Anxiety In Children: Seeking Peace For The Anxious Child
As a parent or caregiver, you likely want to help your anxious child. However, when interacting with anxious children, one may not always know how to approach the situation. How can a parent bring that kind of stability to their children while managing the stress of their own lives?
This article will examine some of the stressors that may lead to excessive anxiety or worry in children and how to best help through thoughts and actions. The article will also include a review of a popular resource for childhood anxiety called The Opposite Of Worry: The Playful Parenting Approach to Childhood Anxiety and Fears by author Lawrence J. Cohen.
What can cause worry in children?
Parents of anxious children may forget the demands of being a child. To many busy adults, childhood can seem like a carefree time with little to worry about and few “real” problems. However, even children who do not experience trauma in their lives have to navigate learning about themselves and how to meet the demands of school, peers, and society.
Going through different developmental stages can entail much, and for some children, it can be overwhelming. Common stressors for children include:
- Grades, tests, and other school projects
- School shootings and active shooter drills
- Bullying and relationships within their peer group
- Social media
- Changes in routine, namely during the COVID-19 pandemic
What does anxiety in children look like?
These may include:
- Changes in appetite.
- Anger or irritability.
- Getting sick more often than usual (physical symptoms may manifest as stomachaches, headaches, or body aches).
- Trouble sleeping.
- Procrastination or neglect of responsibilities.
- Behavior changes.
Recognizing signs like these is vital for timely support. If you or a loved one is experiencing a crisis, reach out to the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741 for 24/7 support.
How to help a child who worries excessively
There are some guidelines for what to do and what to avoid when helping a child manage complex and sometimes consuming emotions like fear. First, let’s look at some lifestyle habits that can help your child manage stress.
Physical activity can be an effective stress reducer for people of any age. The recommended amount of exercise for children ages 6 to 17 is at least 60 minutes per day. This can be done through play, sports, swimming, or even family walks and hikes. Encourage your child to get moving in a fun and supportive way. Note that exercising in a green space can be even more effective for stress reduction and overall well-being.
Appropriate sleep
Sleep can be a critical factor for mental health. Children and teens need more sleep than adults, with a recommended nine to 12 hours for children between the ages of six to 12 and eight to 10 hours per night for teens. To help your children get quality sleep, keep bedtimes consistent, and have them avoid using screens at least an hour before bed.
Let your children know you are available to talk about anything that may be bothering them. It can be comforting for them to know that there is someone to listen to their worries or fears.
Finding balance
Between school, sports, hobbies, and life, many young people are incredibly busy. Ensure that your children have some unscheduled and unstructured time to do things they want to do — or to do nothing at all.
What to avoid when helping children manage anxiety
In attempts to “fix” anxiety for children, parents can sometimes inadvertently make matters more difficult. Here are some actions to avoid when helping your child manage their anxiety:
It can be tempting to try to help by removing stressors from a child’s life altogether. However, a child needs to learn coping mechanisms to manage their worries. Taking them out of a situation every time they start feeling anxious will not allow them to build resilience and may create a worrying cycle.
Giving power to anxiety and fears
When a child is frightened in a situation, it can be fine to acknowledge their fears but be careful not to amplify them. Encourage them to face their fears and demonstrate confidence that they can do so.
Asking leading questions
Let your child use their own voice to speak their fears. Do not rush to put your own words onto their anxieties. Instead of asking, “Are you worried about your big history project?” consider asking, “How do you feel about your history project?”
Finally, when helping a child manage their anxiety, you can model healthy stress management yourself. Often, those who have a family history of anxiety can end up with anxiety themselves. By managing your stress openly and healthfully, you can be a role model for their mental health journey.
The opposite of worry: Seeking peace for the anxious child
A resource for parents of a child experiencing anxious feelings is the book The Opposite Of Worry by author Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D. This guide, which is recommended by many mental health professionals, offers a variety of tools for parents who are unsure of how to help when their child worries excessively.
Not only can you find advice on how to guide your child through fear and anxiety, but this book also discusses strategies for parents who are having trouble managing their own stress. Additionally, there are resources geared directly toward children and adolescents, including the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, which offers its own guides.
Helping children and seeking therapy for managing anxiety
Therapy can be a helpful choice for a child who is having trouble managing their anxiety or even for the parent of an anxious child. If you sense that your child is being overwhelmed by their worries or that it is affecting their social life or schoolwork, consult their pediatrician about healthy steps to take. A licensed therapist can help a worried child by investigating the sources of their fear and by teaching them coping skills that can help change how they think about scary situations.
Therapy for parents with an anxious child
For parents, therapy can be a way to manage their own stress and to learn to model a healthy relationship with fear and other negative feelings. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most common and effective form of psychotherapy to treat anxiety symptoms and offers several strategies to decrease stress levels.
Benefits of online therapy in seeking peace for the anxious child and helping children with mental problems
For parents or caregivers who have trouble fitting in one more appointment for themselves, online therapy platforms like BetterHelp offer a way to get the same quality services you find in traditional therapy but from the convenience of your own home or office. Research shows that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy and can be more cost-effective.
