John Gartner, Psychologist
About me
I've practiced psychotherapy for many decades now. During that time, I also wrote books and taught psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins Medical School. My areas of specialization are bipolar type 2 and borderline personality disorder.
I've also worked with many entrepreneurs since the publication of my book in 2005, The Hypomanic Edge: The Link Between ( a Little) Craziness and (a Lot of ) Success in America.
What's different about me is that after receiving the finest traditional training, I've integrated what I know with meditation. Mindfulness, especially when combined with therapy, provides self-awareness and self-control, an antidote to the bad judgement, impulsivity and acting-out that causes most of the problems. More meditation can mean less medication, if you develop the capacity to slow things down and become more calm and objective. Medication is a blunt instrument, and in my opinion, many patients are over-medicated.
More recently, I'm working with research subjects who have undergone psilocybin therapy, for a book, "The Cosmic Consciousness Cure." Effecting the same brain areas as meditation, psilocybin therapy produces a quantum leap in mindfulness. I'd be happy to speak with anyone seeking legal psilocybin treatment. I can't provide it, but it is
now legally available in Oregon. National FDA approval is pending.
Professional experience
License information
NY Psychologist 010555
MD Psychologist 02252