I am a professional counselor licensed in Pennsylvania and Maryland, as well as nationally certified. I am also certified in school counseling k-12. I have worked with varying age groups and populations. I started out my professional career in a social service department in a hospital. Following this, I have worked in schools, as well as various mental health agencies. Most recently I was the director of a mental health and drug and alcohol facility.
During my career as a clinical psychotherapist, I strived to become a very well-rounded clinician, working with multiple modalities along with ongoing continued education to provide the best care to those I served. I am in the process of earning my PhD. While I do utilize multiple modalities such as DBT, CBT, and SFT, I believe in a person-centered approach overall, as each individual is unique and thus deserves the approach and style that best fits their own unique needs. Additionally, I have worked with addictions extensively both individually and in a group format. I have taken extensive training in gambling addiction and have run IOP for drug and alcohol groups for many years.
I believe wholeheartedly in providing validation and helping my clients understand the importance of self-validation. No matter what the struggle is my clients are facing, I believe that they have the strength within them to overcome their obstacles. I strive to help them find that strength.
Additional areas of focus:LGBT, Relationship issues, Family conflicts, Intimacy-related issues, Eating disorders, Sleeping disorders, Parenting issues, Self esteem, Career difficulties, Bipolar disorder, Compassion fatigue, ADHD, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), Drug and alcohol addiction, Mood disorders, Social anxiety and phobia
These quotes represent just a few of the many positive reviews that we have received for Denise Larson. We don't pay anyone to provide their review and they are all made voluntarily. Some people's experience receiving therapy with BetterHelp might be different.
Ms. Larson has provided me many helpful tools to improve my relationship with my family.
Written on Feb 28, 2025 after therapy with Denise for 1 year and 9 months on issues concerning stress, anxiety, relationship issues, family conflicts, intimacy-related issues, and adhd
Denise is very personable and easy to talk to. After my first few sessions, I can say that I see a difference in my mental state. She’s very easygoing which her easy to talk to.
Written on Feb 23, 2024 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, addictions, relationship issues, family conflicts, trauma and abuse, grief, intimacy-related issues, eating disorders, self esteem, coping with life changes, and compassion fatigue
Denise listens to you in details. Respects and understands my situation. She has a great experience and confidence. I'd highly recommend her.
Written on Feb 12, 2024 after therapy with Denise for 3 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, trauma and abuse, grief, sleeping disorders, self esteem, career difficulties, compassion fatigue, and adhd
Denise was fantastic. She listened, supported, and offered information to be utilized outside of our sessions.
Written on Jan 10, 2024 after therapy with Denise for 1 month on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, family conflicts, and compassion fatigue
Denise has been an amazing therapist to me for more than a year. Her friendly and calm demeanor is always so welcoming each week. She listens intently and offers great suggestions and feedback during our sessions. I would recommend her to any and everyone facing life's traumas and day to day issues. Please give her a try, you won't regret it!
Written on Oct 27, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 1 year and 4 months on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, family conflicts, and grief
Denise is fantastic! She is a good listener, has a sense of humor, and is knowledgable and shares a lot of resources and good ideas. She does a really good job at educating me and helping me find ways to help myself. I highly recommend her.
Written on Aug 17, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning relationship issues, family conflicts, and trauma and abuse
Amazing therapist would definitely recommend if you are struggling with anxiety or any issues she covers. She is reliable and experienced. She makes you feel comfortable in exploring you're issues .
Written on Jul 24, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 6 months on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, and self esteem
Denise is extremely kind and a great listener. She provides helpful ways to manage my mind and things get better for me every day.
Written on Jun 10, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 3 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, family conflicts, self esteem, and adhd
Denise is a wonderful therapist. I have never felt judged by her and she really listens. She’s also quick to respond and does her very best to accommodate my crazy schedule.
Written on Apr 08, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 4 months on issues concerning depression, trauma and abuse, and self esteem
She is awesome. I recommend her all the time
Written on Mar 14, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 1 year on issues concerning stress, anxiety, grief, and anger management
Denise is great. She is very easy to talk to. I feel like I can be honest with her.
Written on Jan 20, 2023 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, family conflicts, eating disorders, compassion fatigue, and adhd
Denise is amazing! I've tried therapy before and never really "clicked" with anyone but she makes everything feel less scary!
Written on Nov 30, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 3 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, addictions, relationship issues, trauma and abuse, and self esteem
Denise Larson listens, hears, and understands what I explain, and she works through the situations I need help with. Offering expertise with her knowledge, and a variety of ways to discuss and work through things, it helps me after every call. Denise’s insight has been instrumental in improving the way I approach problems and situations that I often have difficulty with. So grateful for her advice!!
Written on Nov 28, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning family conflicts, parenting issues, and coping with life changes
So far so great. I think I will learn a lot and fully anticipate healing from her help
Written on Sep 16, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, intimacy-related issues, self esteem, career difficulties, bipolar disorder, and adhd
I'm very thankful for her help.
Written on Jul 08, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning relationship issues
I’m so grateful for Denise, she has helped me in the few sessions we had together. She gives me insights and perspectives that are truly helpful and enlightening. I highly recommend her!
Written on Jul 06, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, lgbt, relationship issues, family conflicts, trauma and abuse, intimacy-related issues, parenting issues, self esteem, and adhd
Denise is super. Your software and app leave a lot to be desired.
Written on Jun 24, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 3 weeks on issues concerning depression
Denise has a calming voice and understand me and has patience
Written on Jun 17, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning stress, anxiety
Caring, compassionate, approachable, supportive, diligent - all the best qualities of a therapist.
Written on May 17, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 months on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, trauma and abuse, grief, self esteem, anger management, career difficulties, bipolar disorder, compassion fatigue, and adhd
Very knowledgeable, very calming and attentive to feelings
Written on May 02, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, family conflicts, trauma and abuse, intimacy-related issues, and sleeping disorders
She’s a great and understanding person and opens my eyes to new thinking
Written on Apr 29, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, addictions, relationship issues, grief, and anger management
So far so good, very kind and understanding individual! Love working with her!
Written on Apr 21, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, trauma and abuse, eating disorders, self esteem, anger management, and bipolar disorder
She is very delightful and easy to talk to!!
Written on Mar 24, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 1 month on issues concerning grief
I have done therapy for several years in the past and this is the best experience I have had with anyone or any program.
Written on Mar 10, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, family conflicts, coping with life changes, eating disorders, and adhd
I enjoy working with her
Written on Mar 10, 2022 after therapy with Denise for 2 weeks on issues concerning stress, anxiety, relationship issues, anger management, and coping with life changes
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