized controlled trial of sexual assault survivors. In 2018, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine published a sleep medicine position paper on various treatments to address traumatic content in dreams. Along with other forms of cognitive behavioral therapy, IRT treatment was found to be helpful in creating learned behaviors that helped decrease the frequency and intensity of nightmares for individuals with PTSD. This randomized controlled trial helped spread awareness of this type of therapy and its potential to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder.
How IRT can improve sleep in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Nightmares in patients with PTSD are often incredibly intense. For people living with PTSD, nightmares may take them back to moments that they experienced in real life, usually the ones that led to them developing post-traumatic stress disorder in the first place. Not only may the nightmares negatively impact sleep quality, but they can also make it harder to move past the traumatic event. IRT can reduce the frequency and severity of nightmares by reimagining and inducing dreams with more positive details and endings. This therapy can be used not only for posttraumatic stress but also for those experiencing bad dreams as a symptom of diverse psychiatric diagnoses, like anxiety or panic disorder, which can also negatively impact mental health.
What are imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT) techniques for alleviating nightmares?
Sometimes, talking about your nightmares may not be easy and can have the potential to bring you back to a very traumatic moment in your life. For this reason, imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT) often begins with the weakest or least upsetting nightmare that you have been experiencing. Your therapist will generally want to prevent the risk of an emotional trigger to help build your confidence in the IRT process. Starting small with the weakest nightmare often makes the more intense nightmares easier to tackle later on.
Write down your dream’s narrative to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder
To start, you’ll usually write down the narrative of your dream, including as many details as possible. Sometimes, the best way to go about this is to have a pen and paper near your bed. When a nightmare wakes you up, you can write down what you experienced while it’s still fresh in your mind.
Not all PTSD patients may be comfortable enough to write down the narratives of their nightmares on their own. In this situation, a therapist or some type of personal support may need to be present. If you’re living with post-traumatic stress disorder, this can be an important topic to discuss with your therapist.
Rewrite the dream with a positive ending to overcome nightmares
Now that you have written down the dream that has been bothering you, it may be time to rewrite it. You might discuss the dream with your therapist and then write a positive ending to it. Instead of the dream ending with something tragic or tough for you to handle, you might take action in your dream or turn the situation around in a way that shows you are in control.
Do not be afraid to use your imagination when coming up with your new positive ending if you want to. You may even take inspiration from your favorite movies or heroes. The new dream ending can be something entirely off the wall if necessary. The intention is merely to turn the dream into something that makes you feel better rather than worse. Coming up with a more positive ending to the nightmare can be empowering for those living with post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental health challenges leading to nightmares.
Imagine the positive version of the dream just before sleep
Now that you have rewritten the dream, you may use it to your advantage. Before falling asleep at night, you might try to imagine the positive version of the dream that you just wrote. This technique is commonly known as inducing the intention to dream. Through pleasant imagery exercises, you are preparing your mind to dream about what you want to.
You can think or speak to yourself while you are going through this dream induction process. You might tell yourself that you are going to use the positive version of the dream. If you are going to start having the same nightmare that you usually do, then it is going to end in a new, positive way rather than how it usually does. Continue repeating this to yourself and imagining the positive version of the dream until you drift off to sleep.
Over time, you may find you have success when you treat nightmares with this method. Many PTSD patients and others who live with severe nightmares have had success using this positive dream technique, reducing nightmares and boosting daytime energy. It may not happen the first time, but you’re likely to notice positive changes as you move through imagery rehearsal treatment.
Online therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder
While traditional in-office therapy may be an option for you, you may feel more comfortable connecting with a licensed therapist online and starting dream therapy to assist you in becoming a dream expert. This may be particularly helpful if you’re interested in imagery rehearsal therapy because you could potentially connect with your therapist before going to bed and talk through the more positive version of your dream together before going to sleep. Online therapy often allows you to connect with a therapist at times outside of regular office hours
Research on the efficacy of online therapy
What is mental imagery rehearsal for nightmares, and how does it help improve sleep?
Mental imagery refers to a sensory experience recreated in the mind. Mental imagery is often practiced unconsciously throughout the day in reflection or anticipation of events.
Intentional mental imagery rehearsal is often used in therapy for chronic nightmares stemming from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In therapy, clients can use imagery rescripting techniques to reprogram nightmares into stories with less frightening endings, which can in turn reduce nightmare frequency and intensity.
Is imagery a CBT?
Yes, imagery-based approaches are commonly used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Imagery-based strategies can be helpful for people with a wide range of mental disorders, such as social anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, or eating disorders to reframe maladaptive thoughts and behaviors.
What cognitive tasks require mental imagery?