How do you deal with an overly anxious child?
If your child comes to you with any kind of struggle, it’s often important that you try to hear what they’re saying and focus on understanding and empathy. It may be helpful to:
- Validate their feelings, but don’t reinforce them: Take time to actively listen without making the fears worse.
- Offer support: Let the child know that you are there for them, committed to helping them find peace, and will be there for them no matter what the future holds.
- Suggest coping mechanisms: Consider sharing mindfulness or relaxation techniques to help them stay connected to the present moment. If you’re religious, you might offer prayer and faith as a pathway for coping.
- Express realistic expectations: While you may want to ease their anxiety by telling them what you think will bring them comfort, it can be important to stay grounded in reality and the truth. Rather than focus on empty promises, like “You’ll definitely get into your dream college” or “Nothing’s ever going to happen to Grandma,” it may be helpful to tell them that everything will be okay, regardless of what may happen.
- Avoid asking leading questions: For example, Instead of asking, “Are you worried about the test?” try “How are you feeling about the test?”
- Model healthy behaviors: Showing children how you handle your own worries can make a huge difference in how they handle their own. For example, if a child sees their mom praying to God, reading the bible, or meditating when she gets stressed, the child is more likely to model those same behaviors.
- Don’t avoid triggers: While you may want to keep your child comfortable, avoiding their triggers may make things worse in the long run.
If your child’s anxiety seems to interfere with their daily life significantly, it can be important to get help from a professional. A licensed mental health care worker can help you and your child develop strategies for dealing with what-ifs and anxiety based on your child’s unique circumstances.
What not to say to a child with anxiety?
Typically, when you’re trying to help overcome a child’s fears or anxieties, you want to avoid minimizing the child’s feelings and avoid saying things like:
- Don’t worry about it
- It’s not a big deal
- You’re being dramatic
- Calm down
- There’s nothing to be afraid about
You also usually want to avoid making them feel negatively about their anxiety. For example, saying things like “Only weak boys get scared” can reinforce negative thoughts, make them doubt themselves, and increase anxiety. It can also be important to avoid comparing them to their siblings, friends, or other kids. For example, you likely won’t want to say, “Your sister was never this worried about the world.”
At what age does anxiety in children peak?
Anxiety can occur at any age. However, symptoms usually begin during childhood or teenage years and continue during adulthood.
What parenting styles cause anxiety and other mental health conditions?
Research has shown that children with authoritative, neglectful, or overprotective parents have the highest likelihood of developing anxiety. Authoritarian parents tend to use hard discipline, anger, or threats to maintain control. Overprotective or overly critical parents may result in children feeling incapable of doing things on their own or internalizing their parent’s criticism, which can promote anxiety. Neglectful parenting can result in high rates of separation anxiety.
Can an anxious child grow out of it?
While some people believe that a child can grow out of anxiety, the research doesn’t support this idea. Instead, without proper treatment, childhood anxiety is likely to continue into adulthood and continue impacting the child’s ability to function in relationships, social situations, and life in general. It may make it more difficult for them to have hope, desires, and the peace often required to have a happy life.
Does magnesium really help with anxiety in an anxious child?
Some research suggests that Magnesium may be helpful in reducing anxiety for some people. However, more research is needed. Magnesium has not been extensively studied for safety or efficacy in treating children’s anxiety, so it’s important to speak with your doctor before starting any new supplement or treatment.
How to discipline a high-anxiety child?
Whether or not a child has anxiety, research suggests that discipline should focus on changing behavior, not punishment. Discipline also often depends on a child’s age. For example, how you discipline a toddler is typically different than how you parent a teenager. Culture and religion can also play a factor in discipline. For example, if a parent believes in Jesus Christ, heaven, and the power of God’s love, they may orient their parenting more toward practices promoted by their lord Christ Jesus or their pastor.
Some general best practices for disciplining a high-anxiety child include:
Does an anxious mother make an anxious child or increase the likelihood of developing anxiety and other mental health disorders?
Studies have shown that parental anxiety and overall mental health can negatively impact a child’s mental health and increase the likelihood of developing anxiety. Parental anxiety seems to have the biggest impact during childhood (versus infancy and adolescence). And while both fathers and mothers can impact teen anxiety, research suggests that maternal anxiety has a greater influence on adolescent anxiety.
Is anxiety in children inherited from the mother or father?
Anxiety can be inherited from either parent, as genetics can play a significant role in its development. However, environmental factors, such as parenting styles or household dynamics, also influence whether genetic predisposition manifests. Supporting children’s hearts through emotional stability and keeping your eyes focused on fostering a nurturing environment can help reduce anxiety regardless of genetic risks.
What parenting style causes anxious attachment?
While there’s no hard and fast rule, according to attachment theory, inconsistent parenting often causes anxious attachment. An inconsistent parent may be attuned and nurturing part of the time and then emotionally unavailable, insensitive, or critical the rest of the time. These inconsistencies can lead to a child being unsure about what behavior to expect, which can lead to anxiety.
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