Why Mindfulness Matters?

Asked by Anonymous


Mindfulness allows us to be aware of our present conditions. We may notice that we are holding onto tension that we did not realize we had, or we may notice maladaptive thoughts of which we had not been fully aware. Mindfulness allows us to appreciate what is in front of us. A common mindfulness exercise is to slowly eat something, such as a raison, and appreciate its texture, smell, and the transformation of flavors. Because so many of us live busy lives, we may focus too much on what is behind us or ahead of us and not enough on what we are thinking and feeling at that very moment. We may notice our concentration improves as we can focus more completely on tasks in front of us.


Another key component of mindfulness is acceptance. Because mindfulness focuses on the hear-and-now, it can be useful to reduce worry about possible future events. Additionally, if we struggle with thinking about a past event, mindfulness can reduce the guilt, grief, resentment, etc., of whatever past event occupies our mind. Many problems identified by those in therapy can involve trying to control something that cannot be controlled while failing to control something that the person does have control over. Because mindfulness can help us to become more aware of what we can control and accept what we cannot, we may feel empowered while also feeling that we can let go of the thoughts and feelings that are unhealthy for us. With acceptance, there is more opportunity for gratitude and peace.

A New Way Of Living

By achieving greater awareness and acceptance, we may notice several positive changes in our lives. For one, we may sleep better because we worry less about the future and focus less on the past. Mindfulness strategies can be helpful for those with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and even those with chronic pain, and you may notice that your mental health improves. Mindfulness is also linked to increased creativity (artists will often practice mindfulness techniques for inspiration). While mindfulness may be challenging for someone not used to it at first, it can quickly become an enjoyable part of your daily life.