Can I use one therapist for personal therapy and couples therapy?

I have been struggling to seek a personal therapist to help me with some personal issues, as well as relationship issues. We both agree that we need therapy and he has agreed to participate. What should we do.
Asked by Ciara

Thank you for this question. I am glad you are seeking a personal therapist to help with your personal issues. Couples therapy would be good as well. My suggestion would be to keep the personal therapist as just a personal therapist. and then seek a couples therapist so it is neutral. When you use your personal therapist for a couples session sometimes a bias occurs and can be a barrier to progress towards any individual goals you are making efforts to change.

Sometimes you can schedule an intake session to discuss goals and the things that you are working on, or want to work on. If you feel it's a good fit, then continue to schedule sessions accordingly. Practicing skills you learn in therapy outside of the therapy sessions are just as important. Especially when couples sessions are involved. He can participate in one or two individual sessions when it's time to talk about the relationship concerns. Some therapist do it that way as well. 
Again you have a right to decide and see what is going to be best suited for yourself and your partner. My recommendation would be to work on individual stuff first and then figure out what you want the relationship to look like and be like moving forward.
Great question and I hope that you are able to find what you are looking for in creating a healthy happy relationship with one another.