Does the therapist and client have to reside in the same state?
On BetterHelp, no you do not have to be living in the same state as your therapist to explore and engage in the counseling process. Currently, I have clients in New York and California in addition to my homestate of South Dakota. Right now, states are accepting emergency licensures and allowing therapists to work across state lines. After some research into Wisconsin news and legislation (i.e. emergency executive orders and publich health websites), it appears they are extending the emergency services and capability for counselors from other states to help serve Wisconsin communities. Translation, this means you'll have more access to more therapists.
As for the therapist you were referred to, I'm not sure if they have applied for emergency licensure and/or provide telehealth services. This is something you can always call and check in with. Here at BetterHelp, it's a matter of signing up and getting matched.
In addition, BetterHelp's multi-connectivity platform allows for remote telehealth from anywhere in the world! You have three live session options (chat/phone/video) and can message your therapist at any time. Most of my clients have found the variety of methods to connect to be very helpful before/during/after live sessions, which most traditional in person therapists don't offer.
I can attest as a therapist from South Dakota, I have had opportunities to not only help those within rural communities throughout the state, but also have been providing therapy to various states within the US as well as countries (e.g. Canada, Germany, France, UK, Scotland). I've worked with military clients and/or individuals who travel for their occupation in which they are temporarily away from their home state. This is definitely a benefit to both members and counselors to be able to continue processing & checking in, having access to process in the moment versus waiting for the next session.
If you are ready to start, there are therapists like myself available to start today. I hope that the information I provided helps with your seeking of services and understanding of how to proceed. You've come to the right place to start the journey!