
Expressive arts therapy is a comprehensive and diverse approach to therapy that hinges from the inherent human inclination for self-expression. This form of therapy harnesses multiple artistic techniques such as writing, music, visual arts, drama, and dance to facilitate a healthy externalization of inner thoughts and feelings.

Through the use of various external elements like words, sounds, colors, and movements, expressive arts therapy involves collaboration with a trained therapist, who guides individuals in exploring and examining their emotional responses to participation in different expressive art forms.

In contrast to specialists like music therapists, drama therapists, or dance therapists, expressive arts therapists adopt a multi-faceted approach, creating the flexibility to customize methods according to each client's distinct needs.

How it works

Expressive arts therapy merges psychology with creative expression to foster emotional growth and healing. This therapeutic approach encompasses various art forms, all of which share the common aspect of engaging multiple senses for the purpose of conveying internal emotions, externally. A person does not need to have artistic ability in order to benefit from expressive arts therapy. The focus is not on the outcome, but the process of creating.

Unlike arts practitioners trained in specific therapies, expressive arts therapists specialize in interpreting creative output. Through the facilitation of multi-faceted forms of expression, a creative arts therapist guides individuals through the process of channeling their emotions into art.

Expressive arts therapy generally centers around four key aspects: expression, imagination, active participation, and the mind–body connection. This therapeutic approach encourages clients to utilize various creative forms like drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, music, drama, poetry, prose, dance, and more to communicate their inner thoughts. 

Through this process, individuals transition from everyday emotions to imaginative realms, often leading to profound self-discovery and emotional well-being. Therapists may also incorporate additional approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy to enhance growth.

What to expect

Expressive arts therapy offers a diverse range of modalities that clients may engage with, including journaling, storytelling, literary exploration, life mapping, video creation, and memory book compilation. Within the realm of expressive arts therapy, there are four fundamental healing approaches that may be expected during the process. 

  1. Movement: Incorporating movement into expressive arts therapy sessions can be profoundly liberating. Participants might be encouraged to engage in spontaneous dance, guided movement exercises, or even using their bodies to create shapes or forms that symbolize their emotions. For example, a survivor of a traumatic event might express their journey of healing through a choreographed dance, depicting their progression from turmoil to resilience.
  2. Sound: The use of sound, such as vocalization, toning, or playing musical instruments, taps into the primal nature of human expression. Clients can release pent-up emotions and communicate aspects of their experiences that words might not capture fully. Imagine a person who has undergone a period of grief; through the resonating tones of a singing bowl, they can channel their feelings of loss and find a sense of catharsis.
  3. Narrative Conveyed Through Imagery: Visual arts, like painting, drawing, or sculpture, allow individuals to externalize their internal narratives. This can be particularly beneficial when working through trauma.1 An example might be an individual who has experienced a car accident using clay to mold a scene that recreates the event. Through this process, they can explore their emotions and regain a sense of agency over their narrative.
  4. Introspective Practices Involving Silence and Self-Regulation: In contrast to the expressive approaches mentioned earlier, introspective practices involve stillness and silence. This might include reading, meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises. 

With a wide variety of artistic avenues available to serve as vehicles for emotional expression and self-discovery, individuals can expect to explore their inner worlds in a safe and supportive environment. 

Who it benefits

The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) emphasizes the powerful fusion of artistic processes with psychology and community education to facilitate enhanced creativity, heightened clarity, and profound healing. This therapeutic approach offers a unique opportunity for a wide spectrum of individuals to benefit, including those living with substance use disorders,2 ADHD,3 PTSD,4 anxiety, depression, chronic illness, or disabilities.  

Due to its fluid nature, expressive arts therapy encompasses a variety of adaptable creative activities suitable for diverse individuals and settings, often requiring minimal materials. The central focus on the creative journey itself, rather than the final output, ensures that expressive arts therapy is available to everyone, regardless of prior artistic experience or training.