Research has repeatedly shown that mental imagery can enhance performance of cognitive tasks, such as text comprehension, verbal memory, problem solving, or reasoning. Mental imagery itself is a cognitive task, helping you visualize things, smells, sensations, or sounds that aren’t physically present.
Mental imagery can be helpful, but it can also be harmful in some instances. For example, patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, or eating disorders might experience intrusive mental imagery or “flashbacks.” For patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, using voluntary mental imagery to reshape their intrusive thoughts can help in the management of nightmares and traumatic thoughts.
What is imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT), and what are the three types of mental imagery?
Image rehearsal therapy is often used to help with nightmares, and it involves working with different types of mental imagery.
Some types of mental imagery are:
- Visual imagery: This type of imagery is most often associated with the concept of mental imagery. If you’re asked to visualize an apple in your mind, you’re practicing visual mental imagery.
- Kinesthetic imagery: This type of imagery is about motion and action. For example, if you’ve imagined how to do an action—such as walking up to a stage or how you’ll pass the ball to a teammate during a soccer match—you’ve practiced kinesthetic imagery.
- Auditory imagery: This type of imagery involves sounds. If you have a song stuck in your head or can recall the sound of your favorite band, you’ve engaged in auditory imagery.
Mental imagery can arise from other senses, too, such as tactile, olfactory, and gustatory senses.
What are imagery exercises?
Imagery exercises, also called visualization or guided imagery, are a common complement to talk therapy and self-care approaches. Guided imagery can help quell intrusive thoughts and promote relaxation.
Here’s an imagery exercise you can try on your own:
To practice this exercise, close your eyes and imagine a place that you find calm and relaxing. You might think of a place you’ve been to—such as your childhood home or your favorite vacation spot—or you might imagine a place you’ve never been. While imagining this place, try to engage all the senses.
For example, if you’re envisioning a beach, think about how you’d watch the seagulls, the sounds of crashing waves, the colors of the sunset over the water, the feeling of the sand between your toes, the warmth of the sun on your arms, and the smell of the salty breeze.
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, imagery exercises can be very helpful for people experiencing intrusive thoughts, as often happens with PTSD and related nightmares.
What are guided imagery techniques for trauma?
Medically reviewed studies inform the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s position recommending guided imagery for trauma. These approaches can help reduce nightmares that may occur in isolation or as a symptom of disorders like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Some common guided imagery techniques that can be helpful for trauma include:
- Guided imagery: Like writing about whatever crosses your mind, allowing yourself to imagine a scene and follow it can help you explore deeper thoughts and emotions. Oftentimes, guided imagery is practiced in therapeutic settings, where a professional can help guide and encourage you to explore your mind and later reflect on the experience.
- Free drawing: For many, art can provide an expressive space to explore their thoughts and express their feelings. This may be an especially powerful way to express emotions surrounding a traumatic experience.
- Use a script: Listening to a podcast or therapist guide your imagery can help people achieve deep relaxation.
- Create a healing space: Thinking of a place—such as the beach, a wildflower field, or a seat in front of a fireplace—can help calm the mind during stressful moments. This type of practice can be used on your own or with the help and guidance of a therapist.
Research shows that guided imagery can be effective for reducing stress and anxiety levels, improving cognitive functioning, and managing intrusive thoughts.
What part of the brain controls mental imagery?
The areas of the brain that are activated during mental imagery can change based on the type of sensory input being imaged. For example:
- If you’re engaged in auditory mental imagery, the auditory cortex gets activated.
- During tactile mental imagery, the primary somatosensory cortex is activated.
- With visual mental imagery, occipital lobe regions of the brain are activated.
Mental imagery is a complicated process, and many other areas of the brain are activated during the mental imagery process. This includes the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for much of your long-term memory storage.
What is the difference between imagery and imagination?
Imagery and imagination sound similar, but they are different concepts.
- Mental imagery is the ability to represent information without the presence of external stimuli. Mental imagery is a representation of sensory information, and it often occurs involuntarily (such as traumatic flashbacks or having a song stuck in your head).
- Imagination is a creative mental act that is typically voluntary. For example, you might imagine what it would look like to paint your house a different color or how you would feel if you won an Olympic gold medal. Some types of imagination rely on mental imagery, but others do not.
Mental imagery and imagination are similar, and sometimes overlapping, concepts. But they are distinct.
What is an example of cognitive specific mental imagery?
Cognitive specific mental imagery is often used to rehearse sports skills, and a study from the European Journal of Sport Science found that using mental imagery for this purpose can improve sports performance and strategy.
What is the most common mental imagery?
When people think of mental imagery, they most often think of visual mental imagery. And research has found that visual and auditory mental imagery are the most common forms experienced amongst people surveyed.
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