Time Management Activities For Groups And Professional Teams
At times, it could seem like the day ends too quickly, and you might believe you lack the time needed to complete specific tasks. Time management refers to the effective use and productivity of time. As a synonym for efficiency, time management makes it possible for you to make the most out of each minute, which may give you the illusion that you have "more time" in your day.
One way to improve your time management skills is through pre-planned activities. Several activities and solutions have been developed to help people build skills that lead to efficiency. Looking through these activities may help you find one that works for you.
Fun icebreaker time management activities for groups
Icebreaker activities may be helpful when beginning a group meeting or forming a team at work. They're quick activities that require people to work together, so they can be effective when you want people to get acquainted faster.
Tiny tasks
In the tiny tasks icebreaker time management activity, you start by making up a list of minor management activities for the participants to complete. The list can include 15 to 20 items like running around the room, making art for the leader, finding out five cool facts about each other, or throwing away trash. Beside each item, give a point value for completing that item.
Divide the large group into smaller groups and give each group a copy of the list. Tell them their job is to make as many points as possible within 10 minutes. Start the timer and let the fun begin. Afterward, talk about how the group made decisions, how multiple tasks could be performed together, and how the individuals functioned as a group.
Time perception task
Ask the group participants to close their eyes. Then, instruct them to open their eyes after what they believe is 30 seconds. After everyone has opened their eyes, note how not everyone opened them simultaneously. Explain that time perception isn't uniform for all people in all situations.
Finding commonalities
Give each group participant a pencil and paper for the finding commonalities activity. Ask each person to talk to as many people as possible and to write down one aspect of their personality or interests they have in common with that person. The person with the most other people on their list wins a prize. Explain that efficient communication often increases productivity.
Lessons about scheduling
Time management can be used to teach lessons about the value of time. They can show how time management may help you set priorities and improve your life. Life lesson activities may be demonstrations or individual or group activities. Below are a few to try.
Mayo jar
The mayo jar activity is often used as a demonstration but can be used as a participatory activity. Get a large jar, rocks, gravel, and sand. Ask the participants to fill the jar with as much material as possible. When finished, ask what order they put the items into the jar.
Show what happens when you fill the jar in the order of large rocks, gravel, and then sand. When you fill it this way, you get more oversized items in the jar. Explain that when you prioritize the "big" items first, you have what's most important but still have room for the smaller ones in your life.
Spend it or lose it
Spend it or lose it is a paper and pencil activity. Give the participants an imaginary $86,400 to spend however they choose. Their job is to write down their choices about what to buy with the money. They can't choose to set aside money in savings, and they lose whatever they don't mark for spending.
Tell the participants that 86,400 is the number of seconds in each day. That time may be wasted if they don't use those 86,400 seconds doing something productive.
Big picture
Give each group participant a jigsaw puzzle, but don't let them see what the finished puzzle will look like. Tell the groups to put their puzzle together as quickly as possible. Then, stop the exercise and give them a photo of the finished puzzle.
Groups may assemble the puzzle much faster once they see the end goal. Afterward, talk about how the group functioned after they saw the photo. Remind them that looking at the big picture first can improve their overall efficiency in other tasks.
Planning projects
Some time management activities may help people plan how to spend their time. These activities are instructive and have a practical application.
Hour power
Give participants a piece of paper marked off in 24 numbered squares. Tell them to write their daily routine management activities into the square for that hour. Then, give them another page marked off in 24 squares and ask them to fill the squares with the non-productive activities they do at work. Then, give them a third sheet and ask them to combine the information from the first two pages.
When they're finished, they may have some empty squares. Tell them that these empty squares represent their productive time. Finally, ask them to look for time wasters that they can eliminate to give themselves more productive time.
Putting a value on time
Have people write down what they did the day before, then have them place a monetary value on those tasks, according to how much it was worth to them to do it. Finally, suggest that they focus on the activities that yield the most significant rewards.
How long does it take?
This activity may help individuals learn to allot time for different tasks. Give each person a timer before you all begin a busy day. Have people clock in after each task they complete, keeping track of the activity and time spent on it.
