Aidarina (Aida) Basarudin-Pigott, LCSW
About me
Aida is an astute and an accomplished psychotherapist and hypnotherapist and a gifted intuitive who has, for the last 20 years, chosen to dedicate her life to helping others live in peace, free and liberated from the sufferings that bind them. For Aida, being a psychotherapist is more than a profession- she considers it as her mission and her purpose. Aida was born in Penang, an island located on the west coast of the Malaysian Peninsula. Her interest and curiosity in people developed early on in her life when she had the privilege of forming close friendships with many others whose culture and socioeconomic backgrounds differed from hers.
As a highly sensitive child, she took a keen interest in the human conditions, after encountering homeless individuals on the streets of Penang, and what she witnessed was etched deep in her soul. Yet it was only after she graduated from the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration that Aida realized her learning as a student of life had just begun. She heeded the echoes in her soul to bring psychiatry to the streets by serving the homeless living on the south and west sides of Chicago for 7 years. She is an avid proponent of equal access to mental health care-for several years, she dedicated herself to serving low-income seniors, clients with disabilities and clients living with HIV/AIDS by making home visits in economically distressed communities. Over the years, her strong desire to ease sufferings was evidenced by her work with Hospice, in drug rehabilitation centers, in hospital in-patient units, in nursing homes, in the courts system, in weight loss center and in private practice. She has seen through her years of living and working that none of us will leave this world unscathed; and with the same token, none of us is beyond redemption because we are all greater than the pains we had held within us.
Aida brings a wealth of knowledge, patience, perseverance, warmth, compassion, empathy, deep listening, humor, curiosity and creativity into her sessions to engage with her clients who are adolescent, young adults, adults and older adults. Her understanding of human nature combined with her deep emotional depth and a sharp intellect make her a therapist who gets it; and is therefore, able to form strong relationships even with her most resistant clients. She firmly believes that the medicine required for healing is embedded within the therapist-client relationship, making therapy an art form that is anchored in science. She is certain that peace-a priceless treasure- is achieved when we are awakened to our true selves, untainted by circumstances, or even traumas, that distort our perceptions of ourselves and others, and incapacitate our adaptability and functioning. Through her work, she has come to understand that self-distortion is at the root of our sufferings and influences how we relate to ourselves, to others and to circumstances. To that purpose, Aida is successful in serving many clients who have crossed her path due to her unrelentless pursuit in guiding them to journey deep into their psyche, to feel their emotions, to embrace all parts of themselves, in search of understanding what happened to them. She has helped her clients gain new insights about themselves, to shape their new decisions moving forward, to live the life they had always wanted but never quite knew how to achieve. She has seen through her years of living and serving that none of us will leave this world unscathed, yet none of us is beyond redemption, no matter what we endured, because we are all greater than the pains we have held within us.
Aida continues to attend to her own healing process as she walks through life with her clients. She considers herself a pilgrim seeking spiritual growth, seeking the pathless path towards an ever greater awareness, evolution, connection and Oneness with all creation. She is an avid student of Jungian psychology and altered states of consciousness as well as a long time practitioner of yoga and meditation. Her wisdom which she integrates into her sessions comes from studying various traditions including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Shamanism and the Yoga Sutras. She gives gratitude to her years of learning and healing under the guidance of her current teachers, David Hartman and Diane Zimberoff, who are founders of the Wellness Institute and Zacciah Blackburn who founded The Center of Light.
Professional experience
Additional areas of focus: Abandonment, Attachment issues, Body image, Caregiver issues and stress, Chronic pain, illness, and disability, Communication problems, Control issues, Divorce and separation, Forgiveness, Guilt and shame, Impulsivity, Isolation / loneliness, Life purpose, Midlife crisis, Mood disorders, Post-traumatic stress, Self-love, Sexuality, Social anxiety and phobia, Women's issues
License information
IL LCSW 149014315