Kwasi Boaitey, LCSW
About me
Often in our lives we may encounter experiences which our current adaptive skills no longer serve us. Acceptance, compassion, and honesty with yourself can be challenging. Reaching out for support is an opportunity. It is during these times of discomfort that being met where you are, with what you have may be an opportunity to change the current course of your life. You are the expert and author of your experience. As a holder of the space of which we share in session, I employ various modalities of support and treatment to bring clarity, movement, and healing to your experience. My goal is to help you achieve your wellness goals through patience, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.
Professional experience
Additional areas of focus: Attachment issues, Communication problems, Divorce and separation, Impulsivity, Isolation / loneliness, Life purpose, Midlife crisis, Mood disorders, Narcissism, Panic disorder and panic attacks, Post-traumatic stress, Sexuality, Social anxiety and phobia
License information
NY LCSW 095273