In combination with traditional talk therapy, the incorporation of expressive arts techniques enhances the therapeutic process by allowing individuals to engage in methods that resonate personally with them. While some may find comfort in verbal expression, others, such as young children or nonverbal individuals, can harness the benefits of artistically focused activities, therefore expanding the reach and impact of therapeutic intervention. 

Goals for therapy

Expressive arts therapy merges psychological insight with the creative process, fostering personal growth and self-discovery. This method of therapy encompasses a broad spectrum of therapeutic goals, each tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of the individuals. Through an array of creative expressions, expressive arts therapists aim to help the participant achieve therapeutic goals, such as:

  1. Emotional Expression: Encouraging the use of creative mediums to articulate and release pent-up emotions, providing a cathartic outlet for emotional release and processing.
  2. Self-Exploration: Engaging in diverse artistic activities to deepen self-awareness and gain insights into personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences, promoting introspection and self-reflection.
  3. Stress Reduction: Harnessing the power of expressive arts as a tool for relaxation and stress management, offering a calming and rejuvenating experience amidst life's challenges.
  4. Coping Skills: Cultivating adaptive coping mechanisms by channeling emotions into creative outlets, empowering individuals to navigate adversity and build resilience through artistic expression.
  5. Enhanced Communication: Facilitating the development of effective communication skills by encouraging the expression of complex emotions and experiences through art, transcending linguistic barriers and fostering meaningful connections.
  6. Self-Discovery: Facilitate a journey of self-exploration and discovery, enabling individuals to uncover hidden talents, strengths, and aspects of their identity through creative expression.
  7. Healing Trauma: Provide a safe and supportive space for processing traumatic experiences, fostering healing and resilience through art-making and storytelling.
  8. Empowerment: Empower individuals to reclaim agency and autonomy over their lives, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy through the creative process.
  9. Narrative Reconstruction: Assist individuals in reconstructing personal narratives and meaning-making processes, promoting integration and coherence in one's life story through artistic expression.
  10. Symbolic Expression: Encourage symbolic expression and metaphorical language in the exploration of personal themes and experiences, unlocking deeper layers of meaning and insight.
  11. Coping with Grief and Loss: Provide a compassionate space for navigating grief and loss, offering solace and opportunities for remembrance, memorialization, and honoring of loved ones through creative rituals and expressions.
  12. Personal Growth: Support ongoing personal growth and transformation, fostering self-awareness, self-acceptance, and the pursuit of meaningful life changes through the expressive arts journey.


In one study conducted in 2019, researchers investigated the potential benefits of expressive arts therapy and music reminiscence activities for elderly individuals grappling with mild cognitive impairment. The results found that under the guidance of qualified professionals, expressive arts therapy exhibited promising results in enhancing overall cognitive function. These findings highlighted the importance of mentally and emotionally stimulating activities when mitigating cognitive decline among older adults.

Furthermore, a controlled trial conducted in 2020 within senior communities shed light on the therapeutic effects of coloring activities. Participants engaged in a 20-minute mandala coloring session, which led to a significant reduction in anxiety levels

Notably, the participants reported experiencing an overall improvement in mood and a reduction in stress following the coloring session. These findings underscore the potential of creative interventions or enjoyable avenues for relaxation when promoting emotional well-being and mental health.

Finding therapy

Expressive arts therapy is a versatile practice that can be located through a variety of avenues, including the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. While specifically tailored expressive arts therapy may be available through individual practitioners, community centers, counseling clinics, and holistic wellness centers often provide group sessions or continuing education workshops facilitated by expressive arts therapists. Furthermore, the integration of expressive arts therapy into treatment programs in hospitals and mental health facilities highlights its recognition within mainstream healthcare settings.

In addition to these options, the rise of online therapy platforms has made it easier for individuals to engage in expressive arts therapy remotely. Certain platforms may offer opportunities to connect with qualified therapists who specialize in expressive arts therapy, or licensed practitioners who can offer additional information and guidance on whether expressive arts therapy is right for you. 

Online therapy can provide more convenient access to these transformative therapeutic experiences, with its increased availability ensuring individuals can embark on their journey of self-discovery and emotional healing, regardless of location or mobility constraints.

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