At the end of the day, talk about how specific tasks take more time than others. In addition, discuss how having realistic expectations of how long something might take can be valuable in planning to make the best use of their time.
Skills training
Teaching time management skills can help individuals at work, school, or home open their schedules. Certain management activities focus on teaching the skills that will help people plan and work efficiently, including the following.
Desert island
Divide up the group if it's large, or have all the participants work together. Tell them to imagine they're taking a trip to a desert island. Their job is to write down what they need and want to take with them. Tell the group they have two minutes to write down as many items as possible. Explain that they get points for each helpful item, but no points will be given for non-helpful items.
When they finish, explain that they can use the same brainstorming technique to plan for tasks they need or want to do each day.
Paper boat factory
Organize teams of five participants each. Select a leader for each team. Take the leaders into a separate room and show them how to make a paper boat. Ensure they understand the process. Then, tell them you want 40 boats of the same size and appearance. They have 15 minutes to use their team to accomplish the task.
When the game is over, reward any groups that fulfilled your order with the right quality and quantity of boats. Ask the winning group leader or leaders to explain how they communicated the order details to their group. Discuss how miscommunication by the leader can thwart the group's ability to complete the order correctly and on time.
Picking up blocks
Time management can teach people the skill of prioritizing. In the picking up blocks activity, place a large set of colored blocks haphazardly on the floor or a table. Tell participants they are to pick up as many blocks as possible, but they must pick them up one at a time and with their non-dominant hands. When a minute has passed, tell them their time is up. Add up the blocks they picked up, giving one point for each block.
Next, tell the group you will start the exercise again, but this time, there's a point system involved. Each block will be worth different points based on color, such as one point for yellow, two for blue, or three for red, etc. At the end of a minute, reward the team or individual that got the most points. This activity may help them develop the skill of prioritizing quickly and efficiently.
Why are time management activities important?
Activities for time management are commonly used in businesses or other organizations. Yet, learning time management skills can also help you improve your everyday life. If you are wasting time and not accomplishing your goals, you may benefit from developing those skills independently.
A counselor can help you understand the nature of time. They may help you learn how to set priorities to work more efficiently toward improving your life. If you have thoughts of hopelessness about setting your goals, it may be a sign you're living with an underlying challenge, such as depression. Studies show that time management skills can reduce anxiety and depression, so working with a provider can guide you toward your goals.
Support options
If you are pressed for time, speaking to a therapist face-to-face may be difficult. In these cases, online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp may be more convenient.
Research shows that online therapy efficiently manages stress or anxiety associated with time management difficulties. In a study published by Cambridge University Press, researchers found that guided internet-based therapy was effective in helping people cope with anxiety symptoms. The study analyzed details from several trials on the effectiveness of therapist-guided treatment plans compared to face-to-face therapy.
Online treatment platforms are a widely accepted way of providing people living with anxiety and other mental health challenges with guided therapy and self-management resources. Online therapy is particularly effective because of its flexibility, allowing therapists to supplement sessions with guided exercises, lessons, and other resources that can be reached from almost anywhere. In addition, some platforms allow clients to schedule sessions outside of standard business hours, which may be helpful for those who have a busy work schedule during the day.
What are five time management strategies to boost productivity and prioritize your tasks?
Here are five time management practices to help you prioritize tasks and boost productivity:
- Eliminate distractions
- Set alarms to remind yourself when it’s time to switch tasks
- Use a daily planner or to-do lists
- Follow a routine
- Establish time limits for each task
When you prioritize tasks effectively and institute better time management skills, it’s possible to maintain a healthy work/life balance, enhance productivity, meet deadlines, and excel in your professional life, potentially earning an impressive performance review from your supervisor.
Additionally, boosting productivity goes beyond business success and completing tasks in professional settings. It can provide benefits to your personal life as well. For example, prioritizing tasks outside of work can help reduce stress, boost problem-solving, and improve overall well-being, which in turn can reduce sick leave and casual leave from work as well.
