How can I rest? Get more energy throughout the day?

I am a 25 year old female who is working 40 hours per week. Lately I am feeling tired daily. I cannot rest my thoughts.. there is so much going on in my mind and my facial eczema is so bad that I constantly think people are going to cut me off because of that (that has happened to me before). I have troubles with people as well because they are strong minded and try to underestimate me. And when I speak about my opinion we are verbally fighting. That's something I don't like. If I am in trouble with someone, I am constantly thinking things over and over trying to understand what happened and how I can fix it..
How do I release all the stress and relax my soul??
Asked by Jane

Hello and thank you for taking the time to share some of your experiences. 

If it often difficult to manage work and personal stresses in our daily lives.  I think it is safe to say that our body reacts to stressful situations in a number of ways and yes, the reactions often include what you are experiencing.  With this being said, there are a couple of things I would like to suggest for you to try to integrate into a daily routine to assist you with stressful situations. 

First, daily self-care is so important as it allows us to reset our body (physically) and our minds (emotionally). Self-care behaviors are good to implement daily, at least one hour per day. Self-care does not have to be complicated as it is a way to reduce overthinking and over exertion of our mind.  So, watching a funny show or movie, taking a long bath with soft smelling candles and some soft music, taking a walk in the park or on the beach, mediation or yoga with soft music and maybe soft smelling candles, going to the gym/exercising, dimming your lights to a soft yellow or orange color, refraining from serious or in-depth conversations, refraining from working, refraining from taking care of your children (if you have any), and/or refraining from any outside distractions during your self-care time.  It takes exercising these self-care behavioral patterns daily, until it becomes a routine without you even thinking about it. 

Second, being okay with taking 5-10 minute breaks during work hours and walk around outside in the sun or sitting in your car or walking around the parking lot.  This will allow you to breathe in some fresh air throughout your day and release tension in your shoulders and back areas. It will also assist you with developing pro-active behaviors and not be reactive.  Count to 5 or 10 before responding to confrontations and/or conversations that others engage you in.  It is not always what is said, it is also how it is said (initiating and responding).

Try not to feel that you have to eat lunch with others or spend your break times with others.  Take time to be by yourself, because this is your personal time.  Often times, eating lunch by yourself can help, because it reduces the need to engage with others when you do not wish to do so.  It allows you to take that pressure off of yourself and be okay with your "self-time."  Others may not agree or or understand your positions, but that is okay.  It's okay to agree to disagree. 

Third, it is okay that you are not okay.  Everyone handles stresses in different ways, because we are all different.  Our body chemistry is different.  It is okay that you want or need to take a break for yourself after work.  Go for an hour or 30 minute drive after work to allow yourself to leave work at work and focus on what your evening will be like.  Allow yourself to breathe and be okay with enjoying the rest of your day doing what you want to do.  Try not to pressure yourself to please others or receive approval (validation) from others about your decisions. 

Fourth, take an entire day at least once a week to focus on you.  You deserve it and you work hard for it. 

Fifth, take one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, and one second at a time.  Rome wasn't created in one day and we are unable to create and solve our situations in one day.  Tomorrow, will take care of itself when it gets here.  Live for today and let tomorrow starts when it gets here. 

Sixth, enjoy embracing the good and the positive in your life.  Utilize drawing, coloring, painting, writing, reading, or any art or craft you can do to keep your mind from being idle.  If you do not have a hobby, identify one and embrace it. An idle mind is the devil's workshop.  Guard your mind with peaceful thoughts and positive actions. 

Seventh, self-talk is what we tell ourselves to be true, even if it is not.  Change your self-talk to positive constructive actions.  Handle or work to resolve what you have control of and let the rest go. As we often say, everyone should stay in their lane.  We only have control over ourselves and we cannot make anyone do anything.

Eighth, manage your diet in the amount of caffeine you drink (if any). Eat fruits and vegetables daily. Feed your body healthy foods, so it can provide your brain and body with healthy nutrients.  Be sure you are getting checkups from your doctor and sharing your concerns with him/her.  An unhealthy body is an unhealthy mind.  The body and mind works together to create an overall healthy YOU. 

Lastly, forgive yourself for whatever is holding you back or has held you back. Forgive yourself for the decisions you made that did not turn out as you expected them to.  Let it go, because you cannot change what is already done.  We learn from choices and our decisions so we can do better.  Seek professional individual help, if you feel like you need it.  Do not let it fester until it is out of control.  Professional help is here and ready when you are ready!

I hope I have said something to encourage you to "Embrace Life Responsibly" in being the best version of YOURSELF!!

Take care, Wendy