Would you say that I exhibit signs of ADHD?

All my life I have struggled to stay focused on one thing at a time and have been called "scattered brained" by numerous people. It is hard for me to focus/retain the information given when reading a book for instance. Also, another example is that I tend to be a procrastinator and leave things till the very last minute. I also think i may struggle with anxiety as things that feel high pressure or that i'm scared of, often take me a lot longer to take care of/ complete.
Asked by SG

Good afternoon, 

ADHD includes persistent patterns of inattention or hyperactivity that interferes with functioning. It can include failing to give attention to details, inability to sustain attention, not listening when spoken to, not following through on instructions or tasks at work, difficulty with organization, avoiding tasks that require sustained mental effort, losing things, easily distracted, forgetful, and symptoms of hyperactivity.

In order to obtain a diagnosis, you would need to follow up with your PCP or other healthcare professional that can diagnose. It's important to note that things such as anxiety can have certain parts or characteristics of ADHD and not necessarily be ADHD. Just like there can be stressful days, but that does not mean there is a diagnosis of anxiety. We each can carry signs of many different ailments, but it is important to stay away from internet searches and social media for things as important as diagnoses of any kind regardless of physical wellbeing symptoms or mental health symptoms.

If the symptoms you mentioned are impeding your ability to meet life goals, progress at work or in your social life, then I would encourage you to reach out for counseling support as well. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can assist in helping you to change negative thought patterns that may be impeding your ability to focus and maintain attention to details. CBT can also assist in building self-esteem and increase confidence that will assist in getting things accomplished throughout each day.

Please also note, that no diagnosis would be given through the BetterHelp format and that in order to receive the most appropriate evaluation you must seek a healthcare professional with expertise in ADHD and it's symptoms to ensure the best treatment outcome. BetterHelp is equipped to provide you with counseling support ongoing to support your own personal goals and what you would like to achieve. Counseling is a process of self improvement in which you will need to practice strategies and new habits in order to obtain you personal goal achievements.

Please continue to reach out for support and I wish you the best of luck in achieving a better you!