How can I control my anger? I've been getting really frustrated lately

This disturbs me a lot - my cat, I love it very much, but she screams constantly & begs for food. This drives me nuts & I can't really control myself. My anger reaches its peak and I start yelling at my family. What can i do?
Asked by Gimmy

Hi! I hope you're having a good day so far!

I appreciate you for sharing your concern on your cat and how sometimes it can feel a little bit irritating having someone/ something relying on you. I wonder if this is your cat and if you made the conscious choice of having a pet in the house. if the answer is yes but you still feel a bit overwhelming having to continuously take care of them, I would take this as a new experience where you can feel what raising someone feels like. If the answer is no, I wonder why it is your role taking care of the cat.

Tell me a bit more about your anger; what triggers it, what makes it peak, how do you usually control it, what coping mechanisms do you use? As it happens to you, sometimes we vent or let our emotions out with who we feel closest too, perhaps this can be your family. Can it also be that you are trying to seek their attention somehow and show them your frustration and how overwhelmed you are feeling? Coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms can be helpful, but my recommendation would be to find one that is traditionally appropriate. I would try to rely on exercise, walking outside, eating/ sleeping enough hours, and doing whatever makes you feel good.

Another coping mechanism that may help can be getting into yoga/ meditation/ mindfulness/ and visualizing a positive experience (try to think about something that makes you relax and imagine that until it becomes real). Another exercise that may be helpful can be counting from 100 to 0 until you feel calm; again, it is okay to feel angry just try to let it out in an appropriate way.

Lastly, of course, therapy :) talking through things, learning about coping mechanisms and decompressing can be helpful. I encourage you to give therapy a try, see what it feels like and perhaps your issues will be solved faster than you think.

I am sure that by getting the appropriate techniques and using some breathing methods you will reach what you want to reach. I am available for any follow ups! good luck!