What are six time management strategies to boost efficiency and organize your schedule?
Here are six time management tips for improving concentration and boosting efficiency, which can make it easier to organize your schedule and complete tasks in a timely manner:
- Use a time log to discover how you spend (and waste) time (an app like Time Squared can help you easily identify time-wasting activities).
- Set priorities and realistic goals for each day
- Create an organizational system
- Set up a time-blocked schedule with hourly blocks, and include a short break or smaller tasks between longer, one-hour blocks.
- Avoid procrastination
- Delegate to another team member whenever possible
Another strategy that works for some is to use your non-dominant hand for tasks. This can help promote mindfulness and focus. Managing time often requires organizational skills and strategic planning. Incorporating some fun time management games into your routine activities may make it easier to allocate time effectively. In a school setting, time management games may help students learn good time management habits.
What is a circadian rhythm activity for time management?
A circadian rhythm activity can help you discover when you’re most productive during the day. It’s one of the time management activities suitable for both personal and professional life and can be used with remote or virtual teams for increased productivity.
To complete this time management exercise, participants fill out a sheet of paper by writing down each step in their daily routines in their own lives. As you move through your day, note your energy level as you complete each step. At the end of the day, you can look through your routine and analyze when your energy levels and productivity are highest.
What are the 10 steps to time management, including making a plan?
There may not be an official list of 10 steps to time management, but here are 10 effective and fun time management activities you can try to avoid missed deadlines and last-minute rushes that can make stress levels high and productivity drop:
- Spend time setting clear goals for the day
- Make a plan for your time and set deadlines
- Use stress management techniques
- Outsource or delegate tasks to other team members when possible
- Focus on one task at a time
- Avoid distractions
- Use time management tools like alarms and time-tracking applications
- Try different time management methods, like the Pomodoro Technique
- Follow a daily routine
- Take regular breaks and consider breaking tasks into smaller pieces to maintain focus and motivation
A note on avoiding distractions: Some experts recommend removing all the clocks from the room. As long as you have a clock on your computer, there’s really no need for them. Looking at the clocks on the wall can be a common form of distraction. If you find that the clock has little or no consequence on your time management or organization skills, then this may not be necessary.
What are the four P's of time management?
The four P’s of time management typically refer to prioritizing, planning, productivity, and positivity.
What are the seven key elements of time management?
Seven elements of time management may include:
- A planning system, like a flip chart or todo list
- A reminder system
- A project management system
- A daily schedule or routine
- The ability to prioritize important tasks
- Focus
- Energy
What are three methods of time management?
Three methods of time management include the Eisenhower Matrix, time blocking, and eating the frog.
What is the 6-12-6 rule for time management?
The 6-12-6 rule is typically attributed to Kathryn McKinnon. It involves checking your email for 20 minutes each at 6 A.M., 12 P.M., and 6 P.M., rather than constantly checking it and responding to emails throughout the day. This can be beneficial for college students and business professionals alike. Basically, anyone who sees a direct link between emails and productivity loss may benefit from this time management game.
What are some examples of time management strategies?
There are several time management games and strategies out there. The Pomodoro Technique usually involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a break for five minutes. This pattern is repeated three times, followed by a cycle of 25 minutes with a 15-minute break. Breaking tasks into small groups or bursts may help keep your energy and focus higher throughout the day.
Eating the frog is a strategy that involves completing your most challenging task first thing.
The Eisenhower Matrix involves categorizing tasks into important and urgent, important and not urgent, not important and urgent, and not important and not urgent tasks. This enables individuals to see more clearly which tasks they should prioritize.
Most time management strategies have a plan for task prioritization, but they also tend to prioritize breaks, illustrating the impact breaks have on our overall productivity. So, it may be beneficial to schedule breaks or downtime to do something easy, like playing cards, doing jigsaw puzzles, or taking a quick walk.
What time of day are people most tired?
Many people tend to be the most tired from about 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. in the afternoon. However, average age, responsibilities, health, and other factors, like the impact of work yesterday, can impact this time.
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