Do any of the therapists do in person meetings?
BetterHelp counselors only do sessions via the computer, such as video sessions, which are face to face with your therapist. I believe some therapists have private practices, but I don't believe they are allowed to solicit for private practice clients through this venue. If you are in search of someone to do private practice, you could look up your insurance company and find out what mental health counselors they cover with their insurance. You might also be able to access you EAP through the company that you might be working with. You can also be in contact with BetterHelp by e-mailing them and making sure they are aware of your situation and that you can locate the type of counselor that you are looking for. Maybe you were not aware that BetterHelp is for online counseling only. There are many very qualified therapists on this venue that you may want to try. Most therapists do face-to-face video sessions and could possibly provide you with the type of interaction that you are looking for. You may want to try this method of counseling as it can be much more convenient since you do not need to go to someone's office and have access to them much more through the ability to message your therapist whenever you'd like. They will respond to you usually within twenty-four hours. It is very easy to use the forum and in my experience, even people that are not computer savvy have learned how to use this system easily. It is very personal when you are having a video session with your therapist. It is just you and the therapist and they respond to you in a very professional setting that could give you the knowledge that you are receiving the most personal and direct care possible. I have had many video sessions with members and both they and I have found the sessions to be very personal and private. I hope this helps you in deciding how to manage your situation and I truly hope that you can give BetterHelp video sessions a try. I think you might really find the sessions helpful.