Invited byDaniela Marin

Join Daniela and therapists who are earning more with BetterHelp!

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  • Select your license type to get started
  • Where do you currently spend most of your time?
  • How much of your time is currently spent on administrative and/or billing related tasks?
  • What makes you most interested in BetterHelp?
  • How much time do you intend to spend with BetterHelp clients?
  • How did you first hear about BetterHelp?
  • Finally, please provide your name, email, and the primary state you're licensed in.
    You can add more states later
The therapist count displayed represents the total number of active therapist accounts worldwide on BetterHelp.

Private practice with no doors & no overhead

You decide how much you want to work & when you're available. We'll take care of the client referrals & billing details.

$650 monthly Health Benefit Stipend *1

Bonuses & incentives for high performers

Free BetterHelp membership

Free access to 390+ CEU courses *3

Estimated earnings with BetterHelp
I want to work:
*2 Estimated annual earnings: $100,100 

*1 Eligibility for the Health Benefit Stipend requires a continuous commitment of 30 hours a week.

*2 BetterHelp does not guarantee a min. amount of earnings, the above calculator is an estimate based on prevailing factors & incentives on the platform.

*3 Terms & conditions apply. Apply to learn more.

BetterHelp vs. traditional in-office therapy

Work from anywhere
Set your own hoursYou choose when you're available for live sessions with your clients
See clients in-person
Clinical autonomy
No overhead or marketing costsGet new clients without spending time and money on marketing
Get paid weekly
Free BetterHelp membership$300/month value
Compensated for phone calls, messages, intake, etc.
Access to the world's largest therapy networkConnect with 31,000+ other BetterHelp therapists using our built-in discussion forum to network with other therapists, get clinical perspectives from your peers, and learn their best practices.

See what other therapists have to say about us

BetterHelp provides a simple, efficient platform that empowers counselors to provide services autonomously, based on their own professional judgement. That autonomy is backed up by responsive support from BetterHelp staff, and a robust community of counselors offering peer support and consultation.
Jason M. Adams(MA, LPC, NCC)
My experience on the BetterHelp platform over the past 4 and 1/2 years has truly been life-changing. Not only have I been able to significantly enhance my own clinical skills, but I have been able to make a profound difference in the lives of thousands of people all around the world.
Jay Swedlaw(MS/Ed.S. LPC, LMHC)
BetterHelp has provided me the opportunity to have no overhead working from home part-time while also having more time to spend with my family and children. It's also been a professional growth experience for me to offer counseling through this online format.
Rebecca Wilson(MSW, LCSW)


  • Valid license to provide clinical therapy issued by a state board (e.g., LCSW, LMFT, LPC, PsyD, or similar credentials)
  • Individual NPI number
  • 3+ years of experience in therapy for adults, couples, and/or teens
  • Desktop or laptop computer with a reliable internet connection and a webcam
  • Currently residing in the U.S.

Note: Unfortunately, if you are an intern or require supervision to provide therapy services, you cannot be a provider at BetterHelp at this time. Therapists are not BetterHelp employees, but independent providers.

Fraud and privacy notice

BetterHelp does not require you to install an application to your computer, nor do we support chat apps such as Wire, WhatsApp, or Signal for any legitimate use. Therapists are not required to pay fees or incur any costs to join BetterHelp.